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BillBrasky Memorial Political Chat Thread

Ships travel through an area freely that brings trade to United States, trade threatened, United States intervenes its the easiest 1+1 = 2
Ships travel through an area freely that brings trade to United States, trade threatened, United States intervenes its the easiest 1+1 = 2
None of the answers or explanations that assume the US has jurisdiction to police the world are satisfactory answers. Might does not make right, and it never will. The Houthis have just as much right to blockade Israel as America has in blockading Gaza. The difference is power.
The US has been restricting trade to Yemen for a decade. Where was the outcry? Who polices the police?
It's not the trade restricting to Yemen specifically (which is a different topic 100%) - it's about what is coming out of that area to the northwest from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Israel, etc.
I'm not really debating what is morally right or wrong, or who gives us the authority to do that as world police. I'm just solely talking about what we do, and what we will seemingly always continue to do when capitalism and free trade are threatened.
It's not the trade restricting to Yemen specifically (which is a different topic 100%) - it's about what is coming out of that area to the northwest from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Israel, etc.
but it’s absolutely propaganda that all trade is being blockaded in the Red Sea.
I assume there are some international shipping treaties in effect that give the US Navy a lot of leeway to keep shipping lanes open
You can say you are only targeting ships heading to Israel but that in itself is propaganda because it’s known that ships not going there have been targeted by mistake. So the perceived notion that a mistake can be made and your ship attacked is threatening the entire shipping lane.
None of the answers or explanations that assume the US has jurisdiction to police the world are satisfactory answers. Might does not make right, and it never will. The Houthis have just as much right to blockade Israel as America has in blockading Gaza. The difference is power.

Sure, anybody can blockade anything they want. Don't be surprised when a superior naval power blows you up though.
Sure, anybody can blockade anything they want. Don't be surprised when a superior naval power blows you up though.
Regarding the US, there’s no genocide or quagmire that could surprise me. None of it is righteous, no matter how hard it makes your dick
The US intervenes for essentially 4 major reasons- Trade, Capitalism, Oil, and perceived threat aka terrorism. You keep yourself clear of those 4 and you can live a bliss US free life. It’s why so much conflict happens in Africa and the US just chills.
The US intervenes for essentially 4 major reasons- Trade, Capitalism, Oil, and perceived threat aka terrorism. You keep yourself clear of those 4 and you can live a bliss US free life. It’s why so much conflict happens in Africa and the US just chills.
making Bin Laden’s argument for him, im
Sure he appreciates it from the afterlife.
It’s not really a wrong argument. The entire ME would be central Africa to the US if renewable energies like hydrogen etc… become common place.
The belief that the US/West are bombing the Houthis to protect global trade through the Red Sea is just lazy, I apologize, but it is. It’s not even good or convincing propaganda. There is plenty of evidence to confirm that it’s trade to Israel being blockaded, and now the increased fire between Houthi forces and US forces in the area are actually discouraging all trade through the straight, but who is willing to acknowledge that America is once again stepping on their own dicks by using missiles as an answer for every problem they have.
The belief that the US/West are bombing the Houthis to protect global trade through the Red Sea is just lazy, I apologize, but it is. It’s not even good or convincing propaganda.

gotta make sure that israel doesn't go a day without those sweet, sweet bombs
You have to wonder at what point, after learning about the history of Western/US propaganda to support their military actions, that liberals would become skeptical of the explanations fed to them?
the lazy as fuck “we’re the good guys just being world police protecting your freedoms” explanations are complete bullshit nearly every single time, but we never stop falling for that baby brain shit.
Who's learning about the history of Western/US propaganda? The history is the propaganda.
Who's learning about the history of Western/US propaganda? The history is the propaganda.
The official government records of all the propaganda, corruption, and ineptitude behind every major military conflict since WW2 has been exposed at this point. You can fucking Wikipedia these things now, the people who still believe in the trustworthiness and righteousness of the US government are choosing to remain ignorant and naive at this point.