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2020 Presidential Election: Biden v. Trump

This. I'm so over the hand wringing of "undecided" or "centrist" voters.

I mean, I have my problem with “Centrists”, but even I can admit that the centrist label only applies to voters within the Democrats tent. Moderate, Anti-Trump Republicans are not centrists. Muddling up those labels is pretty obvious subterfuge in order to blend conservatism into liberal discourse.
Gotta love the attempts to remake "bipartisan" as supports Trump vs. doesn't support Trump. (Like how Romney said that DeJoy donated to "both sides" because he donated to both Trump and Romney.)

I think that attitude is ultimately to the detriment of Trumpites. They're already a minority, getting just 46% of the vote in 2016, and as Trump has alienated pretty much anyone not already in his base, losing even a fraction of Republicans could be fatal to his campaign. I don't think they really care though, as they seem to believe that Dear Leader is just immune to the normal rules of politics.
Second debate cancelled by debate commission.

Which hurts Trump far more than Biden. Even Republicans like Frank Luntz were saying today that Trump has got to change the momentum, and this debate was one of his last chances to do so.
It would be difficult, but easier for him than most people. Need some bots to respond approvingly to his tweets. Need a few people to tell him how brilliant he is. The rallies would be trickier. Maybe get a few hundred paid actors to wear MAGA clothes and cheer. You couldn't put an ex-President in a typical prison, so I'd be fine building him a special prison for this.

A privatized prison?
Trump's campaign is cutting spending in OH, WI, MN, NH, MI, NV, and IA, and putting money into GA and AZ. So they're down to playing defense now. Either their campaign is broke, or the Trump family and campaign officials are just saving money for their own personal use and profit when the election is over. Maybe Trump can use whatever is left to pay his back taxes.
or saving money to pay for enough billable hours to get in front of their packed courts.
I think that attitude is ultimately to the detriment of Trumpites. They're already a minority, getting just 46% of the vote in 2016, and as Trump has alienated pretty much anyone not already in his base, losing even a fraction of Republicans could be fatal to his campaign. I don't think they really care though, as they seem to believe that Dear Leader is just immune to the normal rules of politics.

He beat math in 2016.
He beat math in 2016.

And that's why he and his supporters think he's immune to the normal rules that apply to politicians. I guess we'll find out this year if that's true or if he crashes back to earth like any other politician would after the way he's behaved and governed over the past four years.
And that's why he and his supporters think he's immune to the normal rules that apply to politicians. I guess we'll find out this year if that's true or if he crashes back to earth like any other politician would after the way he's behaved and governed over the past four years.

They won’t accept the results. There’s no outcome that will convince the rubes he lost at ballot box.
They won’t accept the results. There’s no outcome that will convince the rubes he lost at ballot box.

Yep. A blow out will convince them that there were illegal votes.
They won’t accept the results. There’s no outcome that will convince the rubes he lost at ballot box.

Of course they won't, but if Biden wins by enough there's not much they can do about it other than start a civil war or riot in the streets, and I suspect that the vast majority of them, despite their tough talk, won't be willing to leave their doritos, sofas, and PCs to actually do much. If the election is close, say under 300 EC and within two to four percent, I have no doubt that Trump and his campaign will try to drag it into the courts where they think they can win. But if Biden wins by more than 300 EC and wins by 5% or more, Trump and his supporters can cry foul all they want, but I don't think the courts or anyone else will stick their necks out to save them. As for whether the rubes accept it at that point, who cares? Let them cry foul - they've done enough damage to this national already. When I said that we'll find out if he's immune to the normal rules of politics, I wasn't referring to his base, who are already brainwashed members of the cult. It's the rest of us who will learn if he's really immune to the traditional limitations that other politicians live with, or if spending four years pissing off everyone not in his base and disastrously mishandling a national pandemic, is political suicide.