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FiveThirtyEight midterms projections update: Republicans favored to take the Senate

FiveThirtyEight midterms projections update: Republicans favored to take the ...

ME! I had that same quote in my clip board to post it.

Partisanship has stripped Americans of their core ideals. You would be hard pressed to find a small government republican during the Bush years and even more so a civil libertarian democrat during the Obama years.
ME! I had that same quote in my clip board to post it.

Partisanship has stripped Americans of their core ideals. You would be hard pressed to find a small government republican during the Bush years and even more so a civil libertarian democrat during the Obama years.

And even in a post decrying blind partisan politics, you have a qualifying clause implicating the democrats to a higher degree than the republicans.
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I agree. We need an amendment that funds all federal elections. Make people work for our votes. They should have real debates, townhalls with candidates, not just clear cut forests for mailers and incessant robocalls.

It would also allow non-millionaires the opportunity to run and not be beholding to donors.

ME! I had that same quote in my clip board to post it.

Partisanship has stripped Americans of their core ideals. You would be hard pressed to find a small government republican during the Bush years and even more so a civil libertarian democrat during the Obama years.

Found you only 25 small government republicans during the Bush years: http://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll669.xml

But a whopping 111 civil libertarian Dems during the Obama years: http://clerk.house.gov/evs/2013/roll412.xml

You're aware that it is Senate Dems (especially Wyden and Udall but even DiFi) that are blasting the administration and CIA over the torture report, right? The idea that congressional or media dems are just falling into line behind Obummer on national security is pretty laughable.
Poor choice of words on "even more so"... not really what I meant. Was typing on my phone and not really thinking about what I wrote.

The point I was trying to make is that national Republicans and Democrats really have no core values other than power. Republicans pay lip serves to "small government" but Bush exploded the size and scope of the Federal government. Likewise Obama talked a good game about transparency and civil liberties but he took the draconian civil liberty polices of Bush and multiplied them. Sure...there have been some loan wolf type voices from their parties but these Presidents spit in the face of their parties supposed core values. There should have been mass revolts.
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I agree with this as well. The worst possible scenario I could imagine here in Georgia this cycle would be for Nunn and Perdue to end up in a runoff with the seat determining the balance of power in the Senate. Georgia would be an political shit show of epic proportions for two months.

I will move out of state until after the election if this happens.
Found you only 25 small government republicans during the Bush years: http://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll669.xml

But a whopping 111 civil libertarian Dems during the Obama years: http://clerk.house.gov/evs/2013/roll412.xml

You're aware that it is Senate Dems (especially Wyden and Udall but even DiFi) that are blasting the administration and CIA over the torture report, right? The idea that congressional or media dems are just falling into line behind Obummer on national security is pretty laughable.

Skins must have you on ignore.
Don't you have you on ignore. Clarified my post in my last post.

Are you saying that there has been any real revolt inside the Democratic Party over civil liberties? Sure...a bunch of Dems voted against a re-authoration of warentless wire taps when it was clear that the bill would pass but they showed no backbone to stop it. I would think that the party in control of the Senate would at least have the balls to stop a bill that went against a supposed core value...I bet they would have if a Republican was waiting to sign the bill. The main point being that civil liberties are under attack buy this current administration. Again, there are no core values among the two national parties other than power.
Don't you have you on ignore. Clarified my post in my last post.

Are you saying that there has been any real revolt inside the Democratic Party over civil liberties? Sure...a bunch of Dems voted against a re-authoration of warentless wire taps when it was clear that the bill would pass but they showed no backbone to stop it. I would think that the party in control of the Senate would at least have the balls to stop a bill that went against a supposed core value...I bet they would have if a Republican was waiting to sign the bill. The main point being that civil liberties are under attack buy this current administration. Again, there are no core values among the two national parties other than power.

The USA PATRIOT Act's recent reathorization was much closer than its initial passing. I don't know what you're expecting. Many Dems (Schumer, Feinstein come to mind first) honestly believe in the bills. What value do you put in the House minority leadership (Pelosi, Van Hollen, John Lewis, Ellison all nays) voting against the bill?

What do you make of Rubio's no-vote on the matter? The majority of people you should be criticizing on the issue are Pubes, and yet...
The USA PATRIOT Act's recent reathorization was much closer than its initial passing. I don't know what you're expecting. Many Dems (Schumer, Feinstein come to mind first) honestly believe in the bills. What value do you put in the House minority leadership (Pelosi, Van Hollen, John Lewis, Ellison all nays) voting against the bill?

What do you make of Rubio's no-vote on the matter? The majority of people you should be criticizing on the issue are Pubes, and yet...

The Republican Party (as it stands today) doesn't believe in civil liberties...folks like Graham and McCain make that clear. At least they are not hypocrites. President Obama came to power in no small part because of his opposition to Bush's horrible recored on the issue yet he has been AT LEAST as bad. Again, civil liberties are a supposed core value for Democrats so you would expect some votes in support of them. However, when the leader of their party is at best the 2nd worse President in the last 30 years in terms of civil liberties there should be an all out revolt. At the very least there should be more of a fight to stop it. Hell, the Republicans have been able to halt nearly all legislation controlling only one half of congress yet these loud voices that are the holders of civil liberties are helpless to the onslaught?
Skins, what is your point? Some Democrats do support civil liberties. The reality is enough Dems and all Pubs will vote against civil liberties which is enough to pass legislation.
That is my point. There is no national party for Civil Liberties.
Unfortunately, there's no national push for civil liberties. People don't mind getting spied on or police abuse or whatever as long as it doesn't happen to them.
Skins, what is your point? Some Democrats do support civil liberties. The reality is enough Dems and all Pubs will vote against civil liberties which is enough to pass legislation.

I think he really wants the 67-member CPC to launch some kind of coup but I'm not sure