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OFFICIAL Conservapedia Hot Takes Thread: Oven Mitts Required


Ain't played nobody, PAWL!
Sep 3, 2011
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After Sailor revealed this AMAZING source of information on the islam thread, it was very clear that it needed its own showcase for the gems found within.
This site really probably needs its own thread.


The Homosexual Agenda is a self-centered set of beliefs and objectives designed to promote and even mandate approval of homosexuality and homosexual ideology, along with the strategies used to implement such. The goals and means of this movement include indoctrinating students in public school, restricting the free speech of opposition, obtaining special treatment for homosexuals, distorting Biblical teaching and science, and interfering with freedom of association. Advocates of the homosexual agenda seek special rights for homosexuals that other people don't have, such as immunity from criticism (see hate speech, hate crimes). Such special rights will necessarily come at the expense of the rights of broader society. The homosexual agenda is the biggest threat to the right of free speech today.

One of the top priorities of the Homosexual Agenda is to prohibit and outlaw conversion therapy, particularly for teenagers. California and New Jersey are the only states to have enacted such laws (Governor Chris Christie signed it into law as he was preparing his reelection campaign), and leftists are pushing similar bans in many other states now.

In a speech on December 10, 2013, to a pro-family rally in Jamaica, Brian Camenker of MassResistance outlined the step-by-step approach of the homosexual agenda:[1]

legalize homosexuality
promote gay pride parades
demand non-discrimination laws
insist on homosexuals' adoption of children
push the homosexual agenda in schools[2]
legalize various alternate forms of marriage (i.e. man and man, woman and woman, man and three women, woman and box turtle, man and sex toy)
demand public funding to deal with increased homosexual-related social problems
promote the transgender agenda
impose a large-scale loss of free speech
ban counseling for kids confused by homosexual issues
attack churches

Russia is a leader in rejecting the homosexual agenda.[3][4][5] For example, Russia banned adoption by Americans as the Obama Administration aggressively pushed the homosexual agenda, and in June 2013 a house in the Russian parliament passed legislation to ban foreign adoption by gay couples or single parents who live in any gay marriage nation.[6]

President Barack Hussein Obama and nearly all Democrat politicians now advocate the homosexual agenda, reflecting the growing financial power of the homosexual network. Obama's self-centered obsession with his own reelection, and fundraising for his campaign, has caused him to create a national political issue out of this, rather than deal with other issues like the economy.

Among all the liberal belief systems, the homosexual ideology is the most self-centered or selfish - unlike the vast charity performed by churches, homosexual charity can be considered an oxymoron.

Focus on the Family provides additional quotes from After the Ball, outlining key points of the homosexual agenda:[15][17]

"Talk about gays and gayness as loudly and as often as possible." (They use late night air waves and special channels, as well as their right to peacefully assemble to do so.)
"Portray gays as victims, not as aggressive challengers."
"Give homosexual protectors a just cause."
"Make gays look good."
"Make the victimizers look bad."
"Get funds from corporate America."

Specific goals

The goals of the homosexual movement include:

