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ACA Running Thread

Interesting when you choose to defend Senator McCain and when you don't.

By the by, I don't really have a problem with his vote. I think the process is stupid, and it is clear your party has no idea what to do about healthcare. But as a Senator, he can cast whatever vote he chooses.

Johnny Mack doesn't need my help in his own defense. In this case, I'm defending my eyes from the 100th best example (out of 100) to make that point.
1. Clearly semantics. We have been talking healthcare for years/decades now. To say that today's vote helps bring debate to healthcare is asinine.
3. We clearly just disagree on this.

3. Seriously? Just last week congress said no. Trump applied the heat, publicly with them sitting right next to him, and people caved. He gets a victory no matter what, he did something he can point to and brag about. The bill being good is on Congress. He doesn't dive into the details.

not an ounce of compassion in the GOP.

they are going to let all of their rubes die poor and sick.
3. Seriously? Just last week congress said no. Trump applied the heat, publicly with them sitting right next to him, and people caved. He gets a victory no matter what, he did something he can point to and brag about. The bill being good is on Congress. He doesn't dive into the details.

He got a bunch of pussy-ass senators that have no backbone or decency whatsoever to tie in a vote to discuss the topic in a public form. I don't think this will change the vote in 2020 at all unless the GOP actually figures out a way to pass a bill to replace the ACA and it works. As we have been saying for a while now, Republicans have no idea how to lead, they just know that opposing the Democrats was a viable strategy to get them in.

Do I hope this leads to a healthcare system that works for a lot of people? Of course I do, and it sure as hell better be a better system that what the ACA offers now.

The only reason this vote was made today was for senators to save their own asses when they come up for reelection. We have seen the CBO scores of what has been put forth and the ideas the Pubs are coming up with are either: downright stupid, not feasible, will result in higher premiums, or will result in millions of more unemployed people.

I would hope that (for the love of god) the people who this will harm (mostly Trump voters) will finally vote in their own self-interest instead of just voting in dumbass senators who are running solely on repealing the black man's health insurance plan.
3. Seriously? Just last week congress said no. Trump applied the heat, publicly with them sitting right next to him, and people caved. He gets a victory no matter what, he did something he can point to and brag about. The bill being good is on Congress. He doesn't dive into the details.

He got nothing done. No bill has passed Congress and Trump hasn't signed anything. All he did was yell at the boy scouts and threaten Tom Price's job, and still the only way "he got anything done" was to force an 80 year old cancer patient to fly across the country to vote to have a debate on a bill that no one knows the contents of.
They aren't voting to agree to debate. They are voting to avoid the debate. By voting on a MTP they are saying we don't need to have hearings, we don't need to have experts weigh in, we don't need to have the various amendments scored, we don't need to tell the public what we are doing, hell, we don't even need to know what is in this bill that could affects millions of lives, jobs, and 1/6 of the economy before we vote on it... we're good.

I must be misunderstanding because the headline and article refer to a vote to open the debate: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news...-republicans-healthcare-obamacare-vote-passes
He got nothing done. No bill has passed Congress and Trump hasn't signed anything. All he did was yell at the boy scouts and threaten Tom Price's job, and still the only way "he got anything done" was to force an 80 year old cancer patient to fly across the country to vote to have a debate on a bill that no one knows the contents of.

...and thanks for playing.
He got a bunch of pussy-ass senators that have no backbone or decency whatsoever to tie in a vote to discuss the topic in a public form. I don't think this will change the vote in 2020 at all unless the GOP actually figures out a way to pass a bill to replace the ACA and it works. As we have been saying for a while now, Republicans have no idea how to lead, they just know that opposing the Democrats was a viable strategy to get them in.

Do I hope this leads to a healthcare system that works for a lot of people? Of course I do, but the only reason this vote was made today was for senators to save their own asses when they come up for reelection. We have seen the CBO scores of what has been put forth and the ideas the Pubs are coming up with are either: downright stupid, not feasible, will result in higher premiums, or will result in millions of more unemployed people.

I would hope that (for the love of god) the people who this will harm (mostly Trump voters) will finally vote in their own self-interest instead of repealing the black man's health insurance plan.

