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Cryptozoology - Updates on Erickson Project/Ketchum Report

New developments in the Erickson Project case. As always, read this stuff with a heavy, heavy dose of skepticism.

I know most of the players in this story, and I believe that it is true. At least the shooting part. Here is what happened.
1. The shooter shows up on Taxidermy.net and starts a thread saying he just shot 2 Bigfoots, now what do I do? The shooter is well known on the site and is a frequent contributor, though not well liked at all (regarded as unethical hunter).
2. Thread quickly spins out of control going to many pages. Story is revealed on the thread.
3. Mods get message that shooter is being harassed and threatened by people as a result of the thread, apparently mad that he killed two BF’s.
4. Thread is shut down.
5. A man named “Bear Hunter” from Taxidermy.net gets involved, calls up the shooter and questions him at length. The story outline results:
The shooter was a passenger in the truck near the Dixie Mountain Game Refuge on the Plumas National Forest west of Frenchman Lake in the Sierra Nevada on the border of California and Nevada. It was mid-November 2010 and they were bear hunting.
They came around a bend, and there was a Bigfoot in the road on all fours. The shooter grabbed his gun and jumped out of his vehicle. As he jumped out, he saw the Bigfoot get up on two legs and start running towards him waving her arms at him. When the Bigfoot saw the gun, she turned and started to run away. The shooter shot her in the side of the chest, and the bullet penetrated her lungs.
She crashed off into the brush and died. The three men went down into the brush and saw her there. It was then that they realized that she was not a bear at all. They walked back up onto the road.
When they got to the road, they saw two small, strange creatures running towards them, sometimes on two legs, sometimes in four legs. The shooter raised his gun, fired and shot one of the creatures dead. The other small creature apparently escaped. As the shooter cradled the dying creatures in his arms, they all three realized that it was a young creature of the same type that got shot.
The shooter did not shoot the young Bigfoot because it was threatening him. Apparently he just shot it for some unknown reason. At this point, they figured out that they had killed two Bigfoots.
The two men with the shooter were so hysterical and upset about the shootings that they took the shooter’s gun away from him and pointed it at him, threatening him. They told him that if he tried to shoot another one of those animals, they would shoot him instead. The story is that everyone was so upset by that point, that they left the area. The shooter said that they left the animals in the road. The shooter said he was not going back to the area until next fall.
The basic outline of the story is uncontroversial and is acknowledged by everyone who believes the story. The only differences are about the motivations of the shooter.
6. Bear hunter puts the shooter in contact with the Olympic Project (OP) in Washington State. The OP says, “We’re just trying to keep the shooter out of jail! The shooter is said to be very frightened of going to jail over the killing of the two Bigfoots. At this point, the story seems to die.
7. Suddenly Bear Hunter realizes that the shooter is deeply involved in the OP. This seems odd. Why is a guy who just shot two Bigfoots suddenly a major part of this organization?
8. Mysteriously, the Olympic Project appears on various Bigfoot forums, bragging that they have enough Bigfoot DNA samples to last for years. Bear Hunter regards this as curious and suspects that the OP may have harvested one or both of the killed Bigfoots or parts of them and is keeping them on ice somewhere.
9. Bizarrely, the Olympic Project submits a very strange sample to Melba Ketchum’s Bigfoot DNA project. It resembles a slice off the thigh of a human cadaver, except that it is very hairy. The color of the hair is the same color as that of the killed mother Bigfoot. Dr. Ketchum freaks out because she thinks she is in possession of tissue sliced off a dead human. She is worried that police will raid her lab and tries to get others to hold it for her instead. The others decline to take it off her hands.
10. Bear Hunter states that another slice of dead Bigfoot tissue was also submitted to Ketchum, this one the same color as the baby Bigfoot that got shot. No one knows how the samples test out.
11. I break the story.
12. Pandemonium ensues.
13. The OP appears on forums, agreeing with the basics of the story: that the two Bigfoots were shot in the time and place where they were killed. They differ on the motivations of the shooter. They also reveal that the shooter went back to the site two weeks later, dug through the snow and found a nice chunk of the dead Bigfoot mother. The shooter turned the chunk over to the OP, who then sent it to Ketchum.
Adrian Erickson, the Olympic Project, Bear Hunter and the shooter all think that the Bigfoot shooting story is true in its basic facts. They also agree that a chunk of one dead Bigfoot was sent to Ketchum’s lab.
Adrian Erickson, Richard Stubstad and Ketchum agree that Ketchum freaked out when she got the sample because she thought it was from a human cadaver.
People associated with Taxidermy.net agree that the long thread existed until it was shut down.
Possibility of a hoax: The general conclusion on the Net is that the story itself is fake. Let us look at that possibility.
We know that the Taxidermy.net thread is real. What if the shooter just made up the whole story? It’s possible, but I do not think he made up this story. I don’t like him at all, but he’s not a faker or a hoaxer.
What if the OP is making up the story? I don’t like these guys either, but they don’t make stuff up. They are good researchers with excellent integrity. They don’t hoax. However, it is possible that they were hoaxed by the shooter, although I don’t believe that this happened.
The hunk of flesh, so human that it freaked out the DNA lab, adds credibility to the story. The OP says it’s a chunk of Bigfoot flesh from one the killed Bigfoots. Could it have been hoaxed? Possibly. However, someone would have had to have had access to a human cadaver and then sawed off a chunk of the thigh. How likely is that? Further, this would have had to have been a very strange human cadaver, one covered with hair. And the hair would have had to have been the exact same color of the hair of one of the Bigfoots that got shot. How likely is that?
Conclusion: As you can see, there is a great deal about this incident that seems to point away from a hoax or a lie. In fact, I believe it is neither. I believe the basis for the story is true. The two Bigfoots were indeed shot dead in California in November. At least one piece from one of the Bigfoots was sent in by the OP to Ketchum’s DNA lab for testing. The chunk looked so much like a slice of human cadaver that the director of the lab, a veterinarian, freaked out.
There you have it.
I definitely believe anything I read on an internet message board. That is a good practice.
I definitely believe anything I read on an internet message board. That is a good practice.

