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Official 2013 NBA Draft Thread - That was great.

Noel hasn't had the handles Henson had from Day One. Henson was really a SF who is 7' tall.
I feel like Noel is halfway between John Henson and Unibrow. Although Henson developed his outside game a bit at the end of his UNC career. Either way it will be a while before he's a big factor in the NBA, if ever.

John Henson had some eye popping stat lines this year when he got playing time. Considering what happened with Tobias Harris this year, I wouldn't put any stock in Henson's lack of playing time. That Milwaukee coaching staff just sucks.
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Certainly the injury factor, but his defense/rebounding should translate well. He reminds me a lot of Tyson Chandler, but it certainly took Chandler a while to get acclimated to the NBA.

ETA: I think injury is the only risk. Worst case I think he's an outstanding defensive player. That being said, I don't see a tremendous about of upside in his offensive game and he will never be the best player on an NBA Finals team.

That's a great comparison.

He reminds me a lot of Tyson Chandler, too, and in this NBA, that's pretty good value. I do think he'll have less growing pains than Chandler (IIRC, Chandler was trying to morph into a face-up guy out of high school) and that his ceiling is a bit higher than the player Chandler developed into. Obviously, you'd hope that he develops a bit more on the offensive end, but based on his trajectory thus far, I don't think you can draft him expecting too much of that.

The only bad thing about the injury is that it's going to set him back developmentally. He played at 228-pounds this year, and will be lucky to get back there at the absolute most post-rehab. He weighed in at 206 and that's probably where they'll want to keep him while he works back into the speed of the game. Then, he has to both gain the weight and learn how to carry it, both in terms of how he plays and so as to avoid injury.
Or Red Sox's opinion on NOMAH!

That's a great comparison.

He reminds me a lot of Tyson Chandler, too, and in this NBA, that's pretty good value. I do think he'll have less growing pains than Chandler (IIRC, Chandler was trying to morph into a face-up guy out of high school) and that his ceiling is a bit higher than the player Chandler developed into. Obviously, you'd hope that he develops a bit more on the offensive end, but based on his trajectory thus far, I don't think you can draft him expecting too much of that.

The only bad thing about the injury is that it's going to set him back developmentally. He played at 228-pounds this year, and will be lucky to get back there at the absolute most post-rehab. He weighed in at 206 and that's probably where they'll want to keep him while he works back into the speed of the game. Then, he has to both gain the weight and learn how to carry it, both in terms of how he plays and so as to avoid injury.

Strick, am I misguided in thinking his weight would severely hinder his defense? No way I can see him keeping a guy like ZBo or either Gasol or a Duncan from scoring at will on the block. Just to strong right? Guys at this level are just too good when they get great post position and I don't know if he's even close to being strong enough to keep them out of the lane. Weighting in at 206 really scares me with him.
Strick, am I misguided in thinking his weight would severely hinder his defense? No way I can see him keeping a guy like ZBo or either Gasol or a Duncan from scoring at will on the block. Just to strong right? Guys at this level are just too good when they get great post position and I don't know if he's even close to being strong enough to keep them out of the lane. Weighting in at 206 really scares me with him.
His weight could definitely hinder his defensive ability, but having an NBA nutrition and weigh lifting system in his life should help a lot. Dudes going to be lifting and pounding down protein as his job for the first season. Much different than eating a slice of square pizza in high school lunch or getting Big Macs on the way to AAU tournaments. As a high school recruit he weighed between 200 and 215. The fact that he got up to 225 during the last season shows that he can put on weight quickly.
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Strick, am I misguided in thinking his weight would severely hinder his defense? No way I can see him keeping a guy like ZBo or either Gasol or a Duncan from scoring at will on the block. Just to strong right? Guys at this level are just too good when they get great post position and I don't know if he's even close to being strong enough to keep them out of the lane. Weighting in at 206 really scares me with him.

I agree with mdmh about the fact that he'll have every opportunity to develop physically.

My caveat is still with his injury and worry that it might adversely affect his development and/or ability to put on weight.

Noel was, by far, the best post defender in his HS class and he played very good defense against beefy SEC front lines and against Louisville, Duke, ND, and Baylor. If he comes back 100% from the injury and works hard to get his body and skill set up to par, then he'll be a heck of a defender.

For me, my issue is not really ability - he's always played well on a relatively light frame - but rather, it's whether he can continue to play this way on a beefier frame or with less athleticism/more regard for his body.
I like Len in this draft. I think he has as much upside as anybody I've seen. I would trade up and down to get him.
None of the guys Strick mentioned are going to be impact players in the NBA( with the possible exception of Dieng). Of course he would dominate them on D.

Good pros will negate his quickness and jumping ability by bumping him off and creating space. He can't play NBA post players at 210. I find it humorous that he was listed at 228 by KY and then weighed in at 206.

