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Freaks & Geeks at your Office

Is she recently married? This is a common trend:

That is the same person? Man, that is depressing. Better than those before and after pictures of Lindsay Lohan posted on a thread last week I guess. This girl can recover.
I'm trying to be the reverse of that picture.

Hello, God? It's me AWAR.
big wrists (and probably ankles too). You could see that one coming a mile away.
I was getting a cup of coffee this very morning and chatting it up with a nice lady from HR who walked in. She had her lunch but the fridge was full. She says "do you think I can throw out this two day old sandwich tray?" I laugh and say that she better not, someone will eat them. On cue, in walks a guy from IT and gets two Roast Beef sammies (already dressed w L,T, Mayo) and takes them back to his desk. Keep in mind that it was 730 AM.

What's this in response to? I was being legitimately encouraging. I don't think I have ever met awar and don't even know what she looks like (I don't think).
I'm sure you all realize that these same people are currently posting on whatever sick demented message boards they post on about what a bunch of jerks they work with.
The two posts about the girls who eat all the popcorn.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that makes more sense.

There is a woman in my office who stuffs her face with candy all day, takes 30 minutes for exercise a day by walking around, and complains that she can't lose weight. People like that drive me crazy. I would imagine the popcorn eaters are similar.
Babushka - A Western term for a woman's headscarf tied below the chin in the Eastern European manner.

But thanks to your post I did learn the literal russian translation of the word, and how to sound like a douchebag!

Its bastardized western term (read: incorrect) for the headscarf historically worn by russian grandmothers or old women. You characterized it as a hat worn by a male, probably thinking it was one of those big furry hats word by the kremlin guards and other males (which, incidentially, are called shapka ushanka). A scarf is not a hat, and in no case would a male ever wear the headscarf typically worn by a babuska. Again, thanks for playing.
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That said, a few years back a co-worker of mine sent the following email to the entire office, which to this day is the most glorious email I've ever received in my entire life. I swear I did not make this up:

"If anyone can take my cat (above) please let me know immediately as she is on her way to be put to sleep as of this evening. She is 10 years old, has a heart murmur and a rare ear cystic disease which requires a $1200 ear canal removal to fix, otherwise she is constantly itching her ears until she bleeds all over my house. There is no treatment. With our $4000 hospital bill for my infant daughter's recent stay due to pneumonia and rsv, we cannot spend the $1200 at this time. Also, the surgery is complicated by her age and heart murmur so the outcome cannot be guaranteed. She is not good with other cats or children, so I am not holding out much hope for her at this time but thought I would at least give it a shot. Thanks."

You should have replied all: Looks like you totaled your cat, bro. Bummer.
I have an office full of crazy fad dieters, a racist Mormon who makes slurs about the Mexican office manager without even realizing she's offensive, and another woman who sings along to her rAdio, but I don't always think she knows she's singing out loud. For the most part, everyone is pretty normal... I would be the girl who eats all the time, and they see and comment on this, but I eat apples, oatmeal, Greek yogurt, and pretzels... Not candy and take-out trays every day.
IT peeps should be disqualified from the thread since they are guaranteed to be the strangest.
I was getting a cup of coffee this very morning and chatting it up with a nice lady from HR who walked in. She had her lunch but the fridge was full. She says "do you think I can throw out this two day old sandwich tray?" I laugh and say that she better not, someone will eat them. On cue, in walks a guy from IT and gets two Roast Beef sammies (already dressed w L,T, Mayo) and takes them back to his desk. Keep in mind that it was 730 AM.

People at my office will eat ANYTHING. Its really fucking disgusting. We have all these fat old lady paralegals that I refer to as the greasy grannies.

No shit I came in at like 845 two weeks ago and there was an entire german chocolate coconut cake set out, already with a slice taken out. That thing was gone by like 11AM. So gross.
People at my office will eat ANYTHING. Its really fucking disgusting. We have all these fat old lady paralegals that I refer to as the greasy grannies.

No shit I came in at like 845 two weeks ago and there was an entire german chocolate coconut cake set out, already with a slice taken out. That thing was gone by like 11AM. So gross.

hm, this happens most every week at my job (the mom of a girl on my floor owns a bakery. we get the cakes/brownies/whatever every time that they're "messed up." usually being messed up just means that they're not pretty. they still taste good). definitely gone before lunchtime. i would be lying if i said that i didn't contribute to them being gone by then.