Ignoring Christian morals and discouraging religiously based laws.
Reminding the world that marriage is a legal term and standing in the US, not a spiritual one as believed by Christians.
Ignore the clear message of the Bible that homosexuality is a sin and an abomination unto God because their first amendment rights allow them to.
Remind conservatives that there cannot be a gay gene, just like like there cannot be a "black gene" because complex things like these are caused by complex interactions between genes.
Censoring evidence that the "gay gene" is a hoax. After all, it would have to be multiple genes interacting together.[19]
Censoring speech against homosexuality by branding it to be "hate-speech"[20][21][22]
Censoring biblical statements condemning homosexuality[23]
Lobbying for equal employment rights.[24][25]
Expand hate crimes legislation to include sexual orientation, which would be equally wrong for heterosexuals to do.[26]
Ending the military's and Boy Scout's restrictions on homosexuality[27]
Stopping children as young as 5 years old from attending therapy to repair their sexual preference[28]
Teach tolerance of homosexuals in schools.
In places like Massachusetts and California, where the gay lobby is the strongest, it starts as early as preschool. They tell seven- or eight-year-old boys, "If you only like boys, there's a chance you may be homosexual," or "If you only like girls, maybe you are lesbian." Children at that age also do not have the hormones to experience sexual attraction, so they cannot understand this yet.
Demands protections from job discrimination.[29]
Suing an online dating website for discrimination. This was because sexual orientation is a federally protected group, as such, this company was breaking the law.[30]
Undermining the resolve of latent homosexuals so that their will becomes too weak to resist the temptations of homosexuality[31]
Pushing for legalized adoption by gay individuals and couples[32]
Indoctrination of public school children to support the homosexual agenda
Oh man, it even attempts to tackle why we commielibs even exist in the first place!


Reasons liberals exists

Did not hear about conservative principles until after they made up their mind and, perhaps due to pervasive societal bias, refuse to reconsider
Genuinely lack of desire to find the truth, and instead desire attention, praise by liberal teachers, getting along by going along, and not standing up to liberal bullies
Refuse to forgive themselves and let go of their past mistakes and image
Believe myths created around government programs like the "New Deal" that liberal policies create jobs instead of destroying them and depriving people of liberty through government control.
Fooled by the demonizing of conservatives and mistakenly feel that conservative benefits are available only to those who are from an intact family or privileged background
Refuse to rise above their personal temptations, often self-destructive, and hate conservatives who criticize their self-indulgent behavior
Feel that they deserve to make more money than they do, as in public school teachers, university professors and scientists, and refuse to rise above self-interest
Harbor a grudge against a conservative, typically a parent but sometimes an ex-spouse, and refuse to forgive or rise above the animosity
Like an anarchist, genuinely want to believe in and propagate destructive ideas (Due to the tendency of non-conservatives to refuse to admit this even to themselves, this number could be much higher)
Are susceptible to marketing and suggestion to an overlarge degree.
Humans think in opposites at the most primal logical level; as such, liberalism is sometimes an act of rebellion among the weak-minded
Interpret Acts 4:32-5:11 as an endorsement of Marxist ideology

Cultural indoctrination

Brainwashing and deceit:

They pride themselves on doing well in school or reading the newspaper, can't accept that what they were taught was incorrect or biased.
Dangerous professors who impose their opinions upon vulnerable youth.
Television programs posing as comedies, such as South Park, Family Guy, and The Simpsons, which inject liberal beliefs and mock conservative values
Exposed to incorrect liberal ideas throughout education. Standard American kindergartens up to the fourth grade. Wastes the potential of most children—does not expose them to foreign languages and other learning tasks their minds are obviously and mysteriously suited for. All helping to make them think they need liberal man-made structures that in fact limit their potential in a self-defeating sort of cycle.
Indoctrination by liberal churches which have a disproportionate focus on biblical passages that appear to support liberal positions, eg. the adulteress story, the disciples holding everything in common, etc.
A blind obsession to be famous, act and imitate the ways of their famous idols, to absorb their ideals as their own.
Failure to realize that modern science and modern wealth are the result of historical processes set into motion by God-fearing Christian Conservatives like Blaise Pascal, Robert Boyle, Isaac Newton, and James Maxwell. (When the obvious importance of Christianity to these scientific figures' everyday lives comes up in an academic situation, dangerous professors—liberal historians and liberal scientists—have been known to label it as "some mental disorder".)
Elementary through high school textbooks having appalling and reprehensible omissions on the basic facts of American life (religion, marriage, politics, and business)[3]
For decades Universities have discriminated against hiring conservatives, especially social conservatives and religious believers.[4] This has resulted in most college graduates being exposed to liberals prejudiced against conservatives and conservative thought. These graduates become the teachers and other professionals who are unwitting soldiers in liberalism's battle against a Christian Reformed, Roman-Catholic/Anglican/Orthodox, obedient-to-God reality.