He needs to gain 20-35 pounds. Plus he needs to have some offense. Just dunking in the NBA makes you into Deandre Jordan. The #1 pick in the draft needs to be more.

Right now the best projection for him is Tyson Chandler. Chandler is two inches taller and has played about 20-30 pounds heavier than Noel is for most of his career.
I like Len in this draft. I think he has as much upside as anybody I've seen. I would trade up and down to get him.

Agree with this. Bobs should make Len their guy, stink it up for another year and get Wiggins next year. That's how you build an OKC type team.
Multiple body types can play in the NBA, especially as they play to their own strengths. Anthony Davis played defense against post players this season at 225, which Noel was already reported as weighing. Both players are still trying to gain weight though, but the point still stands that you can play post defense at 225. Kevin Garnett probably didn't weight 225 till his 2nd or 3rd year in the league.
Noel was weighed last month at 206. You want him to be 225, but he isn't.

Davis can also score on his own.
Noel was weighed last month at 206. You want him to be 225, but he isn't.

Davis can also score on his own.

This is a stupid post. Noel just had major knee surgery, it's pretty common for people to lose weight after surgeries, especially people with rapid metabolisms. Noel will probably weigh 220 before he clocks his first NBA minute of playing time. That also has nothing to do with Anthony Davis's offense. You said he couldn't play defense, I brought up multiple skinny post players who played effective defense.
He weighed under 210 when he got to KY. He weighted 206 last month. It's also very normal to lose weight during the season. Your rapid metabolism comment actually counters your weight gain point.

All the players you mentioned were bigger than Noel to start.

He could become a very good player, but he is far from a lock.
Kevin Garnett played at 217 in his first NBA season, Nerlens probably weighed 215 before his surgery, so where did I counter my own point? Basketball players have been known to lose 10 pounds when they get the flu. When a 7 foot person with the metabolism of a race horse doesn't eat much solid food for a few days they are going to quickly lose weight. I don't know why you think a 19 year old kid is incapable of gaining weight, but there's certainly no logic behind your reasoning.
Actually this is a good time for him to add some weight rather than lose it.

I have not said he can't gain weight. I said if doesn't he has a problem.

As to Kevin Garnet, he was much farther along as a player than Noel is. By his second year, KG averaged 17 ppg.

Also KG was a PF and didn't play the real big. Noel will be playing center.

Noel has no offense other than dunking. So far Noel hasn't shown more than Chandler or Jordan or Birdman on offense.

I'm not the only person here who thinks Noel will have to improve greatly to be anything more than a one dimensional player.
Actually this is a good time for him to add some weight rather than lose it.

I have not said he can't gain weight. I said if doesn't he has a problem.

As to Kevin Garnet, he was much farther along as a player than Noel is. By his second year, KG averaged 17 ppg.

Also KG was a PF and didn't play the real big. Noel will be playing center.

Noel has no offense other than dunking. So far Noel hasn't shown more than Chandler or Jordan or Birdman on offense.

I'm not the only person here who thinks Noel will have to improve greatly to be anything more than a one dimensional player.

We started this debate about whether or not Nerlens was too skinny to play defense in the NBA, you said he would need to gain 25-30 pounds. I've made multiple posts regarding his ability to play defense at near 220 pounds, but instead of addressing my posts, you keep bringing up his lack of offensive game, or whatever else. KG, Davis, Camby, Larry Sanders, Joakim Noah all came to the NBA under or near 220 pounds and played post defense. There's no reason Nerlens couldn't do the same. His weighing 206 right now doesn't mean anything because he's at least 6 months from even being able to play.
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What it shows is that's where he'll be by mid-season like he was at the end of this season. Sanders was about 225 entering the draft. Each of those guys was about twenty pounds bigger at the draft than Noel. then they gained weight. For instance Sanders is at 235 by the end of his second season. Noah got to over 230 very quickly. Camby got to 240 form 220.

Noel needs to gain about fifteen pounds just to get to where the other guys were drafted. Plus he's adding this weight on a surgically fixed knee. that's usually no a good idea to do immediately.

If he gains and maintains the weight without hurting his knee and quickness, he could be very good.

You refuse to admit the obvious that he's starting from behind the guys you mention.
You refuse to admit the obvious that he's starting from behind the guys you mention.

You're terrible at reading

His weight could definitely hinder his defensive ability

Both players are still trying to gain weight though,

His weight could definitely hinder his defensive ability...As a high school recruit he weighed between 200 and 215...

It's beyond obvious that a guy rehabbing a torn ACL is "behind" previous players who weren't, just as it's a mathematical fact that 206 pounds is less than 220 pounds.
Chad Ford's new top-3: 1) Noel, 2) Oladipo, and 3) Porter