I'd normally agree with you and this story is super weird and convoluted, but there just might be some truth to it. A lot of big names in the bigfoot community have thrown their weight behind it.

In this day and age, its strange that these hunters didn't have a cell phone to photograph the supposed Bigfoots. Or any type of video/photographic evidence at all.
Total BS. If you are a hunter and you bag a Bigfoot (not to mention two!), the first thing you do is put those in the bed of your pickup and haul them to the center of town!! Then you start doing interviews and basking in the glory. No way you leave the bodies and try to cover it up because you are afraid of breaking some game laws ("Doh! I thought Bigfoot was in Season now!").
Total BS. If you are a hunter and you bag a Bigfoot (not to mention two!), the first thing you do is put those in the bed of your pickup and haul them to the center of town!! Then you start doing interviews and basking in the glory. No way you leave the bodies and try to cover it up because you are afraid of breaking some game laws ("Doh! I thought Bigfoot was in Season now!").

Agreed. I'd risk jailtime to expose whatever is going on.
Total BS. If you are a hunter and you bag a Bigfoot (not to mention two!), the first thing you do is put those in the bed of your pickup and haul them to the center of town!! Then you start doing interviews and basking in the glory. No way you leave the bodies and try to cover it up because you are afraid of breaking some game laws ("Doh! I thought Bigfoot was in Season now!").

Exactly. Like there are hunting restrictions against Bigfoot. And of course nobody in this day and age had a cellphone or digital camera on them? They just all happened to be so conveniently upset that they left the "evidence" out there for nobody to discover.
Exactly. Like there are hunting restrictions against Bigfoot. And of course nobody in this day and age had a cellphone or digital camera on them? They just all happened to be so conveniently upset that they left the "evidence" out there for nobody to discover.

We'll probably never know for certain what happened, but I am interested to see the DNA from the slab of hairy meat.

The only thing that gives me hesitation is the fact that I'm not sure how I'd react if I accidentally killed a human shaped hairy creature. I'd think that would be a big deal. Especially if the little baby ones came running up.
Here is a thought maybe the big foots or big feet bury their dead. This could explain why no bodies have ever been discovered.
Here is a thought maybe the big foots or big feet bury their dead. This could explain why no bodies have ever been discovered.

Among Bigfoot believers, this is the best theory they have as to why we haven't found any dead bodies.
What do you think the chances are that big foot can use/make simple tools? I would think they have to be able to accomplish burying their dead.
The upside of building your house on a sasquatch burial ground is that the ghosts would be completely unheard and unseen by 99.9999999% of the people who ever enter your home. If this guy ever comes over, however, all bets are off:

This just keeps getting better and better. There is a new movement out there detailing some very strange events that occurred around the filming of the Patterson-Gimlin Film(PGF). This is just hilarious. There is a member on a forum I frequent that is actually producing a feature length documentary about the events of that month.

The theory is generally presenting an idea that a group, family or tribe of sasquatch creatures inhabited the Bluff Creek area, and some powerful special interest (often described as logging interests) wanted this group of native creatures "removed" from the area. So the theory argues they were killed, bodies were buried, and that the PGF film and other films are evidence of this event. Claims are made for a second creature in the PGF, scenes showing the creatures being shot, claims of gun muzzle flashes showing gunfire, a bloody pool, a body in the pool, etc.

Proponents of this theory seem to feel John Green is the leader, Patterson, Gimlin and Dahinden are the accomplices.

AS much as I know, UFO's were not involved, as Beckjord is not described as part of it.

