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Almost punched a guy last night

Yes, he was using choice language, and was aggressive and threatening and for that I considered punching him. Part of why I did not (as stated earlier) is for fear that I could have killed him if I hit him hard enough or if he fell and hit his head, etc.


I saw some "homeless" college kids in seattle playing real life rockem sockem robots with each other dressed in cardboard robot costumes. The beat the piss out of each other. Definitely dropped a dollar or two their way
Also, I agree with what what I think the consensus here is: OP should probably relax a bit.

And - it is not cool to bait and switch a banana for a hot dog. Or at least throw some mustard and chili on the banana if you do.
To hijack... I had the same predicament last night.

My fiance caught a bottle to the face at the beginning of a fireworks show at a minor-league baseball game. We were in the lower-level and I saw it coming out of the corner of my eye. I think it actually came from the upper-deck and caromed off a seat first, making it look like it was thrown from directly behind us.

Anyway, long story short... I pretty calmly did what I could to locate the thrower & pretty much knew I'd be throwing a punch if i succeeded in finding him.

I haven't been in any sort of physical altercation in a decade. I was not looking forward to it.

how is this even remotely "the same predicament" as the OP?
I saw some "homeless" college kids in seattle playing real life rockem sockem robots with each other dressed in cardboard robot costumes. The beat the piss out of each other. Definitely dropped a dollar or two their way

Yes, he was using choice language, and was aggressive and threatening and for that I considered punching him. Part of why I did not (as stated earlier) is for fear that I could have killed him if I hit him hard enough or if he fell and hit his head, etc.

Twice I year, I cook at the Chapel Hill homeless shelter. 99% of the folks there are very grateful for a meal and to some conversation. Since its chapel hill, you do get a lot of "do you have a vegan option" or "Is that feta or goat cheese..."Always a good time.

One year, the center's director asked me if I could give a guy a ride to the mall after we finished cooking to pick up his prescription. Said the guys was safe and just weird. He had just been discharged from the hospital and was still wearing his gown (and nothing else) except for an partial IV still in his arm. So I did. I dropped him off and he of course wanted a ride back and that it would only be "30 minutes or so" while they filled the script. I went and grabbed some dinner.

Halfway through dinner, I hear my name being paged over the mall intercom "CHDeac, report to Kerr Drug...Its an emergency". So I rush over there only to ind him standing there saying "Can we go now?".

I see him on Franklin Street all the time and he always high fives me and calls me "Limo Man"...

that story is awesome
There's an interesting dichotomy in Portland with those who are choosing to live a transient life/lifestyle and those who are actually homeless. (I mean, I guess they're all actually homeless... but there is a distinct difference). I typically don't carry cash so I can say as much if anyone asks, but I've bought food for folks before. I've also had people reject my food, which is kind of annoying but whatever.
The way I figure it is this: if they're sitting/standing on the street carrying all their worldly possessions in grocery bags, they probably need the banana/sandwich/dollar more than I do. It's not my job to police how they use it, and it's not my problem if they turn down what I try to give.
I like that the OP thinks so highly of himself that his hands are assumed to be deadly weapons, not fists like most people and not the rare occurrence where a single punch accidentally kills someone. A study looked at one punch incidences and found of all the fights that happened, they don't have numbers for this but assume a ton, that only 90 people died of a one punch assault in 12 years. So roughly 8 people a year of all fist fights that occured, the OP could have been one of those people because he is so deadly.
I think a normal reaction would be to shake your head, walk away, and count your blessings that you're not in that guy's position.

Unless you're a super aggro, insecure aging frat star who can't handle being DISRESPECTED

where's knight to call you a pussy
Tough working at a church because we get a lot of these stories, and after a while, it gets to you because you know they're not telling the truth (holes in the story, repeat stories, etc.), but on the other hand, some of them are legit, and even if the story isn't, the need is. We have a preschool on our campus, so we have a strict "no money" policy because, for the safety of the children, we don't want to have any issues occur near them. Can be a tough issue though.
I like that the OP thinks so highly of himself that his hands are assumed to be deadly weapons, not fists like most people and not the rare occurrence where a single punch accidentally kills someone. A study looked at one punch incidences and found of all the fights that happened, they don't have numbers for this but assume a ton, that only 90 people died of a one punch assault in 12 years. So roughly 8 people a year of all fist fights that occured, the OP could have been one of those people because he is so deadly.

Not exactly but with it being a smaller guy in a parking lot with a curb behind him it was one of the many possible outcomes that occurred to me as I was trying to talk myself out of hitting him. Had I done the research I perhaps would have eliminated that consideration and maybe that would have tipped the scales. I'll let you know next time I need groceries.
I was in that parking lot and saw the whole dang thing. Let me tell you, Jeff FATT is as accurate as it comes. Here's my humble advice to the FATT bastard:

Run, don't walk.