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Hearthstone Thread FTMFW - 4/7 Ashes of Outland release - New Demon Hunter class!

I'm actually pleasantly surprised by Blizzard's improvements, clearly at the behest of their users.

-No more duplicate legendaries
-You can permanently complete your quests with friends
-An average +700 extra gold (from double rewards) in these two weeks leading up to the new release
-A free legendary (and three packs) from the free adventure content
-At least one more legendary within your first ten opened packs

Blizzard is getting generous as fuck. They're giving out three free arena runs - and you start each one 1-0. God, I can't wait to farm n00bs.
I'm struggling on whether or not to dust Caverns for 1,600 dust. I dusted Yogg when he was nerfed, and I kind of regret that because he's still competitively viable. Will the Quest be, too?

I'm okay with the nerf for two reasons: even though it's fun and challenging to play Quest Rogue (I enjoyed it quite a bit myself), it is an unbelievably polarizing matchup for your opponent. If you're playing a controlling deck, the best course of action is to instantly concede. Seriously. Even if you're running Aggro Druid or Pirate Warrior, you can still get teabagged by the nut draw. There's no worse feeling in HS at the moment than watching your opponent complete the quest on turn 3 or 4 - that's just ludicrous. I believe the playing community's reaction to this card was a factor in the decision.

The second reason is perhaps the primary impetus, but one that isn't getting as much chatter: this card limits design space in a significant manner. We're only 1/3 of the way through this Standard cycle and the Quest is already oppressive (or perceived to be). Can you imagine if any decent 1 or 2 drops were added in either of the next two sets? How about another bounce effect? Simply adding cards, even if they aren't optimal, gives players more space to experiment and further refine QR decks. And then there's Wild...where if this card were left unchanged, would get stronger and stronger until it was only beatable by hyper-aggressive decks. Boy, that would be a fun meta.
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One change that's completely changed my deck is that the Jade Spirits are now elementals. I had taken all the Jade stuff out of my deck but I'm putting it back in now.
Wow. Ant goes through to the HCT Semis (and punches his ticket to the World Finals) on the most dirty, disgusting, fucking ridiculous draw...this is the stuff of your nightmares:

Turn one: Innervate, Fledgling
Turn two: Coin, Other Fledgling
Turn three: Mark of Y, Enchanted Raven
Turn four: Bloodsail Corsair (pulls Patches), Savage Roar

Game over.

This is meme-tastic.

I totally crushed a Priest yesterday by innervating flappy bird. No SWP in opening hand? Sorry, not sorry.
So I had a decent HS day yesterday. After my 2-3 arena run, I opened a golden Pyros in my reward pack. Then after a 3-3 run, I opened a druid quest.
Save your packs, man! The new no-dupe legendary rules aren't instituted until the new set releases.

(although it sounds like it turned out alright)
I'm struggling on whether or not to dust Caverns for 1,600 dust. I dusted Yogg when he was nerfed, and I kind of regret that because he's still competitively viable. Will the Quest be, too?

I'm okay with the nerf for two reasons: even though it's fun and challenging to play Quest Rogue (I enjoyed it quite a bit myself), it is an unbelievably polarizing matchup for your opponent. If you're playing a controlling deck, the best course of action is to instantly concede. Seriously. Even if you're running Aggro Druid or Pirate Warrior, you can still get teabagged by the nut draw. There's no worse feeling in HS at the moment than watching your opponent complete the quest on turn 3 or 4 - that's just ludicrous. I believe the playing community's reaction to this card was a factor in the decision.

The second reason is perhaps the primary impetus, but one that isn't getting as much chatter: this card limits design space in a significant manner. We're only 1/3 of the way through this Standard cycle and the Quest is already oppressive (or perceived to be). Can you imagine if any decent 1 or 2 drops were added in either of the next two sets? How about another bounce effect? Simply adding cards, even if they aren't optimal, gives players more space to experiment and further refine QR decks. And then there's Wild...where if this card were left unchanged, would get stronger and stronger until it was only beatable by hyper-aggressive decks. Boy, that would be a fun meta.

I want to see a Wild deck with Caverns that Gangs Up Patches to spawn a board full of 5/5 Chargers.
I ended up dusting it, btw. 1,600 dust means I can craft any legendary, including Caverns back into my collection, if I wish.
Quest for Legend update: Moving into the single digits shortly. The first part of the month is such a grind. It's just a win % battle, and in a balanced meta it can be really difficult to string together a few wins in a row to quickly jump up the ranks. I have played primarily with: Pirate warrior, token shaman, and now a mid-range murloc paladin. The paladin has seen the most success (56%), while the other two are at 52% on the month each. The time that it takes to play and win PW games may make up that difference though since I can play so many more in X amount of time.
I hate the 'win 3 games with any class' quest. Especially during double gold week.

They should rename it: I guess I'm not playing today.
My HS best friend came to visit me this weekend (he's the one who got me into Hearthstone). And per tradition, we played a shit ton of [buzzed] arena.

Watch out Kripp - he averaged 8 wins a run over weekend. It helps that he only played Mage/Rogue/Paladin.
Double gold ends Wednesday - make sure you clear out your quest log tomorrow.

Edit: you can complete them through 12pm Wednesday, when the next Tavern Brawl starts.
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Went 3-3 with the free arena ticket. I had a rogue deck and I made a few questionable choices in drafting but I did okay I think considering I'm not very familiar with rogue or arena.
If you get Mage in the Tavern Brawl, do everything you can to discover Ice Block - it's bugged, and you automatically win if you can play it.
If you get Mage in the Tavern Brawl, do everything you can to discover Ice Block - it's bugged, and you automatically win if you can play it.

I had Rogue, Shaman, and I forget the third one. It wasn't Mage though.

How is it bugged? Play Ice Block and it never goes away?
Oh, you said Tavern Brawl. My bad.

I did have mage funnily enough but no ice block. I won pretty easily anyway.
When does the pack opening formula change? sitting on 13 packs