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2020 Presidential Election: Biden v. Trump

If he's arguing the Fox News guy is too mean, he must've flopped bad.
I don’t even think he cares except for his fragile ego. Like he knows he is losing but has created a world in which he is losing only because of people out to get him, or fraud, etc... The scenario is already there, he is declaring himself winner on election night and immediately looking for a friendly court to stop vote counting. The proud boys thing is for Election Day and those immediately after. Things are going to get much darker.
Undecided voters describe Trump as a 'crackhead,' 'arrogant' in post-debate focus group

The first presidential debate left undecided American voters in agreement about at least one thing: President Trump's negativity.

Republican consultant and pollster Frank Luntz asked his focus group to use one word to describe the president and basically "every single word was negative," observed Politico's Tim Alberta. One respondent from Wisconsin called Trump obnoxious and un-presidential, while a Pennsylvania voter said he behaved like a "crackhead." Others described the president as being "un-American" and "arrogant."

In all, from 17 voters in swing states, 15 used negative words and just two used positive words or phrases to describe the president (that is, if you consider "an ass but a confident ass" to be a compliment).

All good.

This is why I'm torn whether to go ahead and fill out and turn in my ballot now or wait four weeks to early vote in person. My hope is that Biden is projected to win Florida on Election Day and puts makes this a moot point.

You should be fine since Florida counts mail in ballots in real time. They'll know who won before many states.
Fortunately the next debate is townhall style with actual voters asking questions. He’s even more fucked if he pulls the same antics next week.
Any of you who were still worried about the outcome of the election should rest easy after this evening. That was, without question, the worst debate performance in the history of American Presidential politics. Donald Trump is running Biden's campaign brilliantly.
Are you kidding me? Trump would have walked all over Warren. I love Warren, I think she's smart and I would like to see her as President. But to say that she would have done better than Biden is just preposterous. And we know this because Hillary is incredibly smart and did better than Biden and she still lost. Bernie - doesn't matter. We knew all along that Bernie is too far left for mainstream voters.

Warren would have destroyed Trump tonight. She's a wank. No doubt about it. But she's a solid debater. And, frankly, a house plant would have beaten Trump tonight. Worst debate performance in history.
I watched this Crooked Media video this afternoon with a guy from the Doug Jones campaign. He made a rather bold comparison (starting at 4:45) saying this election reminded him of 1980 with a weak incumbent and old challenger that's close going into the first debate. He explained that voters were just looking for Reagan to counter the Carter narrative that Reagan was too old and too far to the right (he was and he was), but Reagan's performance addressed those concerns and let to a big swing for Republicans even in tight Senate races.

After tonight, that's possible. Again, it's only 5 weeks until Election Day. People are already voting. The next President debate is two weeks from Thursday. I don't think there is enough time for Trump to make up for this. Coronavirus is going to get worse with states trying to open up before the election. The scandals are going to get worse and the GOP is going to look bad pushing through Barrett while all this is going on.

Now obviously, Biden isn't going to win 49 states like Reagan did because we are in a different era. But the latest Cook Political Report moved Iowa and Ohio to toss ups.

If Biden only wins the states that Lean Democrat, he gets to 290. A 1980 scenario would have him win those plus the toss ups (FL, GA, IA, OH, ME2, NC) and the only state that Leans Republican, Texas. That would get him to 355.

https://cookpolitical.com/sites/default/files/2020-09/EC Ratings.092920.2.pdf?

Such a scenario would flip 10 GOP Senate seats and hold AL.

Not likely, but it's worth watching how the Trump campaign handles this.