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KanhojiAngre's Playground

I like it. Even before all this World Cup bollocks it makes sense. He wants to go to there for his family, which is a pretty strong draw for him. Strikers usually peak early, so he may have 1 or 2 more peak years, or this might have been his career year. Either way, you're basically trading 2 peak years to Barca for a younger Sanchez that hasn't yet reached his peak, and a Brinks truck. If Barca tries to tap him up and lowball, then you keep him. It was essential to keep him last summer because you couldn't buy top talent not being in Europe.

I would certainly not be done with him if he stayed in Liverpool, but you know that it's going to be 2012 times...well, x. Who knows. But he wouldn't get calls, if he looked at someone crosseyed the FA would charge him, people would make idiots of themselves heckling at matches, and the media would egg it all on. One article I read claimed Liverpool needed to fight to keep him like Man U did with Cantona...but the difference is that Cantona was forgiven by the media (which is really amazing because Cantona had a helluva rap sheet going back to France; enough that Liverpool were offered the chance to buy him first and said they didn't want to deal with his bs) and Suarez never would be because he plays for Liverpool.

I don't worry about the money being reinvested wisely. We're not Spurs with the left hand not agreeing with what the right hand is doing; the club has a direction and a leader with a clear vision. Everyone that LFC is linked with, you can see similarities in their play, it's easy to see what Rodgers is valuing in addition to talent. Not every signing is going to work out, but it's clear from both his time at Swansea and Liverpool that the guy has an eye for talent and now the only limit to getting it is the budget.

I don't think any opportunity will have been missed if Suarez goes -- in fact it might be opportunity gained as it would given an opportunity to further build the talent base. I half think all of this was going to happen anyway, and Real and Barca don't seem put off in the least which if I was them I wouldn't either because they wouldn't be subject to an adversarial FA that's been poisoned against their club by an executive from their rivals -- the Spanish FA was complicit in the actions that landed Barca in hot water with youth transfers.

By the way, I won't be on this board after the World Cup is over because, really there's no reason to. The only reason I came back was to see what vad and DeacMan were saying about players I wouldn't know much about. For me, they're the real value as far people that know the talent on this board, not a guy with an EPLindex account and a bullhorn. Anyway if you want to keep this convo going, post your email. I would post mine, but well, you can see how that might be a bad move given the extent to which I've been stalked on this board even as is.
If you want you can try sending a PM, but I won't be able to respond to it and I honestly don't know if I can receive them or not (the last one in my inbox is more than two years old). Basically the board mods banned me but kept this thread so it wouldn't really be a ban because they knew it would be an injustice and a violation of what the board was supposed to be about. I could have just made a new username, of course, but it wasn't important enough to me, really.
Alan Hansen
Mark Lawrenson
Jan Molby
Michael Owen
Jaime Carragher
Danny Murphy
Paul Walsh
Steve Nicol
Steve McManaman
Robbie Fowlier
Phil Thompson
Jaime Redknapp
Stan Collymore
John Barnes
Graeme Souness
Jim Beglin
Kevin Keegan

That is a list of all the former Liverpool players that rightfully love that club in the apparently anti-Liverpool media.
Given the anti-Suarez hysteria the English media has whipped up, he has to get out of the country, for the sake of his wife and children.
Most of those are TV types, which only means that Liverpool players look good on TV. A few of them write columns.

Most of the print media is based in either London or Manchester and their reporting reflects that.

Lawrenson writes some columns for the Echo but isn't the person from that paper that I think the fans respect most as far as information goes.

Speaking of which...


Apparently what FIFA really didn't like is that Suarez didn't come in groveling and genuflecting. FIFA doesn't seem to have even considered the possibility that he may have been giving a valid account of events -- they just wanted him to come in and throw himself on their mercy. They also claim to have not considered past events, which is just a laugh.

At this point I'm really hoping this goes to Lausanne, but I'm guessing FIFA will try to head that off by reducing his sanction. But then I also thought, for some reason, that FIFA would be professional and measured in the first place and they very clearly haven't been either. They're quite literally making things up as questions are asked, and even modifying their answers as they give them.
Given the anti-Suarez hysteria the English media has whipped up, he has to get out of the country, for the sake of his wife and children.

Pretty much, and they have family in Barcelona anyway. I think it might have happened anyway, but it's sad that the English media and the FA get the impression that they've forced what they wanted all along. Oh well, hopefully Liverpool gets back another dogged and skilled South American whose fighting spirit and defiant nature will annoy them for years to come.
Posted at 1:27 this afternoon. Late.

Chile need to score again if this was her reaction to them equalizing...

I'm sorry, I don't remember saying I gave a shit. But I guess I must have.

Jesus Christ I cannot imagine what drudgery living with you must be.

You're also such a complete idiot that you don't realize that's not the same picture. But I would expect such a lack of attention to detail from you. You're in such a rush to try to one up someone that you miss the facts.
Through the group stages 27 goals scored by Premier League players, most by any league.

8 of them (30%) have been scored by Manchester United players. 3 (11%) have been scored by Liverpool players.




oh, sorry, I meant...

Dv7 shouldn't be allowed to post on this thread. For his own sake (and everyone else's)
I hope you don't think any of that matters to me.

Past is past. Keane and Vieira are both commentators now. Hilariously, at times on the same set.

And Man U is a midtable club desperately trying to buy the world so they don't get left out of Europe next year, to the point that they're apparently considering buying Daryl Janmaat. Guess Van Gaal doesn't even rate the one non-old defender that Man U had coming back or he wouldn't be trying to bring in a player that's older than the one he has waiting.

It's obvious that Van Gaal doesn't think much of the team he inherited at all, and is trying to blow up large parts of it as quickly as possible. But it really wasn't that bad a team, just poorly managed, eh? Bahahaha whatever you want to think, that's why you'll be starting more new players than old ones against the gift-wrapped early fixture list.

LOL apparently Van Gaal is offering Vidal 250k a week to try to get him to go to the midtable club. Better watch that FFP with no European money coming in and that debt. But I'm sure Scudamore will be more than happy to do whatever necessary to "protect the global brand" because clearly English football would be nothing with the tablecloths blown off the top of the table. Sickening how much the powers that be in England try to stack the deck.
Dv7 shouldn't be allowed to post on this thread. For his own sake (and everyone else's)

He's even ruined supporting the Netherlands for me by acting like NED is Man U or some bizarre permutation thereof.
He's even ruined supporting the Netherlands for me by acting like NED is Man U or some bizarre permutation thereof.

(that would be really weird and pathetic if it were true. you don't even know me. why would i impact anything you like?)
I doubt Louis will be smiling when he gets to England and realizes he's got a mid-table side.


The man management and tactical deployment of their various old man bits would be astonishing. 4 hour erection? Try 7. Minutes.