This is what happens when you let a bunch of tea-partying, Sarah Palin-fetishist take over your Political Party.
...and thanks for playing.

I would assume that the best plans they had were already submitted. Those did swimmingly well when assessed by a nonpartisan third party.

Unless you just think they're holding on to their best plans for no good reason?
Look, if the GOP had put forth a legitimate and viable healthcare plan that feasibly competes with the coverage and access to healthcare that the ACA currently provides then I would be completely on board with discussion on it.

What they are doing now isn't that at all. Today was solely to benefit their own party and show their constituents who don't know any better that progress is being made on repealing and replacing OBAMACARE. If the constituents knew that there was nothing to replace it, or that the only things the GOP has come up with to replace it were horrendous plans that are objectively worse than the ACA, then I am pretty sure they would not be ok with it.
He got nothing done. No bill has passed Congress and Trump hasn't signed anything. All he did was yell at the boy scouts and threaten Tom Price's job, and still the only way "he got anything done" was to force an 80 year old cancer patient to fly across the country to vote to have a debate on a bill that no one knows the contents of.

In politics you don't have to get things actually done. you have to appear to do so. Trump wins.
To be honest, in the whole scheme of things do I think today did anything substantial? Not really, it's still an uphill climb for them all to get on the same page to pass anything.

What today proved is that the GOP has absolutely no care about helping or improving anybody's healthcare. They just care about themselves and doing what they told constituents they would do, even when it's against the constituents interests. There is no plan to replace the ACA, and yet the GOP has made it clear that they will do anything to get it repealed, with absolutely no idea what else will go there.

It's unbelievably cruel to use millions of people's health insurance as a "told ya we would do this" type endeavor.
In politics you don't have to get things actually done. you have to appear to do so. Trump wins.

Well then fuck you too for buying in to that and voting for him.

Millions of people rely on the ACA and it has been demonstrably proven that the plans brought forth to replace it will be absolutely worse than what is currently in place.

I understand that this is a trolling game to you, but lives are at stake here if the ACA gets repealed.
This is the worst bill. No debate. In secret. Doesn't lower costs. Kicks millions off of health insurance. Increases premiums for shittier insurance by 50%.

Well then fuck you too for buying in to that and voting for him.

Millions of people rely on the ACA and it has been demonstrably proven that the plans brought forth to replace it will be absolutely worse than what is currently in place.

I understand that this is a trolling game to you, but lives are at stake here if the ACA gets repealed.

I didn't vote for him. Just bet on him to win because I get how the world works. As does likely Newt Gingrich

“What always surprises members of the elite is I believe he is one of three or four smartest people ever to be president,” Gingrich said, adding:

I think he’s in the same league as someone like Lincoln or Theodore Roosevelt … I also think he’s one of the most energetic since Roosevelt, which is why you get these tweets at five in the morning, when he wakes up he has too much energy. I think also he has an instinct for disruption comparable to Andrew Jackson… He is constantly looking for ways to fix things, to change things, to breakthrough.
In politics you don't have to get things actually done. you have to appear to do so. Trump wins.

At best it is short term. If a bill is actually passed (which is uncertain) and implementation begins, Dems will have a big "i told you so campaign" ready to go for the 2020 election as millions of people are being dumped off insurance rolls and the premiums are going way up for those still on. The Pubs are hosed on this long term because you simply cannot have a insurance system the is required to cover pre-existing conditions while not creating a massive pool of customers to spread the insurance providers risk with out escalating the costs of insurance.
There are so many stupid things about that statement that I don't even know where to start. I'm just going to leave it alone and chalk it up to you trolling again.

There is no way anybody could ever listen to him speak and believe that he is remotely close to top 3-4 smartest presidents. He has no idea what he is talking about 85%+ of the time when it comes to political issues.
Well then fuck you too for buying in to that and voting for him.

Millions of people rely on the ACA and it has been demonstrably proven that the plans brought forth to replace it will be absolutely worse than what is currently in place.

I understand that this is a trolling game to you, but lives are at stake here if the ACA gets repealed.

Doesn't the CBO get things wrong like all the time? Isn't that why Obamacare "Is a disaster"