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Hate Crime : it's a Knockout.

What was Jesus' biggest lesson? Wasn't it "Do unto others as you would have done unto you." How is that not the basis of Christian morality?

Why is your view of morality so vastly different than that?

You know full well we have no common ground. I have had this discussion 100 times on these boards. You and I both know it is fruitless.
Not going to bite. Carry on.
You know full well we have no common ground. I have had this discussion 100 times on these boards. You and I both know it is fruitless.
Not going to bite. Carry on.

I mean, the only discussions I've had a lot with you are on gay marriage and abortion. So I guess I'm to assume that because gay marriage is legal in some states, and abortion is legal in the US, then you think our country is way, way less moral than it was a hundred years ago?

Is that wrong?
The Dallas cop stuff is hilarious as if it's not "racist" is cops tell you to racially profile people.

Look folks, if this knockout thing is popular among inner city black teens now, suburban white kids will be doing it soon enough. Then suburban white parents will host knockout parties and get mad when law enforcement tries to punish their kids. Then Miley Cyrus will knock someone out on stage at the VMAs and it will officially become cool.
potential threats like black people


If the groups were mostly white teens, they would've reported it that way. They're the PD and building security. It's their job to help civilians identify potential threats, be it white, black, Asian, whatever. They were reporting the trend as they saw it. And have more info that average lay people like us.
You think morality is being nice. Ok. I don't think being nice really has a lot to do with morality. It may correlate at times, but it really has no bearing on morality. You can be a nice immoral person or a nice moral person. I know a lot of nice people that are living immoral lives. Like I said - my definition and bbzero's (and I am sure yours) are vastly different so it is a fruitless discussion to have. I think we are both pretty clear that we stand on different sides of the chasm and no amount of shouting is going to bring either of us over to the other side :).

Lets just leave it at that and hope that this phenomenon of 'knockout' comes to an end sooner rather than later regardless of race/class/age/etc....

I'm very interested to know your definition. I don't want to assume, but I gotta say it's patronizing for you to just sit there and say we're on different sides of a morality chasm, though, because we don't exclusively view it through your [Christian] lens. I think we've gotten a lot better from 150 years ago when we had slavery (Ephesians 6:5) or 100 years ago with lynchings and burning crosses throughout the South or 50 years ago before civil rights really started to progress.

Unfortunately, it seems to me white people still look to make black people a bogeyman at every turn. That doesn't seem very moral to me.
Does it make me a bad person if I avoid roving bands of youths, regardless of color? Because seriously, they're the worst. And they're everywhere.

If the groups were mostly white teens, they would've reported it that way.


They're the PD and building security. It's their job to help civilians identify potential threats, be it white, black, Asian, whatever. They were reporting the trend as they saw it. And have more info that average lay people like us.

Again, I'd be really interested to see evidence of a trend here. And for them to pull a bunch of people into a conference room to say, "hey, we read this thing on the Internet about the knockout game, so be careful if you ever see a black person because they might try to punch you in the head" is an absurd thing for law enforcement to do on so many levels.
I'm very interested to know your definition. I don't want to assume, but I gotta say it's patronizing for you to just sit there and say we're on different sides of a morality chasm, though, because we don't exclusively view it through your [Christian] lens. I think we've gotten a lot better from 150 years ago when we had slavery (Ephesians 6:5) or 100 years ago with lynchings and burning crosses throughout the South or 50 years ago before civil rights really started to progress.

Unfortunately, it seems to me white people still look to make black people a bogeyman at every turn. That doesn't seem very moral to me.

but GAY BUTT SEX?!?!
This is just silly. You're labelling every person walking down the street as a "potential victim." If you do that, you can justify any behavior.

Justify what behavior? Crossing the street? Do you look both ways when you cross the street, or are you above being a potential victim of getting hit by a car as well?
I'm very interested to know your definition. I don't want to assume, but I gotta say it's patronizing for you to just sit there and say we're on different sides of a morality chasm, though, because we don't exclusively view it through your [Christian] lens. I think we've gotten a lot better from 150 years ago when we had slavery (Ephesians 6:5) or 100 years ago with lynchings and burning crosses throughout the South or 50 years ago before civil rights really started to progress.

Unfortunately, it seems to me white people still look to make black people a bogeyman at every turn. That doesn't seem very moral to me.

