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Donald Impeachment

Somebody I knew in high school has been on a rant on facebook about the Electoral College recently. Here's a sample: "The population of the greater New York City metropolitan area is just over 20 MILLION PEOPLE. The reason a lot of politicians want to do away with the Electoral College system is so they don't have to win the "series" of the best of 50 contests (best of 50 State contests). If there was no Electoral College and only the popular vote was used ..... no politician would EVER GO TO NORTH OR SOUTH CAROLINA ..... EVER ..... because the entire population in the States of North Carolina and South Carolina combined only have a population of 15 million.

Which means that a politician running for President wouldn't waste their time going to places like North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Idaho, Oregon, Kansas, Iowa, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Mississippi, Missouri, Louisiana, Alabama, Maine, and Delaware. They can go to all the big cities and the surrounding metropolitan areas, get those votes, and end up with more votes from just those areas ..... than with all the States I just mentioned above. Which means if you don't live in New York, Los Angeles, Houston, Atlanta, Chicago, etc., etc., (you get the idea) then you don't matter.

And "those ma'am are the facts" .....

Not only is he dead wrong about politicians never visiting NC if there were no Electoral College (as one of the 10 largest states we'd certainly still get a good deal of attention), the truth is that under the EC presidential candidates still don't visit states like SC, SD, ND, OK, etc. in fall campaigns because they're either solid red or blue, or don't have enough EC votes to count. And that's without even getting to the notion of why, if most of the people live in urban areas, in a democracy they shouldn't have the largest voice in the government, or should have to settle for being dominated by rural areas with far fewer people - an antiquated system for a 21st Century society.

Anything else interesting on your Facebook thread that has nothing to do with the Trump impeachment ?
Anything else interesting on your Facebook thread that has nothing to do with the Trump impeachment ?

I was replying to the posts about the EC from Deacfreak and WFFaithful. The facebook post seemed quite pertinent to what they were saying. This thread has wandered off topic quite a bit at times. But by all means carry on.
Somebody I knew in high school has been on a rant on facebook about the Electoral College recently. Here's a sample: "The population of the greater New York City metropolitan area is just over 20 MILLION PEOPLE. The reason a lot of politicians want to do away with the Electoral College system is so they don't have to win the "series" of the best of 50 contests (best of 50 State contests). If there was no Electoral College and only the popular vote was used ..... no politician would EVER GO TO NORTH OR SOUTH CAROLINA ..... EVER ..... because the entire population in the States of North Carolina and South Carolina combined only have a population of 15 million.

Which means that a politician running for President wouldn't waste their time going to places like North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Idaho, Oregon, Kansas, Iowa, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Mississippi, Missouri, Louisiana, Alabama, Maine, and Delaware. They can go to all the big cities and the surrounding metropolitan areas, get those votes, and end up with more votes from just those areas ..... than with all the States I just mentioned above. Which means if you don't live in New York, Los Angeles, Houston, Atlanta, Chicago, etc., etc., (you get the idea) then you don't matter.

And "those ma'am are the facts" .....

Not only is he dead wrong about politicians never visiting NC if there were no Electoral College (as one of the 10 largest states we'd certainly still get a good deal of attention), the truth is that under the EC presidential candidates still don't visit states like SC, SD, ND, OK, etc. in fall campaigns because they're either solid red or blue, or don't have enough EC votes to count. And that's without even getting to the notion of why, if most of the people live in urban areas, in a democracy they shouldn't have the largest voice in the government, or should have to settle for being dominated by rural areas with far fewer people - an antiquated system for a 21st Century society.

Meanwhile, Democrats are going to every corner of Iowa, NH, and SC looking for primary votes. If there wasn’t an electoral college, Democrats would bother to go back there for the general election.
On the one hand, we're lucky Trump is incompetent. On the other hand, it is depressing the weakness of our system under an incompetent autocrat.
So, if there is any chance turtleface does not have to relinquish power, he won't. And Roberts will get to keep his integrity!
glad to see the integrity of the court comes down to how a Boomer wants his legacy to be perceived. and is that as a "principled" conservative or a modern day conservative, so he won't be harassed by MAGAers?
Given all of Trump's (and other Republicans) recent tweets and claims that support for his impeachment is plummeting, and that his standing in the polls is rising, I thought the Washington Post article linked below worth noting. Basically, Trump and the GOP are simply making up a lot of their polling claims, and what the polls are actually showing about impeachment and his approval rating is far more mixed. They're not great for Democrats either, but they certainly aren't as positive for Trumpites as they keep claiming. It does seem to be working as a media strategy, though.

Link: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2019/11/25/mired-trench-warfare-trump-makes-up-poll-numbers-that-show-him-winning-handily/
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Gee, John, I wonder who is distracting the nation and attacking our national security from within? Could it be your former boss? Perhaps you could do something about it - like testify before Congress about the awful and possibly illegal and unconstitutional things you've seen and heard. But no, it's just easier to make vague comments on twitter and tell people to buy copies of your "tell all" book that hasn't even been written yet. Useless, the lot of them.
My Fellow Republicans, Please Follow the Facts: It seems clear to me that the president of Ukraine was subjected to a shakedown.

By Slade Gorton
Mr. Gorton is a former Republican senator from Washington.

Best read on site to also view the reader comments.

Of course he’s making a mostly correct appeal. And, of course, Trumpist rubes and sitting office holders will summarily dismiss.

Yeah, but the Gortons, Chafees, Rudmans and McCains are a pretty extinct breed.
Trump just told Bill O'Reilly that he didn't direct Rudy to do anything in Ukraine.

Got that insurance policy handy, Rudy?