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Conspiracy Theories

I don't know the first thing about planes or flying, but it seems to me like crashing them would be the easiest part.
I've said all along - I think we went. I acknowledge there were reasons for us to fake it, and there is lots of shady stuff surrounding it. Doesn't change my mind or opinion that we went; simply makes me put that at 65%. Those are pretty good odds.

Not for something that is a fact. That's like saying that you put the odds at 65% that Wake Forest is a 4 year university in Winston-Salem, NC. I mean maybe they faked the move west.
Not for something that is a fact. That's like saying that you put the odds at 65% that Wake Forest is a 4 year university in Winston-Salem, NC. I mean maybe they faked the move west.

That would be an excellent analogy if I could simply go to the moon, or had I lived on the moon for 4 years, starting in 1969. As it stands, it is a terribly weak analogy. I didn't mean to get you so upset by restating a concept that has been around for 40+ years - i.e., that we MAY have faked the moon landing in 1969.
Sometimes it becomes very obvious that Wake is a liberal arts school and definitely not an engineering school.

Ha, it seems someone got upset when I questioned their high school physics knowledge. Unsigned NegRep:
"Sometimes its obvious that despite Wake you are nothing more than Race trash, better sign up for the 45% interest credit card for your free race cooler"

For what it's worth, you can't make tires that don't wear. 1) Anything is going to wear some. Train wheels wear, just at a slow rate. 2) If you made tires so hard that they didn't wear significantly, they wouldn't produce enough friction to allow your car to accelerate, turn, stop, etc. Softer tires = more grip.

Many of the "manufacturers don't want to make a better product because they would lose sales" conspiracy theories are based on a lack of understanding of what is actually possible from a physics/engineering/cost standpoint.
Here's one from the 9/11 conspiracy people that has always fascinated me. I have no knowledge of aviation so maybe someone with it can fill me in. Is it realistic that the terrorists, who were trained on small aircraft and in some cases were said to be poor pilots, were able to fly these large jets and hit specific targets? I have no clue about the difference in control systems in planes. Anyone know?

1) The hard part of flying is landing. Based on my limited experience, but according to relatives who fly commercially, privately, and in the armed forces, steering a plane during normal flight is no big deal.

2) They were trained to be multi-engine commercial pilots...not sure what size plane they trained in:

A kid can get behind the wheel of a car and steer it to make it go where he/she wants. The same kid probably doesn't have the finesse to parallel park the car.
Ha, it seems someone got upset when I questioned their high school physics knowledge. Unsigned NegRep:
"Sometimes its obvious that despite Wake you are nothing more than Race trash, better sign up for the 45% interest credit card for your free race cooler"

For what it's worth, you can't make tires that don't wear. 1) Anything is going to wear some. Train wheels wear, just at a slow rate. 2) If you made tires so hard that they didn't wear significantly, they wouldn't produce enough friction to allow your car to accelerate, turn, stop, etc. Softer tires = more grip.

Many of the "manufacturers don't want to make a better product because they would lose sales" conspiracy theories are based on a lack of understanding of what is actually possible from a physics/engineering/cost standpoint.

what is race trash? and lol at anyone taking offense to your comment
That would be an excellent analogy if I could simply go to the moon, or had I lived on the moon for 4 years, starting in 1969. As it stands, it is a terribly weak analogy. I didn't mean to get you so upset by restating a concept that has been around for 40+ years - i.e., that we MAY have faked the moon landing in 1969.

I'm not upset. It just astounds me that people actually think the moon landing was faked. Or that there is even a chance it was faked.
1) The hard part of flying is landing. Based on my limited experience, but according to relatives who fly commercially, privately, and in the armed forces, steering a plane during normal flight is no big deal.

2) They were trained to be multi-engine commercial pilots...not sure what size plane they trained in:

A kid can get behind the wheel of a car and steer it to make it go where he/she wants. The same kid probably doesn't have the finesse to parallel park the car.

flying a commercial jet in level flight is very easy. basically no more than programming a computer (the flight gps system) to do all the turns.
One thing I realized about myself probably around my senior year of college is that I am incredibly impressionable. Religion, politics, anything debatable - I end up going back and forth between all the arguments. So conspiracy theories are bad for me because I'll completely convince myself of the conspiracy theory and then read/watch the rebuttal and decide that it's just a bunch of crazies.

I think the biggest question I have for any conspiracy theory is how many people would've had to have known it was staged/a hoax/whatever and been on the inside for it to have worked. The larger this number is, the more likely it is that the conspiracy theory is nonsense. If it's a simple case where some random government department stages some event, I think it's possible. If it was necessary that all of NASA/half the military/everyone in Washington/etc be on the inside, I think it's probably nonsense.
I have always heard the Tuffalodeac10 has a perpetual motion machine, but he only uses it to power his house the selfish bastard.
Denver airport as massive center for the occult

I remember watching a TV special on the Denver airport when I was a little kid. It talked about how it was constructed on an indian burial ground and how the construction took way longer than initially planned because things kept going wrong at the build site.

Then a year later after I had forgotten about it, I flew into Denver and when I saw the 'mountain' tent shape I freaked the hell out.

Not really a conspiracy theory (that I have heard), but an interesting tale.
Ha, it seems someone got upset when I questioned their high school physics knowledge. Unsigned NegRep:
"Sometimes its obvious that despite Wake you are nothing more than Race trash, better sign up for the 45% interest credit card for your free race cooler"

For what it's worth, you can't make tires that don't wear. 1) Anything is going to wear some. Train wheels wear, just at a slow rate. 2) If you made tires so hard that they didn't wear significantly, they wouldn't produce enough friction to allow your car to accelerate, turn, stop, etc. Softer tires = more grip.

Many of the "manufacturers don't want to make a better product because they would lose sales" conspiracy theories are based on a lack of understanding of what is actually possible from a physics/engineering/cost standpoint.

I didn't neg you for that but at times you are a bit of a douche. Instead of just making an overarching statement about Wake kids being dumb, why not add an explanation such as you did here.
I remember watching a TV special on the Denver airport when I was a little kid. It talked about how it was constructed on an indian burial ground and how the construction took way longer than initially planned because things kept going wrong at the build site.

Then a year later after I had forgotten about it, I flew into Denver and when I saw the 'mountain' tent shape I freaked the hell out.

Not really a conspiracy theory (that I have heard), but an interesting tale.

I remember watching something when it was being built and they had some kind of Ch'i consultant so that it could be built in a way to harness its positive energy.
That's all I remember of it really. But yeah, I thought that sounded like weird hippie shit back then especially...It hadn't even opened yet, so it must've been in the early 90s. I can't remember what the show was. It probably would've been a news magazine like 60 Minutes or 48 Hours.