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Bro Talk: sweet freedom

Although ribeyes are generally better on the grill, so that might make a ribeye more bro. But if you're going to a nice steakhouse and ordering a ribeye over a filet it's just fail.

Uh ... that's the most unbro post in this entire thread, and I can't let it stand.

If you go to a quality steakhouse and order a filet it's guaranteed fail. At a steakhouse you order a porterhouse, a ribeye or prime rib or you get the fuck out. Ordering a filet? A cut of meat without a bone? Jesus weeps for you.
Uh ... that's the most unbro post in this entire thread, and I can't let it stand.

If you go to a quality steakhouse and order a filet it's guaranteed fail. At a steakhouse you order a porterhouse, a ribeye or prime rib or you get the fuck out. Ordering a filet? A cut of meat without a bone? Jesus weeps for you.

Personally I hate spending all my time trying to cut around the inedible fat. Absolutely nothing more miserable than getting a piece of fat that you end up chewing for 3 minutes trying to break it down.
I'm not going to neg rep you in bro thread ... but man, that might be the most neg rep worthy post in the history of ogboards.

If 3 out of the top 5 meals in your life aren't steaks, I am sad for you. Probably 4 out of my top 5 are steaks.
I'm not going to neg rep you in bro thread ... but man, that might be the most neg rep worthy post in the history of ogboards.


I've had on numerous occassions eaten like bone-in type stuff and if you get ambitious and try to eat all the way up to the bone, you'll get a piece of fat that you just can't break down. So you just end up chewing it for 5 minutes and its getting no where. Eventually you get to the point where you're feeling like you've gotta gag so then you're forced either to spit it out somewhere (bathroom/napkin/plate).

Are you insinuating that you just avoid the fat altogether or that I should just man up and eat 2-3 ounces of pure fat. I'm not following.
If 3 out of the top 5 meals in your life aren't steaks, I am sad for you. Probably 4 out of my top 5 are steaks.

1) A5 Kobe steak at Stripsteak in Mandalay Bay - Never had a better meal in my life. If you're a steak guy you gotta check this place out. Has the most unbelievable truffle fries you'll ever have that they give you for free as an appetizer. There's a wagyu embargo or something going on now so hasn't been available for about 2 years, so unfortunately the best meat isn't really even available in America anymore.

2) Kobe steak at Shintaro - Japanese hibachi place at Bellagio which I think isn't there anymore.

3) Filet at this hole in the wall place in Richmond Hill Georgia called steamers. Eaten there like 3 times, each time it was like orgasms on a plate.

I think I could probably finish a steak rankings down to about 20. Although I disproportionately rank steakhouses higher if they serve pretzel bread.
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The only meal in my top 5 that isn't steak is a Sea Bass I had at the resort we went to for my honeymoon. I don't what it was, but it was awesome. All-inclusive, so I ordered another. Ironically, it was at the Mexican themed
restaurant at the resort.
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The only meal in my top 5 that isn't steak is a Sea Bass I had at the resort we went to for my honeymoon. I don't what it was, but it was awesome. All-inclusive, so I ordered another. Ironically, it was at the Mexican themed
restaurant at the resort.

So this is basically my position on life. I agree that pretty much all my top meals are steaks, so why actively go out and eat something like mexican if you could just eat a steak instead. I generally eat steak like 4-5x/week since I work near some nice steakhouses (1x/week), or a healthy place that has steak, mash potatoes and a killer spinach salad for under $15. (3x/week)
So this is basically my position on life. I agree that pretty much all my top meals are steaks, so why actively go out and eat something like mexican if you could just eat a steak instead. I generally eat steak like 4-5x/week since I work near some nice steakhouses (1x/week), or a healthy place that has steak, mash potatoes and a killer spinach salad for under $15. (3x/week)

I'm probably not welcome on the bro thread and nobody is likely to take my food opinions seriously anyway, but that sounds like an awful lot of red meat. And an expensive food budget if you're going to a fancy steakhouse weekly along with multiple $15 restaurant dinners.

I'm probably not welcome on the bro thread and nobody is likely to take my food opinions seriously anyway, but that sounds like an awful lot of red meat. And an expensive food budget if you're going to a fancy steakhouse weekly along with multiple $15 restaurant dinners.


Its most certainly likely not healthy. Would rather live to 60 eating good than live to 70 eating all salads and tofu.

I'm not much of a car guy though, I'd rather have a paid of '03 then have like a $400-500 car payment and use that to eat out. Probably eat out like 10-12 meals/week.
Unexpected bro talk bonus: we find out which pit chicks aspire to be a "one of the guys" kind of girl.
Uh ... that's the most unbro post in this entire thread, and I can't let it stand.

If you go to a quality steakhouse and order a filet it's guaranteed fail. At a steakhouse you order a porterhouse, a ribeye or prime rib or you get the fuck out. Ordering a filet? A cut of meat without a bone? Jesus weeps for you.

so you ARE endorsing the okcupid trolling?

Let the brolling begin!
i am one sweaty bro when i work out.

also, i learned that whey protein totally tears up your kidneys... unless you drink a ton of water.
the french suck at everything. except choking or cowering in a corner.

usa basketball beating ol' goggles and those wine-drinking surrender monkeys pleased me greatly.
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All but one of my Top 5 meals had red meat.

1) Dinner on the water in Guatemala at a local joint but that was seafood.
2) Bachanal's in NOLA
3) 21st birthday dinner at the Shelbourne in Dublin
4) Beef Tenderloin that I made before a charity auction in law school
5) Multiple meals at the Boars Head Inn in Cville.