No exposure:

Current fashions in American professional behavior make expressions of Christian faith awkward in the workaday world.
Increasing zone of publicly funded anti-religious fanaticism (e.g., no school-sponsored prayer)
Spectacle of entertainment industry (e.g., movies and T.V.) cuts into traditionally popular Christian church social activities
Most universities and hospitals have forgotten or have been forced to deny (to get various grants and even retirement benefits for their professors) their religious roots. Catholic affiliated institutions remain one of the few exceptions (few or possibly no other body of Christians can make legitimate claims of offering modern Pastoral care as the Roman Catholic church)

Peer Pressure:

They have liberal friends, and want their approval or acceptance.
They live in a predominantly liberal state or community and fear rejection from said community.

Systemic bias:

Some people are inherently irrational, and are thus driven to liberal ideology.
Their job and salary, such as working for public schools, depends on keeping conservatives out of power.
Media bias acts to caricature conservatism, making it seem unpalatable, conditioning people to reject its teachings.
Schools reward politically correct, liberal answers on tests.
Negative focusing by the media highlights personal flaws of conservatives, driving people to choose to identify with liberals rather than be categorized with those traits.

Alien Franchise 1979-2012 R Pro-feminist anti-capitalist film franchise. The first film was proven the be a rip-off of a 1965 movie Planet of the Vampires[1]. But since it fitted the left's agenda they didn't care and gave it biased reviews anyway. And the second film was a anti-Vietnam statement[2] and just like it's predecessor was also a rip-off of the 1954 Them![3].

Das Boot 1981 R The German Side of World War II, shown in a positive view, and is Anti-American.

Milk 2008 R An extremely pro-homosexual biography of openly homosexual politician Harvey Milk, with Sean Penn playing the title character.

Brokeback Mountain 2005 R The film shows that liberals will shoehorn the homosexual agenda into anything, even cowboys.

Pocahontas 1995 G Feminist story about Native American Pocahontas with an environmental message, and also the Native American’s view against English settlers (in a similar manner to Howard Zinn's revisionist history textbook A People's History of the United States, which would eventually end up entering public knowledge and provided to all universities and high schools across America two years later [see above]). In addition, the titular character also enters what is implied to be an unfaithful relationship with John Smith over Kokoum that was treated in a comparatively positive light. Following the Best Picture nomination of Beauty and the Beast at the 64th Academy Awards and its subsequent loss in March 1992, then-studio chairman Jeffrey Katzenberg opted to produce another animated sweeping romantic epic in hopes of achieving the cinematic masterpiece status and replicating another Best Picture nomination, even if it meant to distort history and add both a love story and environmental themes. In fact, many people at Disney had high hopes for Pocahontas, while deeming the concept of another film in production, The Lion King as experimental. As it turned out, The Lion King became one of the greatest animated motion pictures of all time, while Pocahontas received mixed critical reviews and below-than-expected box office receipts.

Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves 1991 PG-13 Political correctness for the sake of political correctness. The Christianity of Robin Hood and his Merry Men is heavily downplayed, save for Friar Tuck's initial bigotry toward the Muslim character Azeem. Azeem, who had never been present in the Robin Hood legends but was a character created for this version of the Robin Hood saga, is depicted as a wise, open-minded, tolerant mystic. Robin Hood and Azeem are portrayed by liberals Kevin Costner and Morgan Freeman respectively.

The Passion of the Christ 2004 R Downplays the Resurrection[40] and strength of Christianity and omits powerful angels; instead exaggerates triumph of evil; film had little lasting effect on public or its producer; portrayed nails as through the hands rather than through the wrists as depicted by the Shroud of Turin and confirmed by modern science.

