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SCOTUS to rule on marriage equality

That article conveys a real vibe of "ooooooh shit, she's pissed off the Pope! Now she's in trouble!" I'm confused though about what the Pope could or would do if he is mad at the redneck Kentucky clerk. It's not like he can take her out back and kick her ass.
That article conveys a real vibe of "ooooooh shit, she's pissed off the Pope! Now she's in trouble!" I'm confused though about what the Pope could or would do if he is mad at the redneck Kentucky clerk. It's not like he can take her out back and kick her ass.

The Cardinal/Bishop? who invited her to meet the Pope is in deep shit. Davis' attorneys are clowns if they try and paint this as a papal endorsement. Pope deliberately made sure it became known he met with a gay couple from Argentina. Alienating the Catholic Church (that doesn't allow gay marriage) isn't in Davis' or her legal team's best interests.
Yeah, but I mean, what is the Catholic Church going to do about it? Burn her house down? Kidnap her cats? Key her shitty car?


Pope Francis Expected to Fire Archbishop Who Set Up the Meeting With Kim Davis

After the huge blowback and resulting PR firestorm the Vatican endured for meeting with Kim Davis — the Kentucky county clerk who refuses to issue marriage licenses to LGBT couples — Pope Francis is expected to fire the church official who arranged the meeting.

On Friday, the Vatican’s press office reiterated that the meeting with Davis was not meant to be interpreted as an endorsement of her views, but rather a simple exchange of pleasantries between the Pope and a group of admirers, one of whom happened to be Davis. The Vatican also emphasized that the only one-on-one meeting that Pope Francis had during his time in Washington, D.C. was with Yayo Grassi, a gay man and former student of the Pope’s. But the Vatican appears to go one step further to make it clear that the Holy See in no way endorses Kim Davis’ bigotry.

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, who arranged the Pope’s meetings in Washington (including the one with Kim Davis), is expected to be held responsible for blowback resulting from the meeting with Davis. According to the New York Times, Viganò is “likely to be removed at the first respectable opportunity” if blowback from the meeting with Davis continues to build.

“The pope has to be able to rely on his own system, and in this case the system failed him,” theology professor Dr. Massimo Faggioli told the Times. “The question is, was it a mistake, or was it done with full knowledge of how toxic she was?”

According to Faggioli, Pope Francis was very careful to structure his trip and his speeches in such a way to not be politicized by any particular faction. Archbishop Viganò’s misstep may have been the final nail in the coffin for his tenure within the church.
meh, the only source for this is an associate professor of theology giving his opinion on what might happen.
meh, the only source for this is an associate professor of theology giving his opinion on what might happen.

That's practically tenured!

I honestly don't even know that site at all.
Most likely but promotion to associate can happen without granting tenure in rare circumstances.

I find all this speculation about the Pope fascinating. It's sad how morality and empathy have become politicized.
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So now, we're doubting the word of a (likely) tenured professor?
Very rarely. I'm not even sure of specific circumstances aside from one I encountered.

I was offered something like that before. My wife got a tenure track position at another university the year after I got tenure and promotion to associate. The department I would have entered as a spousal hire had rejected 3 people for tenure that cycle and they didn't want to piss off faculty by bringing in a new hire with tenure. So I was offered an associate position with pay at the associate level but I would have to wait 3 years to go up for tenure.

Thankfully during the long negotiation period, my wife got a tenure track offer at my current institution so we didn't have to leave and I could keep my tenure.
Very rarely. I'm not even sure of specific circumstances aside from one I encountered.

I was offered something like that before. My wife got a tenure track position at another university the year after I got tenure and promotion to associate. The department I would have entered as a spousal hire had rejected 3 people for tenure that cycle and they didn't want to piss off faculty by bringing in a new hire with tenure. So I was offered an associate position with pay at the associate level but I would have to wait 3 years to go up for tenure.

Thankfully during the long negotiation period, my wife got a tenure track offer at my current institution so we didn't have to leave and I could keep my tenure.

I've seen that exact same scenario play out with another married couple up in PA.
Very rarely. I'm not even sure of specific circumstances aside from one I encountered.

I was offered something like that before. My wife got a tenure track position at another university the year after I got tenure and promotion to associate. The department I would have entered as a spousal hire had rejected 3 people for tenure that cycle and they didn't want to piss off faculty by bringing in a new hire with tenure. So I was offered an associate position with pay at the associate level but I would have to wait 3 years to go up for tenure.

Thankfully during the long negotiation period, my wife got a tenure track offer at my current institution so we didn't have to leave and I could keep my tenure.

I've seen that exact same scenario play out with another married couple up in PA.

Yes to both. This was one of the circumstances that I had in mind -- spousal hires can be very unusual things (especially hires where both parties are tenure-track or tenured junior faculty).
Pope got rid of a gay priest who has a partner and opposes the church's stance on gay marriage. Pope is walking a fine line on LGBT issues. Was pissed that a clown tricked him into meeting with Kim Davis, but couldn't stand idly by to a priest who openly defied the church. Kinda doubt Frankie would have disclosed his meeting with a gay coupled had the Kim Davis meeting not been disclosed.
Pope got rid of a gay priest who has a partner and opposes the church's stance on gay marriage. Pope is walking a fine line on LGBT issues. Was pissed that a clown tricked him into meeting with Kim Davis, but couldn't stand idly by to a priest who openly defied the church. Kinda doubt Frankie would have disclosed his meeting with a gay coupled had the Kim Davis meeting not been disclosed.

W/r/t the gay priest, don't Catholic priests have to be celibate? Is it really any different than a straight priest who admits he has a girlfriend? Serious question - my knowledge of Catholicism is pretty lacking.
W/r/t the gay priest, don't Catholic priests have to be celibate? Is it really any different than a straight priest who admits he has a girlfriend? Serious question - my knowledge of Catholicism is pretty lacking.

You're correct. A straight priest that has a mistress should/would experience the same punishment.
That's an interesting thought exercise though. A priest could be gay and celibate.