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2014 Resolutions


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2011
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What are the Pit's New Years Resolutions?

Mine is to lose 10lbs before the wedding in June, and I'll come up with another more meaningful resolution before tonight.

Last year I worked crazy hours and a lot of weekends, so my resolution was to spend less time at work and more time on more meaningful things. I never specified the 'meaningful things'; rather, I more or less adopted Jim Carrey's life model in 'Yes Man' and always jumped at the opportunity to do things with the people I love. Granted, a lot of my newfound free time in 2012 has been wasted on Workaholics and (recently) Skyrim, but spending less time at work was a huge life enhancement. I am glad I made the observation from a cost benefit basis that it made no sense for me to work ~70hr weeks to get promoted a few months or years sooner than if I put in normal hours.
-Continue working out and eating healthy DONE
-Improve my sewing/Sew all my clothes for a year HAVEN'T REALLY BOUGHT MUCH
-planche to handstand FUCK NO!
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I need to be more outgoing wrt strangers and cut down the amount of meat in my diet. Should probably set a mileage goal for running but I haven't.
Get a new job in NYC.
Floss (both meanings)
Start contributing to my 401k again.
work out more / find a work life balance (I tend to work instead of working out)
travel more for pleasure
stay home more instead of having to go visit people on weekends
Lose 20 lbs over the year. I've lost about 5 and a pant size in the last two months.

Complete the aggressive research plan for my project.

Meet family financial goals.

Do a better job keeping in touch with local friends particularly those with kids my kids' ages.

Do a better job keeping in touch with.old friends out of town.
work out more / find a work life balance (I tend to work instead of working out)
travel more for pleasure
stay home more instead of having to go visit people on weekends

Your last two goals don't seem to match. If you're single and/or no kids travel and go out as much as you can.
- don't care so much about pounds lost, but my sister just gave me a bunch of her old jeans that are too small for her (and about 2 sizes too small for me at the moment too). I want to be able to fit into them by June.

- buy a house

- fall in love (if not with a person, then with a new hobby)

-be more adventurous in general
I resolve to continue to make fun of people who make resolutions.
Get back to having a healthy diet and work out more.

Explore new career opportunities.

Drink lots of bourbon (ok...so that's the same resolution I have every year, but it's the only one that I always see through!)
Lose 80 lbs by football season.
Stop being so laid back all the time, aggressively pursue my goals.
Complete P90X, this time without skipping any of the lifting days (or at least making up any missed ones)
Shoot 66 or better on a legit course.
Get married without going insane
Change jobs by May 1st.
Take a trip to Europe.
Your last two goals don't seem to match. If you're single and/or no kids travel and go out as much as you can.

Married but no kids.

Right now we have been traveling a lot to meet family demands. For instance, during the month of December, we were only home 1 weekend. The rest of the time we were visiting his family (those trips I end up driving over 300 miles over 2 days), except for one weekend where we went on a nice weekend vacation with my family. Basically, we're going to stop always being the ones visiting since the road goes both ways.

We'd like to travel more for pleasure, which is not what we have been able to do.
I've already lost about 60 pounds since April. My goal was to get below 200 before April 2013. I have about 15-20 more pounds to go.

Running a half marathon in March. Running the Cooper Bridge 10k in April.

Not sure that 2013 has a marathon in the cards, but I might contemplate a fall half.

Finish paying off credit card debt.

I started a lot of these endeavors last spring, so it's more about continuation.