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2020 Presidential Election: Biden v. Trump

That tweet thread is fascinating. They’re immune to facts and it’s mostly because they don’t get news or have little way to interpret it. I don’t think they knew that people in Harris’ staff tested positive so Harris rescheduled events for this weekend. I don’t think they knew about the debate on Thursday and taking a few days to debate prep is common. Everything is filtered through this fake Hunter Biden controversy.
So biden suspends negative campaign ads while dear leader was suffering from another hoax plaguing his campaign (covid 19). trump continues to double down on the insults and threats. What happens when a public official's life is threatened? He keeps the heat pouring out. But hey, col anus gets to own the libs vicariously through dear leader. Oh, and she had it coming amiright?
Trumps disastrous debate performance certainly moved some people towards Biden. What does Trump say he is going to do when asked about the next debate, same thing as last time, no prep needed just fling shit like usual. Meanwhile Biden takes time to prepare like any fucking competent person would do. Trump might want to hide in his White House bunker until election day as its pretty obvious that everything he does, while firing up his deplorable shit head, Qanon loving, dumb as shit base, turns off every other sane American
Yeah, the notion that the Biden campaign is doing anything other than prepping for the next (and final) debate on Thursday is a real stretch by right-wing media. And there's nothing wrong with that, and it's pretty typical practice for most normal (not insane) presidential campaigns. Of course Trump isn't going to prepare, and to date that practice hasn't done him any favors, as his disastrous first debate and not-much-better town hall shows. But hey, let's pretend that either Biden is hunkering down because Fox and the NY Post are beating the drum on another distraction (Benghazi! Hillary's Emails! Hunter Biden!), or that he needs to rest up while Dear Leader is out there just killing it on the hustings. Right.
Great job sailor and angus pouncing on that lid. You guys are doing great work during this campaign, terrific.
Who does trump attack first at the debate? Biden, Hillary, or Welker? My money says trump comes out swinging about moderator bias to set the stage for the day after talking points.
Who does trump attack first at the debate? Biden, Hillary, or Welker? My money says trump comes out swinging about moderator bias to set the stage for the day after talking points.

I'm with you. He sets up the "media bias" argument early.
Pffft, original Hamilton cast, what a joke.

On the other hand the real get is original Beach Boys. Well, original minus Al Jardine. Oh and no Brian Wilson either, but he's not that important to the Beach Boys from what I understand.

I like how they are claiming Trump won the first debate over both Biden and the moderator. I didn't think that was how debates worked. Also, everybody lost that first debate, especially the American people.
Foreign policy = Hunter Biden

Joe needs to have some ready to go comments to shut down the Hunter Biden BS. Something like “Hunter’s business dealings are totally irrelevant to this election and even if it were relevant, discussing whether our kids are corrupt and using their fathers name to gain access and accrue wealth is not a conversation you want to try and have, Donald.” Then rattle off Eric stealing from a children’s cancer charity, Don Jr getting book deals when the guy can barely write a coherent Instagram post, and Ivanka and Jared taking “jobs” in the White House as a ruse build an international fashion business and real Estate empires.

Well if there’s anything we know about trump is that he has the discipline to sit on news like this for a few days.
I like how they are claiming Trump won the first debate over both Biden and the moderator. I didn't think that was how debates worked. Also, everybody lost that first debate, especially the American people.

I like the projection of blaming the commission for the debates being a fiasco. Nah, couldn't have been the guy who talked throughout the entire thing and showed up to the debates AFTER CATCHING COVID.
Did Joe really call “a lid” on his campaigning till after the debate Thursday?
I mean, really? Dos it feel to Dems that he’s pulling a little Hillary with 14 days before Election Day?
Holy shit what a fucking baby.

And yet it's liberals who are snowflakes. Trump and right-wing media have whined incessantly about these debates/town halls since the moment the first one ended. And lol at Trump caring about "topics" of any kind. Even if they did agree to have it be about foreign policy he wouldn't stick to that topic, he'd just rant and rave as usual. I suspect they want it to be about "foreign policy" so they can go back to hammering on the Hunter Biden thing, or whatever story the WS Journal or some other Murdoch-owned media site throws at Biden this week or next week as their big "October surprise." I fully expect Trump to incessantly hammer Biden on Hunter or something similar to try and break his composure like he did last time. It's not like Trump is going to win this on policy proposals (he has none) or better ideas. <snort>