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Let's take a moment to thank Pfizer, Moderna & the academic Elites at WFU: forcing mRNA into young athletes veins "It could have been so much worse"

He will reach next level when there is another mass shooting and you say, "These shootings have gotten really crazy." And he responds with, "BUT WHAT ABOUT CHICAGO!!"

Weird how they don't get how better gun laws throughout the country would make it harder for guns to get to "Chicago" and into the hands of some shithead who wants to shoot up a school.
Weird how they don't get how better gun laws throughout the country would make it harder for guns to get to "Chicago" and into the hands of some shithead who wants to shoot up a school.
No the Chicago argument is that Chicago has gun laws and yet there are a lot of criminal shootings there. Of course it's all handgun crime.
I think he gets that. He is saying that they are ignoring the fact that Chicago’s problems aren’t entirely of Chicago’s doing. Lax guns laws surrounding Chicago are a part of the problem that Chicago can’t control.
Did you go to pub med and use your search terms?
Why won’t you watch the video? Not this video, the other one that 80deac posted. This video is different, you shouldn’t watch this one, why won’t you watch the other one?

The "natural immunity vs vaccines" question is self-evidently dumb. I don't care if natural immunity is more effective, the whole point of a vaccine is that some people who get infected the virus end up in the hospital or dead instead of getting natural immunity, and the vaccine protects against that. This isn't a matter of "trusting the wrong 'experts'", it's a matter of basic critical thinking.
The "natural immunity vs vaccines" question is self-evidently dumb. I don't care if natural immunity is more effective, the whole point of a vaccine is that some people who get infected the virus end up in the hospital or dead instead of getting natural immunity, and the vaccine protects against that. This isn't a matter of "trusting the wrong 'experts'", it's a matter of basic critical thinking.
Did you watch the video ?
Please show me a study by CDC on mask effectiveness or that vaccination is better that natural immunity... because they haven't been done. But other countries have.

Does it not make you a little curious why they wouldn't have done something so simple? Peter McCullough is one labelled a quack. Yet, he was a respected cardiologist and head of Internal Medicine at Baylor Med until fired. I find it strange that he and 100s of other accomplished and respected doctors all of a sudden became crazed idiots after voicing opposing views on COVID.

You will not find the following on Google. You can find results of "successfully treated COVID patients in India" articles (extremely high number) but no mention of what they use.

Elon Musk is now beginning to expose the blocking of free speech and suppression of facts by Twitter prior to his ownership.

Omg. Did you just put this jackass Mccullough up? I know him well. The guy is a fucking lunatic and absolutely disqualifies you. Holy fuck. Good LOL to start my day
Program director of cardiology gets canned and has to get a restraining order against him. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. How has this country gotten so fucking stupid? It’s impossible to have a simple discussion about how 2+2 = 4 when the other person thinks numbers are deep state bullshit.
Please reserve judgement until you've actually WATCHED the video. Make sure you watch in incognito mode so you don't make Brandon's FEMA camp list. May god have mercy on those who have accepted the mark of the beast.
The deep rooted problem is the sources that ridiculous side take are quacks and have a bias before the study ever starts. If you already “know” the answer, you’re asking the question to “prove” your own ridiculous theory.
If I was ADAMANT that Wake Forest is the best basketball program to ever exist, went on a big public speaking tour and my sources are GoDeacs.com and DeaconMed.org and quote my own illegitimate papers, there are too many reasons to list why I would be laughed out of the room or not given a seat at the “who has the best program” discussion. It’s not because of a conspiracy. It’s because I’m a looney toon. And these looney toons are the loudest in the room, calling everyone else “sheep” or “wake up”. The irony of that is so thick, Paul Bunyan couldn’t cut it
Why the fuck would you think a cardiologist is an expert in infectious disease. He should be reading EKGs, not talking about vaccines and viral spread
Because <checks notes> he agrees with what hannity told him to believe in prime time last night !
Why the fuck would you think a cardiologist is an expert in infectious disease. He should be reading EKGs, not talking about vaccines and viral spread
I’m a cardiologist and certainly know more than non-medical people. But I know my limits. And, when it comes to viral illnesses, I leave the big boy talk to infectious disease consultants.

Interviewed at Baylor Dallas for cardiology in 2015. Beautiful hospital, lots of volume. But the program director (see above) gave everyone the creeps and cared more about his publications (which are other-worldly useless and repetitive) than about actual medicine. And he could hardly open his eyes from botoxing himself into oblivion. He is an imbecile
Yeah, weird to not be facing life ending/reducing myocarditis, blood clots and all those "died unexpectedly" obituaries. So difficult. 🤣
How many people died from Covid as opposed to those who died from the above during the pandemic? People who refused the vaccine put everyone with whom they came into contact at risk.
Agree with this entirely. Thank you for posting. First thought I had when they announced Hartman's condition was the question of vaccination. People can laugh all they want but we will see more of such as time passes. National press is suppressing it. Not so in Europe. Almost weekly reporting of incapacitation or death of athletes, especially soccer players, all heart related 20-30 y.o.s with no history of problems.

Heart related problems/death up like 800% in this population last year.
Source (and Fox news doesn't count)
I love that the national press is suppressing this information but the godless socialist press in Europe is not.
Just go to truthpatriotnews.ru, do the research, and try to tell him he's wrong. Big tech won't return this site in its search engines since they are in on it, so key in the url yourself. And make sure to click ACCEPT ALL for cookies since this is the only way to protect your browsing history.
I love that the national press is suppressing this information but the godless socialist press in Europe is not.
I saw an article on zerohedge dot com by Tyler Durden that would blow this whole thing open if we could just get the word out past the media Gestapo.