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2014 Atlanta Braves Thread: HOF SMOLTZIE!

So Freddi's gotta be fired right? Would actually think about firing Wren too.
It's funny that Wren's trades and little moves have mostly been hugely successful, but his big FA signings have been enormous busts -- Kawakami and Lowe (though, IMO, there were mitigating circumstances there in that we had no SPs and had to make a signing), Uggla and Upton. Since the Braves do way more of the former than the latter (and I would say going forward it may be a while before Wren signs any big deals with outside FAs), I'm inclined to keep him. It's also interesting though that it doesn't seem like we have drafted well the past few years, and I'm not sure how much responsibility Wren should have for that.

Fredi, I don't care. Thought he made strides last year, but then he hit BJ Upton leadoff like 75 games and that killed my soul inside.

It'll be interesting to see what they do with the hitting coaches, Walker and Fletcher. The offense improved in 2012 and 2013 over the abomination that was Larry Parrish's tenure, but obviously it has been hugely disappointing this year. How much blame do they deserve? I have no idea.
I am with SayHey, in that I like Wren (FA is such an inefficient market, that almost ALL long term deals end up looking bad) and his trades and minor moves have been excellent for the most part. The only things I fault him for are signing Uggla to an extension so quickly (guys with his skill set tend to fall off really quickly once they hit 30, and he certainly did that), and then extending Chris Johnson earlier this year. Although, to be fair, if you look at Johnson's 2012 and 2013 seasons, 3/24 is not that bad, he just happened to fall off a cliff this year.

As for Fredi, I also thought he improved after 2011, but he has been pretty damn bad this year. I also think his shortcomings in the clubhouse were masked by Huddy/Rossy/Mac/Chipper and the like, and this year he is being exposed as both bad tactically, and bad in managing the clubhouse/personalities etc. I usually roll my eyes at all the "team chemistry" stuff, but when pretty much everyone who covers the team has mentioned it, something has to be going on.
2014 Atlanta Braves Thread (61-59): good riddance

Aside from Uggla's single-game suspension, I haven't read much about chemistry problems, although if there were poor morale, it wouldn't be surprising. I guess there was also that thing when Hale shooed off the trainer and it pissed off Fredi, although that to me seemed way overblown. And of course Chris Johnson always has his semi-annual meltdown. What else has been reported?
Awesome game at the Ted tonight - $1 hot dogs, $.25 peanuts, streaker with amazing tan lines jumping over the dugout right by us, and a Braves win. If only there were throwback prices on the beer too . . .
Aside from Uggla's single-game suspension, I haven't read much about chemistry problems, although if there were poor morale, it wouldn't be surprising. I guess there was also that thing when Hale shooed off the trainer and it pissed off Fredi, although that to me seemed way overblown. And of course Chris Johnson always has his semi-annual meltdown. What else has been reported?

Say Hey -- More just vague references from Bowman, Schultz, and DOB. Only other specific I can remember is stuff on guys not being at their locker to talk to media after tough games (Simmons definitely once, along with some relievers at different points). Again, nothing that seems that big a deal (and something that media guys will tend to blow out of proportion since it has a direct impact on them), but, general thought that "its not how the Braves do things: and Huddy/Mac etc would not have let that fly, and that there is no one on this year's team to step up in their place.
That's what you hear from every team that is underperforming and you never hear from a team that is winning. Bottom line..."chemistry" is more about wins and loses than anything else.
Oh man, if you're going to run out on the field, you MUST be naked. That was amazing.
So the A's are the best team in the AL?

The pop fly over the 2B head for the Barves right now is the other team's best offensive play.

Btw, what is going on w/ this team now?
Who are these Braves and what have they done w/ the Barves?