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The Official OGBoards Running (and Cycling) Thread: (Insert Season Here)

It isn't knee pain. It is behind the knee. I am 90% it is not a hamstring because I've dealt with that before when running competitively. Shit just pisses me off because I'm in good shape with a few weeks to go before a marathon. If anything I would guess it is due to over training.

Can't offer any advice, but I've had lingering upper gastroc and MCL problems for nearly a decade now. Sounds exactly like you describe. Was originally a skiing injury, but jumping mileage too quickly has frequently bothered it.
50mi at 18.1 mph today at Tour to Tanglewood. The century riders were faster (22ish), but that's a pretty good clip for me. I'm tired.

Tomorrow, I have 17mi to knock out. From here on out, it's mostly about the marathon.

Which one?
Cannonball. First year as a full.

Slowed down a little and fueled more and I had a great run this morning. My legs are really tired after yesterday.

Anyone doing MCM? Long run on ATT this morning; beautiful day for it.
Rode from W-S to the summit of Pilot yesterday am. Perfect weather...
That's what I've been told. It's the biggest muscle runners use.

I'm clearly no expert, but I'd highly doubt this is the case for distance runners. Hamstring injuries, in my experience, are usually the result of explosive effort and rarely overuse. Anecdotally, I can't remember a single hamstring injury amongst distance runners in my seven or eight years in the sport. I don't disagree that it is a fundamentally important muscle for running, but I don't think that distance runners often suffer from hamstring injuries.
I'm clearly no expert, but I'd highly doubt this is the case for distance runners. Hamstring injuries, in my experience, are usually the result of explosive effort and rarely overuse. Anecdotally, I can't remember a single hamstring injury amongst distance runners in my seven or eight years in the sport. I don't disagree that it is a fundamentally important muscle for running, but I don't think that distance runners often suffer from hamstring injuries.

When I saw my sports medicine doctor for a hamstring issue I got in a half, she said that if she could wave a magic wand and fix hamstring issues, she could fix a majority of running injuries.
I'm registered for a 24 hour race this weekend, just run as many miles as you want on a 1.5 mile loop. Originally signed up because some friends said it was great and they'd be doing it again, but in the end they can't be there. I'm super torn on whether to go. I feel like it'd be way more fun having friends out there, but then again runners are friendly and I'm sure I'd meet new people even if they are just single-serve friends. My plan was only to run 32 miles (not that it is divisible by 1.5) since it's the day after I turn 32, but not run ultra-style all at once, just 32 miles total throughout the day taking breaks.

1 - withdraw from the race, possibly letting someone in from the wait list
2 - go and just run 10-15 miles as a normal weekend long run, and then leave
3 - run however much I feel like but leave early when I get bored/lonely
4 - put on my big girl britches and just go and run 32 or more miles and stay the whole time and bring a good book

A - It's 1:45 drive away
B - only cost $38
C - I already ran a race in Sept so I don't need it to keep my race-a-month streak alive
D - current forecast is high of 88 with chance of t-storm
E - if I don't go, I can celebrate my birthday more irresponsibly on Friday and/or into the weekend
F - I ran a marathon on a 1.6 mile loop in February and it's dumb and numbing to run that many loops
G - definitely have not been training for an ultra, the most I've run in a week recently is just 37 miles

Help me decide? I mostly don't want to do it, but feel like dropping out would be weak and lame.
I mean, short of the 'new experience' it sounds like you're asking for people to help you be OK with deciding not to do it... which is perfectly reasonable and OK. One of the joys of being an adult is having the luxury of using "because I don't really want to" as your only necessary reason to not do something (unlike a kid, who may just have to do whatever it is they don't want to do anyway). It's not like you're a hermit and this is the ONE THING on your agenda and you're just ducking out of it; it sounds like you have alternatives to enhance the weekend (plus, birthday!) and running in 88... nope nope nope.

Obviously you're missing an opportunity to meet new people, but as previously discussed on here, it's not like you're exactly hurting for friends.

...my decision/opinion is maybe skewed because I'm currently in the process of talking myself out of a race on Saturday (it's one of 4 races I'm looking at this week).
You're probably right that I'm looking for someone to approve of me being a lame chicken and dropping out of a race. I'm also a little concerned of somehow offending the race. Seems like every participant thinks it's just the #1 best thing ever, it filled up in just a couple hours (even though registration opened at the stroke of midnight on NYE), so I should be thankful I got a slot. I should just go and skip my birthday this year. Forecast high is up to 90/sunny and rain down to 0%. Or maybe if gas shortages continue I can use that as an excuse not to drive all that way.
You're probably right that I'm looking for someone to approve of me being a lame chicken and dropping out of a race. I'm also a little concerned of somehow offending the race. Seems like every participant thinks it's just the #1 best thing ever, it filled up in just a couple hours (even though registration opened at the stroke of midnight on NYE), so I should be thankful I got a slot. I should just go and skip my birthday this year. Forecast high is up to 90/sunny and rain down to 0%. Or maybe if gas shortages continue I can use that as an excuse not to drive all that way.

You sure do have a way of phrasing things.
You're probably right that I'm looking for someone to approve of me being a lame chicken and dropping out of a race. I'm also a little concerned of somehow offending the race. Seems like every participant thinks it's just the #1 best thing ever, it filled up in just a couple hours (even though registration opened at the stroke of midnight on NYE), so I should be thankful I got a slot. I should just go and skip my birthday this year. Forecast high is up to 90/sunny and rain down to 0%. Or maybe if gas shortages continue I can use that as an excuse not to drive all that way.

You said there is a wait list. Your dropping out will make someone else happy, not offend the race. Do what you want and enjoy your birthday weekend.
You said there is a wait list. Your dropping out will make someone else happy, not offend the race. Do what you want and enjoy your birthday weekend.

But do it quickly so the wait list people can plan their weekend.
looks like everyone on the wait list already got in. no more wait list people to help out. at least that means I can wrestle with this decision for a bunch more days!
dude. just don't do it. if you're not really excited about it, just drop it from the radar and get on with planning an enjoyable weekend.