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IRS "loses" Lois Lerner e-mails from illegal targeting scandal

As I understand email, it travels "from" someone's account "to" someone's accounts. Seems that the IRS should be able to search for any incoming messages FROM her on other people's accounts in Treasury. I don't anticipate that they will work very hard to get to the bottom of this, since it took them an entire year into the investigation to volunteer they were missing two solid years of her email. Nixon is missing a few minutes of audio and the sky falls, but two years of email go missing? "NBD." She plead the fifth and her email "goes missing". May be time to pawn that "Most Transparent Administration in History" trophy.

If the emails are truly gone, they'll get sender, recipient, subject and header info.
The bottom line of the entire IRS non-scandal is that ZERO conservative groups lost their tax exempt status. The other story is there were also "keywords" for liberal groups. The only group that lost their tax exempt status was a liberal group.

What kind of "scandal" or "crimes" could happen if no conservative groups were impacted?
I'm in IT, ask me anything

I worked government IT for quite some time. Just because there are laws mandating storage of records (emails), doesn't mean it's done centrally. In a world with limited budgets, having the funding for enough centralized email storage is not always possible. At that point, end-users have the burden of maintaing local copies, backing them up, etc.

"My computer crashed, do you have copies of all my emails?"
"Remember when you turned down my request for the Data Domain?"
lol at this becoming a conspiracy theory - exchange servers are pretty notorious for failing to sync pst files properly, and people unfamiliar with IT never pay attention to the the error messages.
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I need a scorecard. When is government incompetent and when is it capable of pulling off a vast conspiracy against conservatives?
I didn't read any of the articles on this ridiculous witch hunt. They stated it was an Exchange server?
I didn't read any of the articles on this ridiculous witch hunt. They stated it was an Exchange server?
I just assumed so, for a whole dept of employees using Outlook - with whatever modifications the government requires for security and privacy. I hated having to deal with outlook on XP, seemed like every time some professors computer would crash and have to be reloaded, their outlook hadnt backed up for the past month or two.
It’s not just Lois Lerner’s e-mails. The Internal Revenue Service says it can’t produce e-mails from six more employees involved in the targeting of consrvative groups, according to two Republicans investigating the scandal.

The IRS told Ways and Means chairman Dave Camp and subcommittee chairman Charles Boustany that computer crashes resulted in additional lost e-mails, including from Nikole Flax, the chief of staff to former IRS commissioner Steven Miller, who was fired in the wake of the targeting scandal.

The revelation about Lerner’s e-mails rekindled the scandal and today’s news has further inflamed Republicans. Camp and Boustany are now demanding a special prosecutor to investigate “every angle” of the targeting. They expressed particular outrage that the agency has known since February that it would not be able to produce the e-mails requested by the committee yet did not apprise the committee of that fact, and they charged in a statement that the IRS is attempting to “cover up the fact that it convenient lost key documents in the investigation.”


Interesting coincidence. Even more interesting that they took so long to let the committee know. I wonder why they won't appoint a special, impartial prosecutor?
I need a scorecard. When is government incompetent and when is it capable of pulling off a vast conspiracy against conservatives?

That applies in reverse as well. Pick a topic. Pick a scandal. The government is incompetent. The government is engaging is a massive cover up.

Seriously, Lerner is a pawn. And she is a pawn on both sides of the aisle. The GOP doesn't want her. They want bigger fish. If anyone is more prone to leave her out to dry right now, it is the Dems.
That applies in reverse as well. Pick a topic. Pick a scandal. The government is incompetent. The government is engaging is a massive cover up.

Seriously, Lerner is a pawn. And she is a pawn on both sides of the aisle. The GOP doesn't want her. They want bigger fish. If anyone is more prone to leave her out to dry right now, it is the Dems.

One of these two statements has to be incorrect. Incompetent and Dr. Evil are mutually exclusive.
One of these two statements has to be incorrect. Incompetent and Dr. Evil are mutually exclusive.

Not really. I've worked with several people who were incompetent at their jobs, but masters at covering up their ineptitude. No reason to believe an administration couldn't do the same.
If these parties were astute enough to crash their own computers years ago and know that would be the only record of that email then wouldn't they have been astute enough to just erase the questionable emails and avoid any questions?