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E is for Ebola (Dallas TX)

1.6M infected? Link? Also do you believe the reports of ebola deaths coming back to life as zombie killers?
1.6m refers to the approximate total infected max during the course of the outbreak according to some of the modeling...which had originally predicted only 20k. If you want to equate their modeling predictions to articles about zombie killers, then have at it.
Fox news is the best news and best commentary you can possibly receive.

Lane Collier
-I understand Africa gave us AIDS and EBOLA and decades of aid to Africa hasn't made a positive difference. Isolate em and forget em!

Bill Thompson
And now hundreds of our military are going to be exposed. You think they will be quarantined upon their return? I doubt it. Another way to weaken our readiness.

Marsha Austin Smith I agree with you and I have not got a degree or anything. It doesn't take a genious to figure this out or to have figured it out and lie to the Americans like we have been done. I have said this alllll along!!!!! IT IS SICKENING how OBAMA let's this happen!!! YES, HE IS A PART OF IT! BLEIEVE THAT!!!!

The blacks and browns are going kill us all!!!!!:eek:hnoes::willynilly::eek:hnoes::willynilly::sketch::eek:hnoes:
Even taking your scenario at 100% face value, there is a CHASM of difference between that and ebola infected muslim terror zombies crossing the rio grande.
Sure...but when the experts predict one thing about a very deadly disease and then they're wrong repeatedly. When people are told protections are in place...and they aren't. When we're told there is no way it can enter the US and it does. When contact had to be human to human physical contact....and the Spanish nurse apparently touched a glove and got it. What happens to the credibility of the experts and leaders? It significantly erodes. People aren't going to believe them and will then become afraid....and then start to worry about worse scenarios.

All of that is on top of fears that have been ginned up for years by these same people about infectious diseases coming out of Africa and Asia, and about infectious diseases mutating rapidly. Ebola was said to act so quickly as to not be a threat...but could potentially mutate into one we were told, especially if it became less deadly and/or more transmissible. Now it's all over the place and ACTING differently than other outbreaks. Why?

I'm sure people who want to attack the US have thought about using every infectious disease they can....including Ebola. It was on the DOD list wasn't it? That leads to fears of its use now. But Ebola was never thought to be realistic..too rapid and not weaponizable. I believe Marburg was their biggest fear, at least it was a couple of years ago when I talked to DOD.
1.6m refers to the approximate total infected max during the course of the outbreak according to some of the modeling...which had originally predicted only 20k. If you want to equate their modeling predictions to articles about zombie killers, then have at it.

If bush meat suddenly becomes popular in the US then yes I agree with those projections.
I remember when the bird flu from Asia was going to kill us. That was really scary. I even bought a mask and stayed away from Asians for a spell.
Its just typical media fear mongering, what gets media hits? Ebola is coming to kill you, your children, and its riding in on the backs of those dark skinned Africans.
A simple google search reveals that 1.4M is a worst case scenario estimate by the CDC - for January 2015. Currently it is estimated that 8,000 people are infected.
Right...I thought it was 1.6m but...same scale. They were originally projecting in the hundreds, then it jumped to 20-25k with better modeling...then climbed pretty up to 250k max...then jumped to 1.4m. They also had shorter time estimates for the outbreak and now believe it'll peak much later and be around a lot longer. They are responding to how it seems to be acting, the ability of countries to contain it, and probably gradually widening their risk criteria....since their models were wrong.
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^^From this guy's wiki:

Sounds like he's making good use of the Twitter.

I'm pretty sure they are referencing a parody account

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Sure...but when the experts predict one thing about a very deadly disease and then they're wrong repeatedly. When people are told protections are in place...and they aren't. When we're told there is no way it can enter the US and it does. When contact had to be human to human physical contact....and the Spanish nurse apparently touched a glove and got it. What happens to the credibility of the experts and leaders? It significantly erodes. People aren't going to believe them and will then become afraid....and then start to worry about worse scenarios.

All of that is on top of fears that have been ginned up for years by these same people about infectious diseases coming out of Africa and Asia, and about infectious diseases mutating rapidly. Ebola was said to act so quickly as to not be a threat...but could potentially mutate into one we were told, especially if it became less deadly and/or more transmissible. Now it's all over the place and ACTING differently than other outbreaks. Why?

I'm sure people who want to attack the US have thought about using every infectious disease they can....including Ebola. It was on the DOD list wasn't it? That leads to fears of its use now. But Ebola was never thought to be realistic..too rapid and not weaponizable. I believe Marburg was their biggest fear, at least it was a couple of years ago when I talked to DOD.

They'll never kill us!

Sure...but when the experts predict one thing about a very deadly disease and then they're wrong repeatedly. When people are told protections are in place...and they aren't. When we're told there is no way it can enter the US and it does. When contact had to be human to human physical contact....and the Spanish nurse apparently touched a glove and got it. What happens to the credibility of the experts and leaders? It significantly erodes. People aren't going to believe them and will then become afraid....and then start to worry about worse scenarios.

All of that is on top of fears that have been ginned up for years by these same people about infectious diseases coming out of Africa and Asia, and about infectious diseases mutating rapidly. Ebola was said to act so quickly as to not be a threat...but could potentially mutate into one we were told, especially if it became less deadly and/or more transmissible. Now it's all over the place and ACTING differently than other outbreaks. Why?

I'm sure people who want to attack the US have thought about using every infectious disease they can....including Ebola. It was on the DOD list wasn't it? That leads to fears of its use now. But Ebola was never thought to be realistic..too rapid and not weaponizable. I believe Marburg was their biggest fear, at least it was a couple of years ago when I talked to DOD.

Talked to DOD? Did you just knock on the front door at the Pentagon and tell them you wanted to chat?
Talked to DOD? Did you just knock on the front door at the Pentagon and tell them you wanted to chat?
Yeah....and they never realized I was such a fake!

DTRA came to visit about some ideas we had so I talked to them. They also gave a presentation about their partners and technology...really really cool stuff. They showed data on an Ebola prophylactic that was completely protective in mice, based on host biology. The AVI Bio data was awesome too. DTRA gave AVI an unknown virus. AVI made an effective PMO antiviral for it from sequencing to product in something like 14 days. Amazingly fast.
I have a hard time understanding how anyone with even a small measure of scientific knowledge is worried this will become a big issue here in the US.
Conservatives v. Science is a top board rivalry. Right up there with conservatives v. Math and conservatives v. Common sense.