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Ari Stewart ineligible to play for USC

I care about the one identity of the one other school!!!11!!

Just name it for me. Pretty please?
Hell, DDA, you guys are throwing questions at me rapid fire. And what you don't seem to understand is that I don't really give a damn what they do. They can fire [Redacted] or give him a lifetime cointract. I don't care.

Once again, you respond to me (which is fine), but you ignore other poster's valid and repeat criticisms/rebuttals. It's weird.
I was only interested in the story on my alma mater. I don't know or care what else was on the program. And to be perfectly truthful, I don't even care about the one on WF anymore. It was just one more piece in a big puzzle.

Ahh. So it wasnt a nationally embarrassing story since you admit you don't remember the other school.

So people that don't associate with WFU wouldn't remember the story on us either, right? Logic is fun.

My work here is done. Goodnight.
bkf, can you at least address one of the following contradictions?

1. Dino ran a rogue program but was given an extension 6 months before he was fired.

2. Gary Clark was "arrested" and Bz made him team captain.

3. The Wake incidents that made the paper like JTT's DUI, Ty/Tabb's theft, and Tony Woods' "abuse" happened after Dino was fired, yet you and others consider them incidents under his watch.

4. The Today Show was a national embarrassment, yet the show wasn't about Clark or Teague. The story had the title, "Colleges turning a blind eye to sexual assault?"
No, there are plenty of posts from BabyDeac, KVilleDeac, and others. No reason to. You just ignored them.
One is a pretty small sample size to be forming conclusions when talking about nationally televised shows.

bkf, most Wake fans have no idea that anything ever happened in that hotel room in Miami. I know it's hard for you to believe, but it's true. If that's your best example of the egregious cultural crimes committed by Wake Forest basketball players, then I urge you to keep digging. Like KVegas and BabyDeac have said, you're barking up the wrong tree with G$.
I was only interested in the story on my alma mater. I don't know or care what else was on the program. And to be perfectly truthful, I don't even care about the one on WF anymore. It was just one more piece in a big puzzle.

Nope. It wasn't a piece at all. Let me lay out the timeline for you since I know you don't care about Wake Forest basketball (yet repeatedly post about it) so probably aren't up on the details:

March 2009: Wake gets blown out in the NCAAT tournament. Gary Clark gets blown in a hotel bathroom.
Summer 2009: Gary Clark incident is resolved with no punishment from Wake or the legal system. Only vague rumors exist.
September 2009: Dino receives a contract extension, complete with boilerplate praise for player performance on and off the court
March 2010: Dino is fired
May 2011: Gary Clark story is aired on national TV

You really think Dino's 2010 firing was related to a 2009 incident that was publicized in 2011? I mean obviously Dino wasn't fired because of the incident itself. That would make no sense given that he was extended after it was resolved. So he was fired in anticipation that more than a year later it would become public? Solid logic.
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Nope. It wasn't a piece at all. Let me lay out the timeline for you since I know you don't care about Wake Forest basketball (yet repeatedly post about it) so probably aren't up on the details:

March 2009: Wake gets blown out in the NCAAT tournament. Gary Clark gets blown in a hotel bathroom.
Summer 2009: Gary Clark incident is resolved with no punishment from Wake or the legal system. Only vague rumors exist.
September 2009: Dino receives a contract extension, complete with boilerplate praise for player performance on and off the court
March 2010: Dino is fired
May 2011: Gary Clark story is aired on national TV

You really think Dino's 2010 firing was related to a 2009 incident that was publicized in 2011? I mean obviously Dino wasn't fired because of the incident. That would make no sense given that he was after it was resolved. So he was fired in anticipation that more than a year later it would become public? Solid logic.

^ case in point. BKF, please respond.
Knight "threw" the chair. Actually, if you saw it, he didn't "throw" the chair as much as he "slid" it across the court. And, if you will remember, it was just before a technical free throw, so the court was basically empty. The chair didn't come anywhere close to hitting anyone. And it was very early in the game. Knight's team was playing poorly (against arch-rival Purdue) and his motivation was to wake up and shock his own players, more than to show displeasure with the officials. However, considering that it only happened once....more than 28 years ago....and is still the first thing that many people think of when Knight's name is mentioned is a testament to the power of the media. People who don't know anything about Knight's graduation rate, his completely clean program record or his generosity to academics like his gifts to the Indiana & Texas Tech libraries know that he is the guy who "threw" a chair.....or, more accurately say he is the guy who threw chairs, as if it were a regular occurance.

