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Almost punched a guy last night

fuck potassium. if you're hungry enough to ask strangers for food outside of gas station, you need calories (from something other than alcohol), not potassium. bananas aren't that great a source of potassium anyway. you'd have to eat a 5-foot long banana just to get your RDA.

Was stopped by a panhandler last night. Told me he was on a greyhound from Albuquerque to San Antonio when the bus broke down and had to make an emergency stop in Houston and he had nowhere to sleep tonight. Geographically this makes zero sense so I didn't give him anything.
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Homeless guy outside my grocery store had an Iphone and was playing Words With Friends. Looks like he was sleeping outside.
A guy tried approached me outside of a gas station the other month about buying a magazine subscription for like $40. I wasn't about to pay that much, plus he only took cash and I rarely have more than a couple of bucks on me. I straight up offered to give him five bucks as a donation or whatever. Frustrated and despondent, he refused and walked away. A man must have a code.
I agree on there being a big difference between panhandlers/homeless on the street with a sign vs the folks that accost you at a gas station or grocery store with a sob story. Seems like the more elaborate the story the more unlikely it's true.

Since I have also heard not to give money, if I do decide to give something, I'll generally do a sandwich or something. I've also been in a situation before where I had a ton of leftovers from a meal and wasn't going home or near a fridge right away so I've tried to find someone to give them to. Most of the time they are very grateful. Definitely had one guy complain about what he got.
Downtown Atlanna is crawling with panhandlers and homeless. Panhandlers generally are not aggressive. There is a blind lady I see regularly on my trips to the courthouse that I always kick change to.
I'm envisioning TAB actually kicking change to a blind woman. What an asshole.
Twice I year, I cook at the Chapel Hill homeless shelter. 99% of the folks there are very grateful for a meal and to some conversation. Since its chapel hill, you do get a lot of "do you have a vegan option" or "Is that feta or goat cheese..."Always a good time.

One year, the center's director asked me if I could give a guy a ride to the mall after we finished cooking to pick up his prescription. Said the guys was safe and just weird. He had just been discharged from the hospital and was still wearing his gown (and nothing else) except for an partial IV still in his arm. So I did. I dropped him off and he of course wanted a ride back and that it would only be "30 minutes or so" while they filled the script. I went and grabbed some dinner.

Halfway through dinner, I hear my name being paged over the mall intercom "CHDeac, report to Kerr Drug...Its an emergency". So I rush over there only to ind him standing there saying "Can we go now?".

I see him on Franklin Street all the time and he always high fives me and calls me "Limo Man"...
A guy my dad knew back in the 80s had an interesting scheme that he once told me about. During the warmer months, he'd live on the streets asking for money, sometimes making up to $100 a day or so. He'd of course blow it on booze or drugs, but occasionally would eat a "nice" dinner. As the weather got colder, he'd either break into a business and wait for the cops to show up or do some other petty crime so he'd be arrested and spend the colder months in jail. He'd be let out the following spring and repeat the process. He did this for 3 years or so until they finally caught on to his plan. He was an intelligent man, and had previously worked a factory job, but decided to live the vagrant life. He did a few years later of a heroin overdose.
I always give everyone money, doesn't matter the amount because boom then I knock them out and take the money back. That's the way you handle it Jeff, a good deed and a bad deed and you remain in even standing.
the more details they give you in their story, the more likely it is bullshit. If I'm ever stranded and need cash I'm just going to roll with "I hate to ask, but could you spare a few dollars?" None of this out of gas grandma lost bus ticket stuff.
Lady in NoDa the other night was standing on the sidewalk begging for money because her "scooter was nearly out of gas and she needed enough money to get home to her kids." She was wearing a helmet, but there was no scooter anywhere. I asked her where it was and she started spinning some yarn about her friend pushing it to a safe location while she tried to get gas money. I wished her luck. She scowled fiercely.

On the other hand, a guy stopped me on the way out of the Food Lion near our hood last summer and said, "I ain't going to lie to you. I just want 80 cents so I can go get a beer." I gave him one of the beers I had just bought, plus five bucks so he could go get more. Priorities.
the more details they give you in their story, the more likely it is bullshit. If I'm ever stranded and need cash I'm just going to roll with "I hate to ask, but could you spare a few dollars?" None of this out of gas grandma lost bus ticket stuff.

I'll admit, if I'm in a large city and they have a unique and interesting sign, I'll give them a could $$. I'd certainly give this guy some cash.
the more details they give you in their story, the more likely it is bullshit. If I'm ever stranded and need cash I'm just going to roll with "I hate to ask, but could you spare a few dollars?" None of this out of gas grandma lost bus ticket stuff.

It probably helps if you're clean shaven and decently dressed as well.
Also, I agree with what what I think the consensus here is: OP should probably relax a bit.
This has probably been answered over the course of 6 pages, but...

1. Where did this happen?
2. What grocery store?
A guy my dad knew back in the 80s had an interesting scheme that he once told me about. During the warmer months, he'd live on the streets asking for money, sometimes making up to $100 a day or so. He'd of course blow it on booze or drugs, but occasionally would eat a "nice" dinner. As the weather got colder, he'd either break into a business and wait for the cops to show up or do some other petty crime so he'd be arrested and spend the colder months in jail. He'd be let out the following spring and repeat the process. He did this for 3 years or so until they finally caught on to his plan. He was an intelligent man, and had previously worked a factory job, but decided to live the vagrant life. He did a few years later of a heroin overdose.

This sounds like something Jack Handey would say.
To hijack... I had the same predicament last night.

My fiance caught a bottle to the face at the beginning of a fireworks show at a minor-league baseball game. We were in the lower-level and I saw it coming out of the corner of my eye. I think it actually came from the upper-deck and caromed off a seat first, making it look like it was thrown from directly behind us.

Anyway, long story short... I pretty calmly did what I could to locate the thrower & pretty much knew I'd be throwing a punch if i succeeded in finding him.

I haven't been in any sort of physical altercation in a decade. I was not looking forward to it.