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After the Women's March: Forward

They gotta get some good pub after endorsing rape via Rick Ross and also since no one knows that brand exists anymore

How exactly does Trump respect women?
Some of the leaders of the Women's March visited Wake today:

I'm not too keen on these folks and the Indivisible folks coming out as leaders of the movement unless they're going to run off office on other credentials. It makes it much easier to poke holes in a few people rather than millions of people.
Some of the leaders of the Women's March visited Wake today:

Doesn't pay taxes, expects government to work for her....
I thought we had a thread on pay equality but I couldn't find it.

Have you guys read this engineer's blog post on her time at Uber?

Even if half of what this woman alleges is true, it is sick. She should have sued the bejeez out of them.

"After the first couple of weeks of training, I chose to join the team that worked on my area of expertise, and this is where things started getting weird. On my first official day rotating on the team, my new manager sent me a string of messages over company chat. He was in an open relationship, he said, and his girlfriend was having an easy time finding new partners but he wasn't. He was trying to stay out of trouble at work, he said, but he couldn't help getting in trouble, because he was looking for women to have sex with. It was clear that he was trying to get me to have sex with him, and it was so clearly out of line that I immediately took screenshots of these chat messages and reported him to HR.

Uber was a pretty good-sized company at that time, and I had pretty standard expectations of how they would handle situations like this. I expected that I would report him to HR, they would handle the situation appropriately, and then life would go on - unfortunately, things played out quite a bit differently. When I reported the situation, I was told by both HR and upper management that even though this was clearly sexual harassment and he was propositioning me, it was this man's first offense, and that they wouldn't feel comfortable giving him anything other than a warning and a stern talking-to. Upper management told me that he "was a high performer" (i.e. had stellar performance reviews from his superiors) and they wouldn't feel comfortable punishing him for what was probably just an innocent mistake on his part."

It gets worse after that. This sort of extends my theory that lots of these silicon valley startups are filled with betas that have more brains than people skills, not to mention knowing how to interact with the opposite sex. Throw ridic piles of money on everything and sprinkle in the growing pains of any rapidly expanding enterprise and this is what you get. I mean, when this is your ceo, what do you expect. Would love to see a pic of the pimp playa programmer that told her he was in a open relationship.

Yeah I mean they are all intertwined, men harass women in the workplace and pay them less because they are viewed as 'lesser' and they can and do get away with it. You would think that in super progressive CA they would be better about this but it just goes to show that the bottom line is almost always more important and people continued to be pressured and paid(or threatened to not be paid) to look the other way.
Republicans can ignore woke white women at their own peril.


TAMPA — Vocal crowds of demonstrators making weekly visits to the Tampa office of U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio have gotten the Miami Republican booted from the building.

The owner of Bridgeport Center, a gleaming, nine-story office center at 5201 Kennedy Blvd., notified Rubio's office on Feb. 1 that it will not renew its lease. The reason: The rallies have become too disruptive to the other tenants and a costly expense for the company, said Jude Williams, president of America's Capital Partners.

"A professional office building is not a place for that," Williams said. "I understand their cause, but at the end of the day it was a security concern for us.
I watched the livestream event. These women are brave activists who have come together in unity for different reasons other than women's rights. If you listened to their presentation you will understand.

From the Wake Forest Review - Their “Unity Principles” focused on ending police violence, women’s reproductive rights, worker’s rights, LGBTQIA rights, civil rights, immigrant rights, and environmental justice. They essentially took an amalgam of social justice issues, crammed them together and called it a movement.

The march on D.C. was clearly a mess. Women coming together in solidarity focusing on everything which results in nothing. Similar to occupy wall street. Man shaming, walking vaginas, immigrants protesting, abortion, birth control, social justice issues combined made for a complete mess. Women are divided. Feminism has gone wild. Clearly there are pro-life feminists, who understand equality, and are living full productive lives. Somehow equality has become the equivalent of equal. Women are not equal to men. They bear children, take time off from their careers, therefor earning less simply because they take time off from their jobs and work less hours than men. As far as union labor women are paid the same as men and actually are afforded extra benefits for paid time off for child birth. Police officers are usually assigned desk duty when pregnant as they cannot work the streets effectively 8 months pregnant. As far as professional women are concerned, market value is the same for man and woman. It may still be harder for woman to break into the field traditionally afforded to men, IE, professional sports coaching, jobs that require strength and endurance such as fireman who need to carry (literally) their weight as they may risk losing their brother/sister firefighter. Women (not all) despise Donald trump and rightly so for obvious reasons. Women today are divided. Feminism has become a movement that revolves around reproductive rights. It's ludactris to be bitching about their vaginas and abortions when abortion on demand ( which I believe is murder) is available 24/7 like a drive through McDonalds. Birth control can cost pennies and condoms are handed out like candy. Frankly, women enjoy their sexuality and don't have to dress act walk and talk like a man to advance in their careers in 2017. Being attractive is not a detriment nor should it be a reason to gain an advantage. Women need to stop walking around wi a chip on their shoulder. We burned our bras in the 60s and have come a long way. When we are rallying over the false narrative of equal pay, the reality is less time on the job because we are not men. We have children and often take a break from our careers or delay our careers. When a football player, Winston, talks to a elementary group of students and asks the little boys to stand up and tells them they will grow up big and strong (Winston was focusing on a little boy who felt out of place) and complimented the little girls by telling them to stay seated, be polite and quiet, and he is bastardized by the media, parents of little girls, as some kind of sexist and has to apologize publicly, something is terribly wrong. On a final note, women are attractive and beautiful and intelligent. They can have it all. There is a time and a place to act accordingly. That goes for woman and men. Sadly, women's vaginas have ruled the day and nobody can take these woman with their vulgar signs along with madonna and Hollywood bimbos seriously. Soon our next movement will be lead by an extremely unfit radical woman who is promoting violence. Women gone wild and whacky! Embarrassing and a detriment to whatever cause these women are pulling out of a hat.

PS: there are sexual harassment laws on the books. However, I know of several waitresses who have left their jobs because of harassment. They are paid off the books and there is little help for them.
If Melissa Harris-Perry wants the government to make changes that benefit her, she should start by paying taxes.

She is not just brave, she is funny too.
"When a football player, Winston, talks to a elementary group of students and asks the little boys to stand up and tells them they will grow up big and strong (Winston was focusing on a little boy who felt out of place) and complimented the little girls by telling them to stay seated, be polite and quiet, and he is bastardized by the media, parents of little girls, as some kind of sexist and has to apologize publicly, something is terribly wrong."

That comment was plainly sexist. Says men should speak up since they'll be big and strong and women should be polite and quiet. It's telling little girls to know their place in society, which is to be a stereotype.

Of all things to focus on, I don't know why this is a hill you would choose to take a stand on if something was or was not sexist. It's literally telling boys and girls to behave differently based on their sex.
That article talks about Hillary more than anything I've seen written by liberals since the March.

She lost. Get over her. Conservatives are so hard up for a democrat enemy that they keep bring her up even though she is irrelevant.
That article talks about Hillary more than anything I've seen written by liberals since the March.

She lost. Get over her. Conservatives are so hard up for a democrat enemy that they keep bring her up even though she is irrelevant.

well, ya gotta admit she's an enemy from central casting, could hardly ask for anything better

and of course successful politics has always been to some extent about identifying and struggling against enemies

so, as long as Hillary is around, the republicans will find a good use for her