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IRS "loses" Lois Lerner e-mails from illegal targeting scandal

Generally you only have to keep returns for 3 years.


6.You file a claim for a loss from worthless securities or bad debt deduction; keep records for 7 years.

P.S. You know I'm just giving you that Ron Cherry business, right? They lying, but we're used to it.
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The IRS is a huge bureaucracy. Their inability to find records that they expect you to keep is nothing new.

There is no guarantee that they can find anything frankly.
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And why I said "I". #reading

Still doesn't change the fact that I wasn't wrong. #reading

I didn't say you were lying or incorrect, I was just indicating that record retention for that long is not generally the case, which it isn't.
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Still doesn't change the fact that I wasn't wrong. #reading

I didn't say you were lying or incorrect, I was just indicating that record retention for that long is not generally the case, which it isn't.

Which is both true and not responsive to what I posted, but I don't really care. I think the lady that plead the Fifth whose computer ate her homework is lying.

But as long as we---and Ph---can emerge from this exchange#undefeated I will call it a win.
Which is both true and not responsive to what I posted, but I don't really care. I think the lady that plead the Fifth whose computer ate her homework is lying.

But as long as we---and Ph---can emerge from this exchange#undefeated I will call it a win.

This isn't a matter of her lying. It's a matter of the IRS IT people lying in that they can't retrieve these emails for these periods.

How can she lie when she has already pleaded the 5th? She isn't even an IRS employee any more.

Sounds like they have retrieved most of the emails from these periods anyway from other employee's email accounts.
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She pleaded the fifth knowing that any miniscule deviation from one of tens of thousands of emails would create a perjury and Contempt of Congress indictment.

Issa has all the answers. He has no interest in the truth. He's proud to be Joe McCarthy-lite.
Generally you only have to keep returns for 3 years for audit purposes for the IRS unless certain circumstances apply.

And I seriously doubt they are lying. Incompetence or poor IT resources would be a more reasonable explanation. Why would random government employees risk long jail terms to protect Lerner? IRS employees are not political appointees. They are career government people.

That's nice.
Tell me the life experience of a corporate email. User submits email then...
That's nice.

I guess that comes down to whether you believe there was some agency wide conspiracy to target conservative groups that people are willing to go to jail over or not. Personally, I think that is as likely as most conspiracy theories.

The FBI has investigated it and found no evidence, but it really doesn't fit into your political need to believe that conservative groups have been targeted in some sort of dastardly plot.

Political extremes always have a persecution complex but it is really bad with modern day conservatives.
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I worked government IT for quite some time. Just because there are laws mandating storage of records (emails), doesn't mean it's done centrally. In a world with limited budgets, having the funding for enough centralized email storage is not always possible. At that point, end-users have the burden of maintaing local copies, backing them up, etc.

"My computer crashed, do you have copies of all my emails?"
"Remember when you turned down my request for the Data Domain?"
The funny thing is that I am sure that Lois Lerner was completely pissed and freaked out that she had lost a bunch of important data when her computer crashed but now it has been transformed into part of her evil plot.
I worked government IT for quite some time. Just because there are laws mandating storage of records (emails), doesn't mean it's done centrally. In a world with limited budgets, having the funding for enough centralized email storage is not always possible. At that point, end-users have the burden of maintaing local copies, backing them up, etc.

"My computer crashed, do you have copies of all my emails?"
"Remember when you turned down my request for the Data Domain?"

As I understand email, it travels "from" someone's account "to" someone's accounts. Seems that the IRS should be able to search for any incoming messages FROM her on other people's accounts in Treasury. I don't anticipate that they will work very hard to get to the bottom of this, since it took them an entire year into the investigation to volunteer they were missing two solid years of her email. Nixon is missing a few minutes of audio and the sky falls, but two years of email go missing? "NBD." She plead the fifth and her email "goes missing". May be time to pawn that "Most Transparent Administration in History" trophy.
The funny thing is that I am sure that Lois Lerner was completely pissed and freaked out that she had lost a bunch of important data when her computer crashed but now it has been transformed into part of her evil plot.

She's the real victim in this if you just think hard enough.
Actually she is, because she could be the collateral damage in this game of political cat and mouse.

But hey, I know you have a need to believe, so don't let me stop you.
Actually she is, because she could be the collateral damage in this game of political cat and mouse.

But hey, I know you have a need to believe, so don't let me stop you.

It's a shame when people let politics impact their private opinions about public officials. It is far preferable for private political biases to impact the actions of public officials in their official capacities.
Seems that the IRS should be able to search for any incoming messages FROM her on other people's accounts in Treasury

My understanding is that they have recovered many of her emails by doing exactly that.

The IRS was able to generate 24,000 Lerner emails from the 2009 to 2011 because Lerner had copied in other IRS employees. The agency said it pieced together the emails from the computers of 82 other IRS employees.
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It's a shame when people let politics impact their private opinions about public officials. It is far preferable for private political biases to impact the actions of public officials in their official capacities.

Of course, all of the evidence here is that didn't happen. This stated under a Bush appointee and progressive groups were targeted also. But you have a need to believe so don't let me stop you.