Star Wars 1977-1983 (Original Trilogy); 1999-2005 (Prequel Trilogy); 2015- (Sequel Trilogy) PG, PG-13 (Episode III & Episode VII) Mostly composed of simple truths about the triumph of good over evil, and in the case of Episode VI: Return of the Jedi, redemption. However, Episode VI also contained some implied pro-Vietcong propaganda at George Lucas' behest via the Ewoks, as well as his later claiming that the entirety of the Star Wars saga from Episodes IV-VI was meant to be his means of protesting Vietnam (which is supported by a memo dating back to 1973 where he claimed the film was about "A large technological empire going after a small group of freedom fighters." It is also to be noted that this was not the first time he voiced support for the Vietcong as well as used film to push an anti-American/anti-War agenda, as he also initially played a role in the filming of Apocalypse Now[45]), and the re-release for Episode IV: A New Hope also had an infamous edit where it made it seem as though Greedo shot at Han first, with George Lucas later revealing he did the edit (or rather, falsely claimed it was always that way) as a means to promote gun control. The prequel trilogy also had some implied pot-shots at then-president George W. Bush and his War on Terror, and there was also an implied promotion of moral relativity in Revenge of the Sith (where Obi-Wan, when confronting Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader in the climax, stated in reply to Anakin's declaration that Obi-Wan is his enemy if he's not with him that "only a Sith deals in absolutes."). A similar promotion of moral relativity and postmodernism was shown in Return of the Jedi where Obi-Wan admitted that his claim that Vader killed Anakin Skywalker was "true from a certain point of view." In addition, the Trade Federation and its motives in The Phantom Menace was crafted by George Lucas to be a negative response to the Republican Revolution of 1994, and in particular Newt Gingrich's Contract with America (with Gingrich himself being a partial namesake of the main villain, Viceroy Nute Gunray). In addition, the director for Episode VII: The Force Awakens, J.J. Abrams, admitted in a press release that he deliberately made Finn black in order to ensure diversity among the characters, hinting at it pushing the leftist diversity agenda.[46] In addition, the film also hints at a militant feminist agenda by having Leia act as general and Rey not allowing anyone to save her, something that conservative commentator John Nolte mentioned was a detraction for the film.[47] In addition, the ending award ceremony in A New Hope was deliberately modeled after the stadium scene from the infamous Nazi movie propaganda The Triumph of the Will.
This shit is absolutely amazing. I think this hot take really tells the story of conservapedia and its consumers:

Team America: World Police 2004 R While it is clearly pro-military, pro-America, and anti-Hollywood, the movie is riddled with liberal values, including toilet humor and vulgar language throughout. Also, in the movie's foul mouthed theme song, it favors abortion, slavery, pornography, and Democrats, while having no positive reaction to Republicans. Penned by the creators of South Park and The Book of Mormon musical. $32,786,074
This shit is absolutely amazing. I think this hot take really tells the story of conservapedia and its consumers:

Team America: World Police 2004 R While it is clearly pro-military, pro-America, and anti-Hollywood, the movie is riddled with liberal values, including toilet humor and vulgar language throughout. Also, in the movie's foul mouthed theme song, it favors abortion, slavery, pornography, and Democrats, while having no positive reaction to Republicans. Penned by the creators of South Park and The Book of Mormon musical. $32,786,074

Foul mouthed is liberal value? I guess Donald Trump is a liberal after all.
However conservative critics have charged that the books have the potential of driving children away from Christian knowledge of good and evil toward the occult more than anything else in western society: "a generation of children is becoming desensitized to the occult. But with Hollywood's help, Harry Potter will likely surpass all these influences, potentially reaping some grave spiritual consequences"

I guess real Americans are getting left in the dust by the NFL.

The National Football League (NFL) is a politically correct sports league that is subsidized by taxpayers to the tune of $1 billion per year, and is so heavily influenced by the liberal media that overwhelmingly Christian players are typically not even allowed to express their faith. The league relies heavily on emotional gambling and monetary gambling, as well as violence, for its popularity among television viewers. Due to its dependence on the pro-gay media, the NFL typically promotes the homosexual agenda.


