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the official new supreme court thread - Very political

Hey look the GOP's obsession with child sex is on display again, from that turd Josh Hawley. You people are something

Listening to Ted Cruz now. I can't stand Ted Cruz. His high horse act is so grating on me. Cant wait to vote against him.
Listening to Ted Cruz now. I can't stand Ted Cruz. His high horse act is so grating on me. Cant wait to vote against him.

can't decide what's worse about him, when he does his high horse "you should be ashamed of yourself, I am outraged, for the good of the nation, etc" bit or when he thinks he's the funniest senator around and tries to do stand-up (see his CPAC speeches). but really he is the most insufferable person in Washington, which is saying a lot.
can't decide what's worse about him, when he does his high horse "you should be ashamed of yourself, I am outraged, for the good of the nation, etc" bit or when he thinks he's the funniest senator around and tries to do stand-up (see his CPAC speeches). but really he is the most insufferable person in Washington, which is saying a lot.

“If you killed Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate, and the trial was in the Senate, nobody would convict you.”

Lindsay Graham

I like the other version of “You could shoot Ted Cruz on the floor of the senate and there would be no witnesses.”
Is there anyone else noticing a connection between Hawley talking about how Brown-Jackson is soft on pedophiles and Qanon talking points about Dems being a bunch of pedophiles? If it was another Senator and not Hawley, I would probably write it off, but he is Mr. January 6th. Like is gonna start asking her how she would rule for the Lizard People and JFK jr's constitutional standing when he comes back?
Feels like a Dem should have asked Hawley why he pals around with Rapey Gaetzy if he’s so worried about pedophiles.
Feels like a Dem should have asked Hawley why he pals around with Rapey Gaetzy if he’s so worried about pedophiles.

Look, if it wasn't for Dems like Brown-Jackson, we wouldn't have pedophiles like Gaetz in the US House of Congress.
Feels like a Dem should have asked Hawley why he pals around with Rapey Gaetzy if he’s so worried about pedophiles.

if someone did ask Hawley that he would just reply with his typical haughty "How DARE you, sir."
if someone did ask Hawley that he would just reply with his typical haughty "How DARE you, sir."

And then you tell him to answer the question and stop being such a weasel.

Dems need to be better at political theatre. The unwashed masses just want to be entertained.
RBG was multiple magnitudes smarter than I am. So, if she found that she was able to be friends with him, I’m not one to second guess.

And Scalia would vehemently argue that what he wanted or thought should be his way had no place in his rulings. He was an incredibly strict constructionist. And while you can (and I do) disagree with that type of judicial interpretation his rulings were based in that. He believed in a strict separation of powers.

Making a rare foray into the Tunnels today to support Brown Jackson, but want to take a second to state that the greatest lie that continues to get told and that has had an enormous detrimental effect on American jurisprudence is the assertion Scalia's opinions were actually based on some sort of black and white interpretive philosophy. He abandoned his principles numerous times when it suited him to get a desired result, the most egregious of which will forever be the Heller opinion. And yet he is deified by the FedSoc sycophants and his "philosophy" is taught as gospel at law schools across the country, as if there are no other options to interpret laws, let alone better options. Scalia was a judicial activist as bad as any.
You've been warned, if Ketanji Brown Jackson gets put on the SC, she'll do a CRT.

Listening to her speak (compared to the last three ) is night and day. Compare her temperment to kavanaugh and her experience to barrett.
Listening to her speak (compared to the last three ) is night and day. Compare her temperment to kavanaugh and her experience to barrett.

Might be a privilege discussion in there somewhere.
Listening to her speak (compared to the last three ) is night and day. Compare her temperment to kavanaugh and her experience to barrett.

One more step and you're there
Listening to her speak (compared to the last three ) is night and day. Compare her temperment to kavanaugh and her experience to barrett.

Probably why Graham was more concerned with bringing up the last two than actually asking her questions.
can someone provide Cliff's on why child porn keeps coming up? Cruz is going on about it now. is it something related to one of her rulings or just projecting?
As far as I understand, she gave out some sentences for child porn that were lower than the maximum which is common.
can someone provide Cliff's on why child porn keeps coming up? Cruz is going on about it now. is it something related to one of her rulings or just projecting?

This is speaking to the QAnon crowd. I have people on FB claiming they aren't Q's but constantly post about trafficking and child porn. I think this line of thinking is pretty universal amongst the Trumpies.
But of course, they shrug when Republicans are arrested for child porn or trafficking.
As far as I understand, she gave out some sentences for child porn that were lower than the maximum which is common.

It should be noted (and Brown Jackson said as much in one of her answers) that in almost all (if not all) of those cases, prosecutors ASKED for lower sentences.