I will take you at your word, but again I do not want this to devolve into the same old tired debate. Trust me when I say I have had it too many times to count. IF you want my basic definition of morality then the best rule of thumb is to view our current culture in the light of the ten commandments:

1. Have no other gods before Me (are we moving towards or away from the Biblical God or do we set up our definitions of god, ignore him completely, or follow another god/religion)
2. No graven image (do we create our own gods to follow...what do we worship?)
3. Don't take the LORD's name in vain (do we give God proper respect in tongue and deed)
4. Sabbath day holy (are we setting up God as the most important part of our week? Do we commit specific time for him to fellowship and worship with other believers)
5. Honor mom and pop (parental respect, emphasis on family unit of a mother and a father. Are we moving towards or away from that as society?)
6. Shall not kill (we kill 1 million babies a year via abortion...compare this to 1800's...to 1900's...technology has simply made killing easier)
7. Shall not commit adultery (sexual relationship outside of a marriage of man and wife......definitely not moving towards a Biblical marriage as displayed by the life of Adam and Eve)
8. Shall not steal (not just loafs of bread, the Biblical definition is much broader...corporate and individual greed to be included...definitely not getting better)
9. Not not lie about your neighbor (don't see any evidence that people are becoming more honest with each other)
10. Do not covet (ties into greed, into 'over-wanting' decent and good things. Could parlay this into pornography, overworking to get ahead...basically wanting anything more than you desire to be in communion with the God of the Bible)

That is about as good a summary I can give for a message board. There are numerous other facets to this, but I think this proves my point that by MY definition (which is based on the Bible) we are not getting better. I believe that you have a different definition than me because I cannot imagine that someone would share my definition of morality and have any inclinations that we are 'getting better'.

This is not a judgement on you, just a realization that we start from different beginning points. No amount of haggling about the route to the end is going to change because we start traveling in different directions from the very beginning. Hopefully that answers your question. This is usually the part of the argument where various board liberals begin to sarcastically and mean spiritedly pick apart my Biblical beliefs based on some notion that they can convince me otherwise if I can just realize their superior intellect.

I know better than to try and convince you that my beliefs are true, I just ask you the same courtesy. Back to roving bands of youths.
What do you think the ratio is between pedestrians being hit by cars and people getting cold cocked randomly? Like a million to 1? Higher?

There's no way to justify that behavior unless you're a racist. I'm sorry.
I will take you at your word, but again I do not want this to devolve into the same old tired debate. Trust me when I say I have had it too many times to count. IF you want my basic definition of morality then the best rule of thumb is to view our current culture in the light of the ten commandments:

1. Have no other gods before Me (are we moving towards or away from the Biblical God or do we set up our definitions of god, ignore him completely, or follow another god/religion)
2. No graven image (do we create our own gods to follow...what do we worship?)
3. Don't take the LORD's name in vain (do we give God proper respect in tongue and deed)
4. Sabbath day holy (are we setting up God as the most important part of our week? Do we commit specific time for him to fellowship and worship with other believers)
5. Honor mom and pop (parental respect, emphasis on family unit of a mother and a father. Are we moving towards or away from that as society?)
6. Shall not kill (we kill 1 million babies a year via abortion...compare this to 1800's...to 1900's...technology has simply made killing easier)
7. Shall not commit adultery (sexual relationship outside of a marriage of man and wife......definitely not moving towards a Biblical marriage as displayed by the life of Adam and Eve)
8. Shall not steal (not just loafs of bread, the Biblical definition is much broader...corporate and individual greed to be included...definitely not getting better)
9. Not not lie about your neighbor (don't see any evidence that people are becoming more honest with each other)
10. Do not covet (ties into greed, into 'over-wanting' decent and good things. Could parlay this into pornography, overworking to get ahead...basically wanting anything more than you desire to be in communion with the God of the Bible)

That is about as good a summary I can give for a message board. There are numerous other facets to this, but I think this proves my point that by MY definition (which is based on the Bible) we are not getting better. I believe that you have a different definition than me because I cannot imagine that someone would share my definition of morality and have any inclinations that we are 'getting better'.

This is not a judgement on you, just a realization that we start from different beginning points. No amount of haggling about the route to the end is going to change because we start traveling in different directions from the very beginning. Hopefully that answers your question. This is usually the part of the argument where various board liberals begin to sarcastically and mean spiritedly pick apart my Biblical beliefs based on some notion that they can convince me otherwise if I can just realize their superior intellect.

I know better than to try and convince you that my beliefs are true, I just ask you the same courtesy. Back to roving bands of youths.

Well, at least you're open to discussion