"The United States of America[1] is a federal republic of fifty states, a capitol district, and fifteen territories. It is a prosperous and a very conservative and Christian nation, based on the longest-running Constitution in history.

Forty-eight of the fifty United States form a regional grouping known as the contiguous United States, bordering both the North Atlantic Ocean and the North Pacific Ocean and lying between Canada and Mexico. Two of the fifty states, Alaska and Hawaii, are not contiguous with any of the other states. Alaska is located to the northwest of Canada and lies across the Bering Strait from the Russian Federation. Hawaii is an archipelago located in the North Pacific Ocean. Puerto Rico, which is largely self-governing, is a commonwealth and is considered part of the U.S., as are several smaller territories in the Pacific Ocean, such as Guam. Each of the 50 states has a large degree of sovereignty, but the boundaries are debated and shift slightly every year.
At over 3.7 million square miles (over 9.6 million km²), the U.S. (including its non-contiguous and overseas states and territories) is the third largest country by total area (after Russia and Canada). It is the world's third most populous nation, with over 350 million people (after China and India).
Mt. McKinley, Alaska, is the highest point in North America and Death Valley, California, is the lowest point on the continent.[5]
Most American cities, such as Los Angeles or New York City, are ugly."

Context is key to that last provision -- just regurgitating facts here at conservapedia, conservative rube Sailor.

"The United States of America[1] is a federal republic of fifty states, a capitol district, and fifteen territories. It is a prosperous and a very conservative and Christian nation, based on the longest-running Constitution in history.

Forty-eight of the fifty United States form a regional grouping known as the contiguous United States, bordering both the North Atlantic Ocean and the North Pacific Ocean and lying between Canada and Mexico. Two of the fifty states, Alaska and Hawaii, are not contiguous with any of the other states. Alaska is located to the northwest of Canada and lies across the Bering Strait from the Russian Federation. Hawaii is an archipelago located in the North Pacific Ocean. Puerto Rico, which is largely self-governing, is a commonwealth and is considered part of the U.S., as are several smaller territories in the Pacific Ocean, such as Guam. Each of the 50 states has a large degree of sovereignty, but the boundaries are debated and shift slightly every year.
At over 3.7 million square miles (over 9.6 million km²), the U.S. (including its non-contiguous and overseas states and territories) is the third largest country by total area (after Russia and Canada). It is the world's third most populous nation, with over 350 million people (after China and India).
Mt. McKinley, Alaska, is the highest point in North America and Death Valley, California, is the lowest point on the continent.[5]
Most American cities, such as Los Angeles or New York City, are ugly."

Context is key to that last provision -- just regurgitating facts here at conservapedia, conservative rube Sailor.

bounded 'mainly' by canada to the north and mexico to the south. hard hitting geographic TRUTH

Family Ties 1982-1989 NBC TV rating PG Dramaedy series about how hardworking conservative children, e.g. Michael J. Fox, outsmart their liberal, ex-hippie, underachieving parents.

Pawn Stars 2009- History Channel/A & E TV PG Shows how two parties can **mutually and fairly benefit** from a negotiated free-market transaction, independent of any government "assistance".

Legends of the Hidden Temple 1993-1995 Nickelodeon TV Y Game show that uses a conservative elimination format (ensuring only the most meritorious players survive to play the final round) and is unyielding in difficulty. Also, it refuses to succumb to liberal beliefs in archeology that keep historical sites and artifacts off limits, instead promoting the conservative Indiana Jones persona.

House of Cards 2013 Netflix original series Shows Democrats as they really are: corrupt frauds and atheists

Animated Stories from the New Testament 1987-1995 N/A N/A Is the title not self-explanatory

G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero 1983-1989 Claster Television Do we really need to explain?