He also choked a kid, bkf. What was the media spin on that one?
LOLZ, I wish that idiot nothing but the worst. Just a stupid fuck in every aspect of life.
One is a pretty small sample size to be forming conclusions when talking about nationally televised shows.

I doubt any of us on here, people that know about/remember the story, can really remember the other school.

Why would non-Wake people remember WFU in the story that they may have never seen?

And it was Indiana BTW. Just so you know. I had to use Google.
Nope. It wasn't a piece at all. Let me lay out the timeline for you since I know you don't care about Wake Forest basketball (yet repeatedly post about it) so probably aren't up on the details:

March 2009: Wake gets blown out in the NCAAT tournament. Gary Clark gets blown in a hotel bathroom.
Summer 2009: Gary Clark incident is resolved with no punishment from Wake or the legal system. Only vague rumors exist.
September 2009: Dino receives a contract extension, complete with boilerplate praise for player performance on and off the court
March 2010: Dino is fired
May 2011: Gary Clark story is aired on national TV

You really think Dino's 2010 firing was related to a 2009 incident that was publicized in 2011? I mean obviously Dino wasn't fired because of the incident itself. That would make no sense given that he was extended after it was resolved. So he was fired in anticipation that more than a year later it would become public? Solid logic.

Well put! This needs to be required reading for every Wellman sycophant out there. Somebody PLEASE send it to that Sutton character.
Ari or bkf?

Ari. Getting declared academically ineligible twice in college as an athlete is beyond defensible. There are plenty of "majors" at every school (including Wake) that allow athletes to skate to degrees.

But in all honestly Ari probably doesn't care b/c his boys already told him that he'll definitely make it to the association. Anyone wanna talk bets that Ari is court ordered to pay back child support within the next 5 years? I'll give you straight up odds.

He's been given numerous second chances and shitted on all of them. What a fucking clown.
That was just one incident out of several. I've never said that I thought Dino was fired just over that one incident. And regardless of when it was publicized, it occurred before he was fired. Does TBR (or anyone else) know when WF officials learned of that event? Seems to me that this is an important point that hasn't been discussed. Everyone focuses on when it was in the media...but it's entirely possible, even probably, I would say, that Wellman or whomever learned about what happened long before it became public. (And I don't contest the claim that Wellman handled the firing poorly (for whatever reason) and might not have publically given his real reasons for his action.)

It was mentioned IN THE TODAY SHOW STORY (that you clearly don't remember) that there was a "trial" about the incident that same summer just a few months later.

Why do you insist on taking about things that you are clearly ignorant about?
That was just one incident out of several. I've never said that I thought Dino was fired just over that one incident. And regardless of when it was publicized, it occurred before he was fired. Does TBR (or anyone else) know when WF officials learned of that event? Seems to me that this is an important point that hasn't been discussed. Everyone focuses on when it was in the media...but it's entirely possible, even probably, I would say, that Wellman or whomever learned about what happened long before it became public. (And I don't contest the claim that Wellman handled the firing poorly (for whatever reason) and might not have publically given his real reasons for his action.)

So what other incidents were there? Please enlighten us. Because the only ones I know of happened after Dino was fired. Of course there's the "well they were his player's angle", but then why was Dino extended? For recruiting purposes...

It would be beyond shocking if Wellman didn't know about the Gary Clark incident prior to extending Dino. Multiple heads should have rolled if that was the case. Likely both inside and outside of the athletic department. That would indicate a lack of control.
Knight didn't "choke" Reed. That was a gross exaggeration. He had one hand on the area close to Reed's neck for less than two seconds....as Reed was backing up. They had to slow the video down so much to make it look longer that the whole picture was blurry. You cannot choke a person with one hand in less than two seconds while he is backing up. Just another hatchet job on Knight by a media looking for a story that was sure to sell.

I could. Strengthen your pimp hand, pussy.
Knight didn't "choke" Reed. That was a gross exaggeration. He had one hand on the area close to Reed's neck for less than two seconds....as Reed was backing up. They had to slow the video down so much to make it look longer that the whole picture was blurry. You cannot choke a person with one hand in less than two seconds while he is backing up. Just another hatchet job on Knight by a media looking for a story that was sure to sell.

Wow. What a spin job. Defending someone putting there hand around another persons neck....."area"