An alternate theory I have heard is that it is a deliberate attempt to defame John Green and Bob gimlin, hoping they will sue for defamation, and thus put themselves in a position where they must testify under oath and risk of perjury, as part of such a proceding, with some expectation that such testimony would lead to a hoax revealed.
They've analyzed the stills from the PGF film and spoken with Mrs. Patterson about what exactly happened over the course of a few days.




Isn't this hilarious? The footage has been analyzed, improved and modified so many times over the years that people are manufacturing things out of nothing. This is about as bad as someone seeing jesus christ on a piece of toast.
Such Bullshit. At this point give me a body or GTFO.

Silverback Gorillas are pretty intelligent, live in densely vegetated areas and generally stay away from populated areas and humans. If you want to go see them though, a real scientist can just take you into the jungle and you can hang with the gorilla bros. There is just no chance that creatures that big could be running around in significant numbers to maintain a population, yet have never been discovered, not even remains. Its just nonsense.
Such Bullshit. At this point give me a body or GTFO.

Silverback Gorillas are pretty intelligent, live in densely vegetated areas and generally stay away from populated areas and humans. If you want to go see them though, a real scientist can just take you into the jungle and you can hang with the gorilla bros. There is just no chance that creatures that big could be running around in significant numbers to maintain a population, yet have never been discovered, not even remains. Its just nonsense.

Yeah this was the concern I noted above. I read something on a biggfoot website somewhere that estimated there could be around 2000-6000 in existence, spread out over North America. So basically they would be so spread out that human contact would be incredibly rare and it would be likely that only 3-4 bigfoots would be in contact with each other in their lifetimes.

I want to believe, but its doesn't seem likley.
I'd normally agree with you and this story is super weird and convoluted, but there just might be some truth to it. A lot of big names in the bigfoot community have thrown their weight behind it.

In this day and age, its strange that these hunters didn't have a cell phone to photograph the supposed Bigfoots. Or any type of video/photographic evidence at all.

AHAHAHA oh ok then.
Two somewhat interesting pieces out there about the Ketchum report or the Erickson project. The research paper is still being peer reviewed. Apparently it is being met with some interest.

One of the integral parts of the Erickson project is a series of videos/images which show a bigfoot in great detail and which supposedly show a very clear face.

We know that Erickson bought a large tract of land which has a very active history of sightings/unexplained noises/tracks.

This land could be the site of a previous account from a couple in Kentucky. The wife would place food outside every night and had been doing so after taking over from her mother who had done the same thing for years. They would leave out pancakes/pot rosts/apples etc.. A few years back some researchers were called in to investigate some apparently very good footage. What they were presented with wasn't clear at all and it looked like it could have been very easily a hoax.

Apparently they weren't shown the entire clip and the best parts were left out. The wife was afraid that the bigfoot(s) she was feeding would feel threatened or be scared away so she was very careful about allowing people onto the property. The researchers came away feeling that there were elements of a hoax mixed in with some truly perplexing occurrences. Very strange behavior from the dogs, convincing tracks, unexplained sounds, and a night encounter in the woods.

Did Erickson buy the missing footage? Is that what all this hype is about within the bigfoot community? Or did he manage to get his own footage?

This is a very brief summary. If you are interested.

Original Story: http://dapht.blogspot.com/p/kentucky-bigfoot-habituation.html

Connection between Kentucky Property and Erickson: http://dapht.blogspot.com/2011/03/that-kentucky-thing-again.html

Personally, I don't really believe any of this. It is all entirely too strange and convenient. We'll hopefully know more when these two projects come to fruition, I guess, but I'm still uncertain as to whether it will provide anything more than a curious story and report.

** It's important to note that the Ketchum Report and the Erickson Project are two different projects. Ketchum is the author of the paper that details DNA evidence from the aforementioned piece of the thigh of a bigfoot and the Erickson project relies on video/pictures/and some DNA(sequencing being handled by Dr. Ketchum.) There are NDAs being talked about in each camp and neither can release information without the other.

Interesting stuff, but I'm not sure it holds much water.
For your enjoyment..

Believe it or not, most avid bigfoot believers do not want Bigfoot shot and killed or taken capture(convenient, huh?) There has been a huge outcry against the guy who apparently killed the two bigfoot in CA.

This guy is apparently an experienced hunter. He has seen many bears in his days. Most skeptics say that most bigfoots can be explained by bears. (I'm not really sure I believe this entirely. I don't think I would ever misjudge a bear for a bipedal, primate type creature, but I could be wrong...)
Either way, this guy should have known what he was shooting. You don't scope an animal, or pull the trigger without knowing 100% what you are about to kill. The theory is that he knew what he was shooting, and that he was doing it for personal gain. There is speculation(lol) that the bodies are being held somewhere and some people are even suggesting that the man captured the remaining bigfoot youngster and has him chained up somewhere.

People close to the Ketchum report say that there is incontrovertible evidence to support that bigfoot exists. What could be more concrete than a living specimen and two bodies?

Anyway, just some funny stuff that I thought you level-headed individuals might enjoy..