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CT Vermont, Threeve: I wish I could figure it out but the world's upside down

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On the way home today I passed a pawn shop that was advertising “promise rings $199 and below”. A true gesture of everlasting love and commitment.
I live in a Condo/Apartment in St. Pete just across the bridge from Tampa. I've noticed several times a younger (20's) woman on the balcony caddy corner from mine. We've spoken a couple times and she is very attractive...oddly attractive and too young to be able to afford a place like this IMO, but what do I know. Couple times i;'ve seen her on the balcony in VERY sheer clothing and the lighting in their unit is odd. But it's Tampa..maybe she's just headed to the pool or something.

A week ago i had to pick up a package in the package room. all packages are sorted in an area by floor. as I'm rummaging through packages you see peoples names..tim, donna, mercedes. One i noticed was Nika Venom. So i said "well Windy" i refer to myself as Windy "let's check the unit number." and sure enough Nika is the woman from the balcony.

So I got back to my apartment, googled Nika Venom, and yep...you guessed it. Pornhub..first search result.

Tampa Bay is quite the area...

Here’s what’s been troubling me the whole time. The Package was sent to Nika Venom. Surely that’s not her given name. Surely that’s not the name on a lease. So she got a package sent to her screen/pro name.

What manner of crazy shit was in that box (pun intended) ?
My father-in-law is still pretty religious (catholic) and my wife says if we ever have kids that his side of the family will absolutely try to do anything they can to baptize the child so it avoids going to purgatory/hell. But obviously we both agree that will never happen.
Pretty sure my MIL "baptized" my daughter (and maybe son) behind our backs.

She's catholic.
I use a paraphrased version of a simpsons gag every time my wife forces us all to go. Something like “Sunday afternoon is the best because it’s the longest time before more church”

I don’t mind going to the service, it’s Methodist and inclusive and I’ve been going to a version of that sort of service since I was a kid so I know the formula - 3 hymns, 3 prayers, offering song, sermon. Just very disruptive to what I’d rather be doing on my precious weekend time.
On the way home today I passed a pawn shop that was advertising “promise rings $199 and below”. A true gesture of everlasting love and commitment.
To be fair, promise rings are for children. (High school)
If you give my son a cookie, he will cry until he also gets a cookie in his other hand. Then he smiles and runs around eating cookies out of both hands.
I like the cut of his jib. Less the cookies, more the double fisting.
Grew up Souhern Baptist. My mother was a minister of music. The church where I grew up was certainly "progressive", given more current attitudes: women were ordained as deacons and pastors there.

I haven't been a regular church goer for 30 years. We can talk about it over a beer or two sometime.

I do remain, however, on a spiritual quest.
I grew up in a Methodist church. Married a Catholic wacko and we were divorced less than 4 years later. Started going to Methodist church with my folks and later got married in that church. We quit going when the pastor was changed but about 8 years ago we started at a small Methodist church cause the pastor was awesome. Dude needs to be leading a mega church. We are on our third pastor since he was moved and we have stuck it out.

Folks will tell me horror stories about going to different churches and I tell them to keep looking. One church doesn’t fit all. I’m fairly conservative (don’t hate me y’all) but the gay/transgender stuff doesn’t matter to me. If someone is happy and has love then that’s all that matters to me.
Now to serious stuff. Is anyone else wanting WCD to start his own version of penthouse letters?
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