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"Vision of Carmaggeddon"

I remember your Uncle. Great writer. My last two years of high school I lived in Atlanta. The days of Nique and Herschel.

I don't think your bat-shit crazy -- as it relates to football anyway. The other stuff, maybe ...

Its all good. We get out here and we create some friction...Irish says 'we'll be lucky to win a game this year" and ol' Lec calls him a "shortsighted windbag" or worse :)

But you know something...even with the crappy year last year more and more people in the Piedmont Triad talk Deacon Football year in and year out...brick by brick it builds and another run is coming. Maybe it is time for the fans to carry the team a bit...maybe it is time to believe and believe in the impossible...that is the beauty of sports and no sport I've ever encountered thrives more on belief than College Football. Simply put, it has Mythic Resonance. So, we have a coach who gets paid a helluva lot of money and he needs his squad to show solid improvement this year...but lets not forget that when everybody else believed lil' ol' Wake Forest was a place where coaches went to die or skip to another locale;when all the pundits stated all the reasons why Wake Forest "couldn't" this guy took all those reasons and more than making them "can's" he actually said they were advantages. So, this guy needs us, and true, we've been there for him but now he really needs us.

College Football is a communal enterprise...one that incorporates smoking BBQ pits, happy fans with their favorite beverage, good friends and family at your side...it is Thanksgiving every Saturday. Count our blessings and let us begin to Dream again...as the song says "dream the impossible dream" and throwing caution and statistics to the wind let us enjoin the gods of college football to smile down on us...to see us get that bounce or break or 1st down needed to have a great season for Great Seasons at schools like Wake Forest often come out of the blue and when we and everyone else least expects it.

So, let us enjoy some spirited "hitting" and some strong give and take and lets continue to add friction to this fan base...its good for it!
We should all hope that the big four schools are all good in sports at the national level. Better sports teams means more interest, better players, more TV revenue and better sports programs. Otherwords, Wake benefits. I would want the Wake-UNC football game to be the headline game on national TV because both teams were that good. Might have to wait awhile for UNC to catch up.;)
if furman bisher is a relative, he's puking in his grave reading lectro's non-stop stream of flowery tripe.
lectro change it to "Karmaggeddon" so it at least makes sense

Well, it was supposed to conjure exactly what you wrote...but with Car-ma.

It is "carolina karma" from long held pride which results in the 'geddon...and they will be 'getting' plenty and then some.

It will Shock when it hits.

Jim Grobe would not have been able to build as he has if unc and state had been in good straights. As it was Bunting and Amato allowed the door to open and Wake Forest is the premiere Football program among the Big 4 over this last decade. The first aim of this program was to become the top team among in-state competitors. The 2nd is to consistently compete for ACC titles. The 3rd is to aim for a BCS game and Win it!
if furman bisher is a relative, he's puking in his grave reading lectro's non-stop stream of flowery tripe.

Furman is 93 and very much alive...he'll likely dance on your flower-less grave...or should I say 'trench'. I don't know anybody willing to actually dig a hole for your sorry ass.
Furman is 93 and very much alive...he'll likely dance on your flower-less grave...or should I say 'trench'. I don't know anybody willing to actually dig a hole for your sorry ass.

lol. pretty weak retort for the oriface.
lol. pretty weak retort for the oriface.


How's that PED scandal coming along...the boys in baby blue are fired up. Going to enjoy watching the two of you bomb the shit out of each other.

You know it is coming...no way unc goes down and the BOT stands idly by...probably see something come out about Sid's last recruiting class...word on the street is that he pulled out all the stops. C.J.'s transcript will be an interesting read.

Then we will smell the stench from the trench when the funeral pyre is lit and left to burn baby burn.

LOL at you mofuggies on packpride. You must know that the wrecking ball will swing back and the pansies in their cashmere will be running the rig.
Could it be?

oldtrenchfighter is a total piece of shit, fellas. He posts nice sometimes, but at best, he's two faced. At worst, cut him half and it's skin wrapped around shit. Like a Spring Roll. Only shit in it rather than shrimp and tangy sauce. A shit roll. Photoshop is the only thing keeping him alive.
oldtrenchfighter is a total piece of shit, fellas. He posts nice sometimes, but at best, he's two faced. At worst, cut him half and it's skin wrapped around shit. Like a Spring Roll. Only shit in it rather than shrimp and tangy sauce. A shit roll. Photoshop is the only thing keeping him alive.

This, my friends, is how you roast someone.... ouch.
Is jaybone the gay guy whose feelings were hurt on packpride? Or is that someone else?
oldtrenchfighter is a total piece of shit, fellas. He posts nice sometimes, but at best, he's two faced. At worst, cut him half and it's skin wrapped around shit. Like a Spring Roll. Only shit in it rather than shrimp and tangy sauce. A shit roll. Photoshop is the only thing keeping him alive.

stop beating around the bush, mary. tell me how you really feel.