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LAST US POW RETURNED from the Taliban

Quote from a member of this "POW's" squad:

And that the truth is: Bergdahl was a deserter, and soldiers from his own unit died trying to track him down.

Susan Rice is already on the talk shows repeating the new Democratic Party line of 'What difference does it make?' The truth is that some soldiers always join the enemy, no matter how dangerous or retrograde that enemy is. One example is a gang of four that deserted during the 60's and went to North Korea (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Robert_Jenkins). This action by Obama sets the precedent that the U.S. will sacrifice our troops and our safety to protect these cowards. They don't even have to worry about getting prosecuted when they get home.

Bergdahl's father supports the the Taliban being released. According to his Twitter (before coverage blew up):

"I am still working to free all Guantanamo prisoners. God will repay for the death of every Afghan child, ameen!"
Quote from a member of this "POW's" squad:


Susan Rice is already on the talk shows repeating the new Democratic Party line of 'What difference does it make?' The truth is that some soldiers always join the enemy, no matter how dangerous or retrograde that enemy is. One example is a gang of four that deserted during the 60's and went to North Korea (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Robert_Jenkins). This action by Obama sets the precedent that the U.S. will sacrifice our troops and our safety to protect these cowards. They don't even have to worry about getting prosecuted when they get home.

Bergdahl's father supports the the Taliban being released. According to his Twitter (before coverage blew up):


That Daily Beast article is from someone from the same battalion, not the same squad. Huge difference. And also directly stated in the cited article. Would've taken 3 seconds to verify. It's like some of you are too angry and frothing to think anything through.
Irish...curious as to your thoughts on this. I can guess given your couple of posts but would be interested to hear what you are thinking about it.
Obviously two countries exchanging spies is exactly the same thing as releasing war criminals wanted by the UN.

I mean this in all seriousness: can there be war criminals without a war? We are not "officially" at war (Vietnam-style) right?

Abstractly speaking: spies are war criminals. Whose spies are war criminals and whose aren't likely depends on which side you're on...

And +1 to Irish and LK on this thread.
Irish...curious as to your thoughts on this. I can guess given your couple of posts but would be interested to hear what you are thinking about it.

To keep it short: the dude's been through a lot and no doubt more justice awaits him. And he deserves a reckoning for what occurred after he walked off that outpost. (*allegedly*). BUT the crazy frothing-at-the-mouth response from some on the right is truly insane. One, I didn't realize "No Man Left Behind" came with an asterisk. Two, we don't negotiate? Ronald Reagan would disagree (at least privately.) Three, there seems to be some debate as to whether these Taliban 5 would've been released, regardless.

To me, one of the things that separates the American military from those we profess to defend against are decisions like this. You're one of us? We're gonna get you home, whether you deserve it or not.
The only thing that doesn't make sense to me is why now? Apparently the offer of Bergdahl for the Taliban 5 has been on the table the whole time. If we were willing to make that trade why waste all that treasure and life to recover him for 5 years?
The only thing that doesn't make sense to me is why now? Apparently the offer of Bergdahl for the Taliban 5 has been on the table the whole time. If we were willing to make that trade why waste all that treasure and life to recover him for 5 years?

Racer already answered
This seems to have been a timing that coincides with our exit from Afghanistan and their upcoming election. Each candidate has stated they were willing to negotiate with the Taliban to create a consensus government.
The only thing that doesn't make sense to me is why now? Apparently the offer of Bergdahl for the Taliban 5 has been on the table the whole time. If we were willing to make that trade why waste all that treasure and life to recover him for 5 years?

Why now? As in why this year? Because President Obama is getting us the phuq out of Afghanistan (as he should). There won't BE any SF to turn him over to in 2016. This was our last chance to do it if was ever going to get done. I also suspect that the President is all to happy to find colorable reasons to get rid of Gtmo detainees.

Why now? As in why this week? Meh....I'm guessing the VA implosion called for a different headline.
The affable Jay Carney in 2013 on Bergdahl's release: ""We would not make any decisions about transfer of any detainees without consulting with Congress and without doing so in accordance with U.S. law."


I also like Susan Rice's "But we didn't negotiate with terrorists. We negotiated with Qatar."

Qatar didn't have him, Susan. Just say what actually happened (if you are capable) and let us decide whether doing so was a good thing or a bad thing. I don't mind it in this case, because our window is finally shutting on Afghanistan....but c'mon with that noise.

That lady's got some big ones, I'll say that for her. In related news, the forecast calls for an 80% chance of urine showers when she's on Sunday mornings.
Watching the way this is unfolding the Administration would have been better served to explain this like Irish did. Sending Susan Rice to the Sunday shows to say that he was a hero that served with "honor and distinction" seems like a miss step at the very least. The more I learn about this the more I think this was the right thing to do but the way this has been handled has been really really bad.
Watching the way this is unfolding the Administration would have been better served to explain this like Irish did. Sending Susan Rice to the Sunday shows to say that he was a hero that served with "honor and distinction" seems like a miss step at the very least. The more I learn about this the more I think this was the right thing to do but the way this has been handled has been really really bad.

Get the laugh track ready.

I'm guessing this is how that staff meeting went down:

"So who are we going to get to draw the 'But you just negotiated with terrorist and did so without consulting Congress, in direct violation of the United States Code' flack?"

"Why is everyone looking at m--- fine, I'll do it. But I swear to God next time it's somebody else's turn"
Get the laugh track ready.

I'm guessing this is how that staff meeting went down:

"So who are we going to get to draw the 'But you just negotiated with terrorist and did so without consulting Congress, in direct violation of the United States Code' flack?"

"Why is everyone looking at m--- fine, I'll do it. But I swear to God next time it's somebody else's turn"

She said that after Benghazi...so they looked around the room and said, "Susan, you are already toast...what's a few more minutes on broil?"
She said that after Benghazi...so they looked around the room and said, "Susan, you are already toast...what's a few more minutes on broil?"

Pretty much. "He served with honor and distinction". Really? Let me guess....that CIA told you that, didn't they?

I'm not sure trotting Fried Rice out of the secure and noncredible secret location wasn't this Administration's attempt to hum a few bars on the dog whistle to their base (and by that I mean CNN). A coy wink and nod to Candy that there might not be much clearance between this battleship and that bridge, and they could use a little help.

"honor and distinction"? Good one, Doc. She's the Winston Wolf of bull.
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One of these days, conservative talk radio is actually going to call jhmd back about one of his demo tapes. Unless the guy's voice sounds like a complete goon, he's got the material and stylings for it.