The Office 2005-2013 NBC TV PG Mockery of liberal ideology and political correctness in an office setting, without a liberal laugh track. The main character repeatedly encounters contradictions and absurdities as he tries to conform to liberal expectations. The show was most popular when its humor was conservative, and has declined in quality and popularity as its conservative humor has been diluted. Its later seasons were notably more liberal and offensive towards religion. Steve Carell played the main character for six years and was denied an Emmy Award by liberals every time despite being by far the funniest actor on television.

Ash vs Evil Dead 2015- Starz TV-MA Well despite it's unrealistic views on demons, it a least portrays them as evil. And while our hero does smoke weed (only once) it does show the disastrous results and consensuses of his actions. It also does portray gun ownership in a positive light.

The Real Ghostbusters 1986-1992 ABC TV-Y7 Cartoon version of the conservative film Ghostbusters." Tell me more...

The Hidden Temple explanation is probably my favorite, but I also like it when they're all, "Shit, man, you know all you need to know from the title -- this shit is conservative as hell"
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sailor grudgingly eating a geekaroid-approved 12oz jimmy dean sausage in silence right now
Y'all haven't even looked at the science articles yet


Dragons are reptillian or snake-like creatures that share many characteristics with dinosaurs and may well be the same creatures. The World Book Encyclopedia declares that: "The dragons of legend are strangely like actual creatures that have lived in the past. They are much like the great reptiles [dinosaurs] which inhabited the earth long before man is supposed to have appeared on earth.".[1] Dragons are usually evil and associated with Satan, however, in the pagan belief systems of Asia, dragons tend to be regarded as divine creatures. Some creation scientists have postulated that the differing nature of dragons in the west and east may be because after the Great Flood, predatory, carnivorous dinosaurs tended to migrate westward, whereas large, plant-eating dinosaurs tended to migrate east from Mt. Ararat. The folk memories of sea serpents such as the Loch Ness monster, Ogopogo, Gaasyendietha and Argont are likely inherited stories of encounters with dinosaurs.[2] Some creation scientists have suggested that dragons, as dinosuars, died out around the end of the ice age.[3][4] However, that can not account for later encounters with dragons. Nevertheless, dragons are now either extinct or extremely rare.

Dragons and Modern Science

Modern science does not accept ancient accounts of seeing dragons, instead categorizing dragons as mythical, being loosely based on creatures such as snakes. This has been contested on the basis that snakes do not have legs like dragons, nor do they grow nearly as large as dragons.

Modern psychology and paleontology offers us one explanation; the features of the majority of dragons are a chimeric combination of several different types of animals that prehistoric man had to fear. Birds of prey, big cats, and large reptiles being among man's chief competitors in prehistoric times, it is theorized that the dragon is an amalgamation of these animals as a remnant of instinctual memories.

So-called Otherkins are persons with a human body, but they aren't humans but other animals. The relative majority of those Otherkins are the so-called Dragonkins who are dragons in a human body. The collective term for those Dragonkins is Draconity. It is not known whether Dragonkins can gather power over ice resp. fire, like dragons in dragon bodies.
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The theory of relativity is disproved by numerous counterexamples, but is promoted by liberals who like its encouragement of relativism and its tendency to pull people away from the Bible.[note 1] Here is a list of 48 counterexamples: any one of them would show that the mathematical theory is incorrect:

5. The Sun is a perfect sphere - "the solar flattening is ... too small to agree with that predicted from its surface rotation."[5]

15. Despite wasting millions of taxpayer dollars searching for gravitational waves predicted by the theory, no direct observation of gravity waves has occurred.[19] Sound like global warming? Then, in classic liberal claptrap, the liberal media claimed that gravitational waves were discovered when in fact no such direct observation was made.

21. The action-at-a-distance of quantum entanglement.[note 4]

22. The action-at-a-distance by Jesus, described in John 4:46-54, Matthew 15:28, and Matthew 27:51.

Snipped most of it. just left my 4 favorites in there. Also read anything about evolution from them-it is horrifying.