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Paranormal Activities

Seriously when are these "reports" going to be made? Is anything actually going to happen? I mean the last investigation was done what like 4 months ago? Now a couple weeks for this next one. Working at a hospital you should know that its not that hard to crush things out when you have tons and tons of data. These people even know the spots that the activity should have been recorded. The longer something like this takes the more and more it appears that it is complete and utter bullshit. You video a flashlight going on and off by itself at 10:32, you show the flashlight going on and off at 10:32.
Yeah, that's our main frustration with the first group. It was done almost 3 month ago, surely they should have something prepared by now, even though they're entirely volunteer. This second group promises to have something to us within two weeks.
The second group came in this weekend ( http://www.salisburyparanormal.com/index.html ), and told us they experienced "a lot" of activity. They were quite violently told to get out. They supposedly collected multiple EVPs and should have a report to us in a couple weeks. I decided not to go in with them this time, mainly because they have a psychic investigator, and to be honest, I wasnt sure as to what she was going to to, and what the response would be. From the information I've already received, it sounds like a wise decision on my part.

I just read some of the reports on their previous investigations and am very intrigued and looking forward to their report on Milt's house.
IMO some of their EVPs are suspect, but then again I'm listening with ear buds rather than over the ear, noise canceling headphones.
So we had a pretty ground breaking meeting last night. The officers of the FD met and the following was revealed:

The initial group has almost finished their analysis, and are compiling all of the evidence. It should be complete within the next week or so.

The second group was not hesitant to share their experiences with the firefighters who were around on Saturday night. One of the investigators felt a hand on their head pressing down. In addition to being told quite angrily to "get out", they had quite a few conversations with the entity. They were communicating through knocking, voice, and lights. I'm really anxious to see the video and hear the audio from their experience. They came to the conclusion through their investigations that it was in fact Dr Hobbs that was still hanging around and the most prevalent entity there, but he wasnt always alone. Inside the house, they found various satanic ritual paraphernalia which has since been removed and burned. They think, whatever things were done with those items invited others into the house. Granted, none of them felt threatened by anything there, which is a good sign for us. Lastly, towards the end, the Reverend asked if the spirit would like some help moving on to the other side, which it responded with an emphatic "no".

Anyways, they confirmed there is something or somethings there, and even suggested renting the place out to paranormal groups to do training, due to the amount of involvement in the house. Once the presentations are made in a few weeks, I'm going to pitch the idea of letting whoever wants to stay in the place for a weekend. If you can organize a small group and raise $200, I think there's a good chance they'll allow you to stay there one weekend.
So there were random satanic ritual items? Did they belong to the last family to rent the place?
Since Milt seems to get so mad when people want to hang out and redecorate, I think you should in House Hunters or Queer Eye to do a thorough remodeling project and see what Milt does.

"Oh this shag carpet has GOT to go, it looks like its been here since the Civil War ---"

So there were random satanic ritual items? Did they belong to the last family to rent the place?

Yeah, the son was dabbling into what he called Wicca, but the items that are being discovered suggest it was much more than just Wicca.
Yeah, the son was dabbling into what he called Wicca, but the items that are being discovered suggest it was much more than just Wicca.

Did he start because of the hauntings at the house or is just a coincidence he was dicking around with these things and Milt and his boys lived there? I know you mentioned people mentioned the hauntings before the last family to live there.
The initial reports of the hauntings dated back to the 60's. Each of the three renters we have had mentioned things going on in the house, but things got exponentially worse when the son of the last family started practicing "Wicca" with his then GF.
The initial reports of the hauntings dated back to the 60's. Each of the three renters we have had mentioned things going on in the house, but things got exponentially worse when the son of the last family started practicing "Wicca" with his then GF.

Stupid meddling kids.
I've been following this thread since the beginning. I visited the Salisbury site listed above...got a case or three of the hebbie-jeebies while doing so. Never been sure what to make of paranormal reports, having experienced none myself. I do have family members that have claimed them, though...

I am intrigued as to the outcome of this investigation.
The shit might hit the fan when Milt finds out his house has turned into a side show and groups start paying to stay there for a weekend... Which would make for some sweet stories so I highly recommend you allow hard core non- believers in paranormal activities to give it a shot so we can see what happens.. I think the best way to test this is to have someone who isn't "looking" for the strange stuff in order to avoid the placebo affect..
I still think it'd be great to get a few groups of pit posters, maybe 4 or 5 per weekend to stay there and report back. Granted the house is empty, had no furniture but it will have heat/air and water, so $50 apiece for the weekend is a steal.
i so want to bang my wife in a legit haunted house. not sure if i could convince her tho.
I would be very afraid of the child produced as a result, if she happened to get pregnant. Think of the ramifications.
I'm in and will start a pool to pay for OGD.

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I am so out, which would be true even if I lived in nc. Even some of the accounts on this thread give me the heebie jeebies, I would wet myself if I was there in person.