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Boehner plans to sue Obama?

Conservatives are executing a specific strategy to govern in the shifting demographics that will make it tough to win the White House.
Taking Nixon to court over impounding funds: bad. Taking Obama to court for refusing to implement laws and for making up laws: okay.
While I think this lawsuit is political rubbish, pointing out that previous presidents did it too is not a proper legal defense against the suit.
I have not been paying attention to this particular micro-drama. Am I to understand that Boehner's minions think all executive orders are unconstitutional, or are there specific executive orders which which they take issue? His op-ed is long on big words and big threats and big accusations, but short on any specific legal claim. The National Review article is also unhelpful, although it appears they are offended by some of the actions involving delays in implementing laws or selective enforcement of immigration laws on compassionate grounds.

I agree that the tactic of comparing executive order numbers between presidents is weak sauce. If a given order is unconstitutional it's totally irrelevant that a different president issued 3,000 constitutional ones. But Boehner's extremely non-specific screed seems to be calling into question the entire practice of executive orders, which is also extremely weak sauce.
It's part of a ploy to weaken the executive branch until Republicans retake the White House.
It was inevitable.

"(CNN) – Sarah Palin said President Barack Obama's inaction over the escalating crisis on the southern border is grounds for impeachment."

"The Republican firebrand wrote in a an op-ed published Tuesday in the conservative website Breitbart that "(Obama's) unsecured border crisis is the last straw that makes the battered wife say, 'no mas.'"

Calls for impeachment and insinuates that Republicans are battered wives. Then she starts speaking not American.
Can you imagine this person as Vice President of the United States of America? I mean, holy shitballs. It just boggles the mind.
Can you imagine this person as Vice President of the United States of America? I mean, holy shitballs. It just boggles the mind.

And that's how divided our nation is. Many people would love it.
Apparently Palin dropped some broad hints that she wants to be a co-host on The View. Skimmed the comments section of an article and several people were alarmed because that would preclude Sarah from running for President in 2016. Cracks me up that some people still hope and pray she re-enters politics as a candidate again.
She just needs to have a sex tape "stolen" and return to Alaska with a fortune before it's too late.
Apparently Palin dropped some broad hints that she wants to be a co-host on The View. Skimmed the comments section of an article and several people were alarmed because that would preclude Sarah from running for President in 2016. Cracks me up that some people still hope and pray she re-enters politics as a candidate again.

She only has a slightly better chance to be a co-host on The View than you do.
If Palin endorses an idea it's a bad idea. While it's a bad idea, it's pretty obvious though. It has been quite transparent that the GOP plans on impeaching Obama and it will be hilariously awesome television.
Still shocked at how the GOP can no longer handle simple arithmetic. There's zero chance that they'll have 67 votes to convict Obama in 2015 or 2016. Otherwise why bother? Pretty clear that Boehner won't be a guest on the The View when Palin's running the show.
How crazy are the House Republicans?

They are suing him for delaying the ACA employer mandate.

Why is this the definition of batshit crazy? The House Republicans voted to delay the mandate themselves. He is doing what they voted for him to do.


It's the epitome of irrationality to sue someone for doing what you want them to do.

If this doesn't prove that's it's not about Obama's policies, but that he had the audacity to be POTUS, I can't imagine what would.
Boehner thought the law suit would energize the base before the midterms and calm down conservatives who wanted to push for impeachment. Tea Party didn't believe they'd get skunked in GOP Senate primaries, so now they're pushing for impeachment. Depending on the composition of the next House, Tea Party will probably make a move on Boehner in January to clear the way for impeachment. Didn't have the votes to put someone more conservative in than McCarthy in Cantor's slot and may not have the votes to topple Boehner. There's no chance of conviction in the Senate, but it will still be interesting to see how many 2016 GOP wannabes support impeachment.

The other big splinter issue for conservatives is how much money they'll commit toward the current immigration problem. $4 Billion won't go over well with conservatives, but it's a fraction of what it would cost to build a wall. Status quo isn't sustainable and the GOP can't keep putting off immigration reform until the border is secured. Can't round up and deport 11 million people and seal the border without spending significant sums. There won't be 67 votes in the Senate to override an Obama veto, so conservatives will be at each others throats again because they don't have the votes.