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According to GOP Akin: Pregnancy Doesn't Happen When Raped

Dem SuperPACS should marry Ryan and Akin for the next two months.

For once, you're right. I told some friends of mine I expect this to happen with pretty much any GOP House member that's voted with Akin on anything.

They'd be smart to wait until the day after tomorrow though. I didn't realize the deadline was so close when I was talking about this yesterday.

Funny, this is the one time you'd be right to speculate about how many seats this might cost the GOP...
Akin may still find a way to win, though I'm skeptical of that, but he's handed political dynamite to Romney. This issue is on the list of "Last Things Romney Wants To Talk About."

It's also high on the list of "ways so perfect for making the Dems' narrative stick that they couldn't have invented them any better."

Just wait until people start looking at his religious history.
I think the scariest thing is that Akin really believes that shit. I mean this wasn't in response to some "off-the-wall", "gotcha" kind of question.
A bit dismissive, but generally true. The economy is the biggest factor. But it's not that only one, and that economy drumbeat isn't working for Romney right now anyway. This social issue problem is only going to make things tougher for him.

On the presidential level, true. Below that, especially with House races...this could be sticky.
see, for examples, Arlington's gesture that Akin's idiocy can be smeared onto Ryan ....

Smear? It's not a "smear" when Akin and Ryan co-sponsored a bill on this exact topic that would have radically curtailed the legal definition of rape and severely limited the right to abortion. Ryan and Akin wrote their names down, side-by-side, on this issue. It's in the record. So Ryan's going to wear Akin's stupidity, because he closely aligned himself with that very stupidity in the recent past. Which is going to hurt Romney. And it's not like this wasn't foreseeable. Which is why hugging Tea Party extremism to his chest was a terrible idea by Romney -- political hits like this are produced by aligning with a fringe political actor who himself has aligned with even-more-fringe actors in the past. You can't run from what you self-select.
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Arlington just because Ryan co-authored such a bill with Akin that defined rape and co-sponsored seven other anti-women bills doesn't mean it's fair to pair the two.

I think they have to have written twenty-two anti-women bill during the months of February and April only to allow them to be paired in election ads.

Ryan is an extremist. He has a right to be so, but this is him. It should be front and center of the Dems presidential and Congressional ads. Make him run on his record and ties others to him.
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Closely aligned like named him his Vice President?
GO, I told you the pick would backfire and the Dems haven't gotten serious yet.
It's also high on the list of "ways so perfect for making the Dems' narrative stick that they couldn't have invented them any better."

Just wait until people start looking at his religious history.

That's one of the reasons that I doubt this election will be clouded with "Rev Wright, "palling with terrorists," etc. If Romney or the right-wing super-pacs go hard after Obama on that type stuff, the left is sure to unleash a super-pac barrage about Romney's Mormon faith. Romney does not not NOT want that issue on the table. And Obama doesn't really want to go there. The Dems seem content to leave it on the shelf, so long as Romney doesn't go after character either. But late October could get very ugly if Romney gets desperate and blows the dams.
Obama will not use Romney's faith.

The question becomes will Romney stop using "foreign", not Anglo-Saxon", "angry" and coded welfare lies.
That's one of the reasons that I doubt this election will be clouded with "Rev Wright, "palling with terrorists," etc. If Romney or the right-wing super-pacs go hard after Obama on that type stuff, the left is sure to unleash a super-pac barrage about Romney's Mormon faith. Romney does not not NOT want that issue on the table. And Obama doesn't really want to go there. The Dems seem content to leave it on the shelf, so long as Romney doesn't go after character either. But late October could get very ugly if Romney gets desperate and blows the dams.

I actually meant Akin's religious history. In addition to being on the science committee or whatever it is, he's got a Master's of Divinity and was raised by a religious family. All from Democrat central committee casting.
Doesn't sound like he learned much in Divinity school. Not with asshole comments like that!
"I'm not a quitter. My belief is we're going to move this thing forward. To quote *my friend John Paul Jones*, I've not yet begun to fight."

John Paul Jones -- born July 6, 1747. Died July 18, 1792.

Actually based on his recent comments, Akin being stuck in the 1700s is not that hard to believe.
"I'm not a quitter. My belief is we're going to move this thing forward. To quote *my friend John Paul Jones*, I've not yet begun to fight."

John Paul Jones -- born July 6, 1747. Died July 18, 1792.

Actually based on his recent comments, Akin being stuck in the 1700s is not that hard to believe.

Big UVa fan?
Which is going to hurt Romney. And it's not like this wasn't foreseeable. Which is why hugging Tea Party extremism to his chest was a terrible idea by Romney -- political hits like this are produced by aligning with a fringe political actor who himself has aligned with even-more-fringe actors in the past. You can't run from what you self-select.

Romney's serial flip flopping has landed him on both sides of several issues, which pleases no one. Dems view him with contempt, independents with suspicion, and 'Pubs don't trust him. Romney decided to fire up the base with the Ryan selection, but it so doing, he's basically adopted Ryan's social positions. Ryan may have worked for Kemp, but his social positions aren't even remotely moderate like Kemp's. Ryan's much closer to Santorum or DeMint on social issues. Ryan's positions on gay rights are nearly as extreme as his views on abortion. A couple of states have same-sex marriage initiatives on the ballot, and there's a very good chance that another extremist like Akin will say something stupid (cost the GOP a Senate race in 2010). Romney better pray that the next fringe chucklehead who pops off didn't also sponsor a number of bills with Ryan.