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BillBrasky Memorial Political Chat Thread

Aren't you saying that I relentlessly post about he who shall not be mentioned when I don't and confirmed it? You don't see any parallel there?

Again, you won. I won't mention him ever again.

i suppose we could debate about the meaning of the world relentless, but that's probably not what anti-DV/IPV advocates had in mind with the whole gaslighting concept

anyway, nobody wins on a message board
i suppose we could debate about the meaning of the world relentless, but that's probably not what anti-DV/IPV advocates had in mind with the whole gaslighting concept

anyway, nobody wins on a message board

The meaning of the world lies outside the world.
The Hunter Biden Hearings of 2023 will be much more interesting than this discussion.
Fair enough, two votes in 158 days. Neither of which were focused on widely popular actions that would appeal to voters across the board. That is nowhere near good enough. Get some easy wins or make Republicans vote against those widely favored laws. Build some momentum and show you can at least get something done. And if you can't, at least you can use those votes in elections. This current approach is going to get them destroyed in the fall. Saying Republicans voted against cloture on the NASA Enhanced Use Leasing Extension Act is not going to move the needle - agreed.
At this point performative gestures is all we have so why not try a few. People are going to walk away from Uvalde pissed that Schumer and Dems didn't even try instead of pissed that McConnell and Pubs blocked everything.
Sure why not but I think you're being incredibly naive if you think that's really going to make any difference.

If these issues are important to you and you're pissed at the Democrats for the lack of a performative gesture instead of the Republicans for actually wholesale blocking it....
Political Chat Thread - All Topics & Rants Welcome

The only reason these votes are performative is opposition to the filibuster which Democrats have moved hard against in the last six years. That’s one reason performative votes don’t work.
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I get both sides of the argument. Real progress is hard. It's also important with how shitty so much is now. On the other hand, change is hard so it's easy to understand small victories are important. Water wearing away at the stone and all that.

Anecdotally, the biggest and scariest changes seem to be viewed well in hindsight. Maybe, let's try something different. May as well go big. We're all going home anyway.
Political Chat Thread - All Topics & Rants Welcome

We get it dude you're an angry leftist corporate duopoly blah blah blah.

Why do always accuse the people disagreeing with you of being angry? Is it some argument technique? What if I’m actually…i dunno, horny? Puzzled, sleepy, bored? Why angry?
Why do always accuse the people disagreeing with you of being angry? Is it some argument technique? What if I’m actually…i dunno, horny? Puzzled, sleepy, bored? Why angry?

Centrists seem way crankier than leftists
HuskyDeac and birdman make sense. Nothing is being accomplished in Congress. Put everything up for a vote. Item by item. Don't equivocate. Start with gun control. Don't combine items, it gives everyone an out. If 70% of America is in favor of gun controls, give them the voting record of everyone in congress on each item. Make each member stand by their record. Focus on the issues where the public support is greatest. Concentrate on those issues. Don't equivocate. It will establish who opposes legislation voters want. If it is important to the American public, show them that these are the people in Congress to oppose with your vote if you want this issue to become law. If the Democrats can find two or three issues that their membership and the American public agree on, and demonstrate by voting record who the opposition is, they may have a campaign that works. Until then, it's the same do nothing party complaining and squabbling among themselves.