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Republicans Trying to Bring Back Slavery in Virginia

Erskine Boles does not think he (Ryan) is Dogmatic and Irrational...but you and Debbie Wasserman Shultz do, so I will go with the adult.

Erskine Boles on Ryan: It’s not Obama surrogate Bill Clinton who is raining on Obama’s parade this time around but his former White House chief of staff Erskine Bowles. In a video capture from 2011, the sometime co-chair of Barack Obama's National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform can be heard singing the praises of Paul Ryan but and his budget plan.

The occasion for Bowles’ effusive praise of Ryan, whom he calls “amazing,” adding that he is “honest, he is straightforward, he is sincere,” was a conference at the University of North Carolina, where Bowles served as president through 2010. In his comments, Bowles does Republicans the added favor of reminding those present that President Obama "came out with a budget and I don’t think anybody took that budget very seriously. The Senate voted against it 97 to nothing."

Clearly this Bowles fellow doesn't know how to properly wear his socks.
So you laughed at Obama when he said, "the private sector's doing fine" and "you didn't build that"?

Well, I didn't laugh because there's nothing inherently funny about either. However, I did call him a moron for making such a comment in this climate of quoting-out-of-context. Yeah, everyone knows what he meant to say but what you mean and what you say sometimes don't align. So yeah, I laugh and criticize any politician who fucks up and makes a stupid comment. And to that extent, this morning I'm wondering how long before Obama tells Joe to shut the fuck up. The man has made two head-up-ass comments, however unintentional or misspoken, in as many days. It's like he's trying to remind everyone of the days of Bush. Your observations are generally accorded more credibility when you take issue with the action rather than who performs the action.
Neither here nor there.. but on the way in this morning I heard one of the most blatantly biased reports on NPR – I don’t know if it was local (WFDD) or national editing, but in summarizing Joe ‘BFD’ Biden’s inflammatory comments, they stopped short of the part where he said ‘he wants to put ya’ll back in chains’. They set it up as Biden was involved in some controversy yesterday then quoted the statement but stopped at ‘Romney wants to unchain Wall Street’.
I don’t think anyone took offense at unchaining Wall Street… they’d have been better to just skip the entire story if that’s all they were going to relay. Just my $.02.
You know, I'm surprised that people haven't looked beyond the idiocy of Biden's remark and tuned into the fact that he started channeling his inner black dialect when he said that. I realize politicians will turn on their inner redneck when down south, but I don't know whether to laugh or take additional offense when Biden tries to act like a brutha. I guess since I'm white I shouldn't give a fuck.

"Un-chaaaaain Wall St. [long pause] They're gonna put y'all back in chains. [laughter] He said he gonna do nothin' about ...[short pause to go back into white man mode] stopping the practice of outsourcing."

Heard the clip this morning on the radio. So embarrassing.
Wow, listening to the clip makes it even worse. What a condescending prick...I cannot believe people support this asshat.
Barack Obama, April 28, 2008:

Do we want to have the same old attack politics we've become accustomed to, the same slash-and-burn politics? . . . We're not going to run around doing negative ads. We're going to keep it positive, we're going to talk about the issues.

Mitt Romney, August 14, 2012:

In 2008, Candidate Obama said, "if you don't have any fresh ideas, then you use stale tactics to scare voters." He said, "if you don't have a record to run on, then you paint your opponent as someone people should run from." And that, he told us, is how, "You make a big election about small things."

That was Candidate Obama describing the strategy that is the now the heart of his campaign.

His campaign and his surrogates have made wild and reckless accusations that disgrace the office of the Presidency. Another outrageous charge came a few hours ago in Virginia. And the White House sinks a little bit lower.

This is what an angry and desperate Presidency looks like.

President Obama knows better, promised better and America deserves better.

Over the last four years, this President has pushed Republicans and Democrats as far apart as they can go. And now he and his allies are pushing us all even further apart by dividing us into groups. He demonizes some. He panders to others. His campaign strategy is to smash America apart and then cobble together 51 percent of the pieces.

If an American president wins that way, we all lose.
You mean like Romney did to each of his major opponents in the primary?

You mean like how Romney, himself, tells multiple, intentional and blatant lies at each campaign speech?

It's one thing for Rove or Obama's SuperPAC to put out BS ads, it's on another level for the candidate to tell lies at EVERY stop.

Each of Romney's speeches is Nixon's "secret plan to end the war" on steroids and cloned.
You mean like Romney did to each of his major opponents in the primary?

You mean like how Romney, himself, tells multiple, intentional and blatant lies at each campaign speech?

It's one thing for Rove or Obama's SuperPAC to put out BS ads, it's on another level for the candidate to tell lies at EVERY stop.

Each of Romney's speeches is Nixon's "secret plan to end the war" on steroids and cloned.

just because romney does it does not mean that obama didn't LIE
just because romney does it does not mean that obama didn't LIE

I don't know about you, but it amuses the heck out of me that someone who posts the words of others without proper citation runs around calling everyone else a liar.
So yesterday he didn't know what state he was in and today he doesn't know what century he's in. Them hairplugs go too deep!
And today, Ryan didn't even know the numbers in his own economics plan....what's your point?

Slips of the tongue are one thing, telling planned, intentional and blatant lies as policy is quite another.
I like Joe Biden as the crazy senator, but he isn't stable enough to be VP. Had a Republican said something like this, the media would be up in arms about how racist the tea party controlled GOP is and how awful everyone involved is. Of course, with Biden saying it, it's okay. Let's just laugh it off.

I am no tea partier by any means and I have issues with Romney, but frankly it sickens me when the Democrats play the race card and try to keep racism alive in this country in a time when black unemployment is high and their reliance on the government for support is probably at an all time high. We are in serious trouble financially and all we can do is tell blacks that if you vote Republican they'll bring back slavery, etc, take away your healthcare so you can die... it's the worst kind of politics, much like when Republicans use abortion and gay marriage to get votes. Thankfully Romney hasn't really addressed any of that.
If republicans bring up gay marriage and abortion in this election, I may not vote! All I wanna hear about is "ECONOMY" and job creation!
You mean like Romney did to each of his major opponents in the primary?

The whiny Mittbot seems to believe that America views him as some sympathetic naif AND that there was absolutely zero coverage of the GOP primaries. It's beyond me that any serious candidate would ever need to go negative to beat Perry, Newt, and Santorum, but Mitt and his cronies carpet bombed every one of those hapless clowns repeatedly. Seems ridiculous to be 3 months removed from those tactics and be whining when they're used on you.
look at the boners you fags get over biden slips like 20th century and NC instead of VA. I've said 20th century about this century before. good lord
If republicans bring up gay marriage and abortion in this election, I may not vote! All I wanna hear about is "ECONOMY" and job creation!

Right. That is what we need to focus on. Not the gays, abortion, religion, race, class warfare, etc.. We need to get spending under control, give us some certainty on taxes and the like. So far Romney has not dabbled in social issues, and I hope it stays that way.