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Liberty @ WF - Saturday 9/17 5 pm - ACCN

It’s not going to get any better for you after that post.

Is that (repeated) slave argument supposed to excuse all of the things your school is currently doing in 2022?

“THEORY” of evolution? Is that your serious argument or what
tbh better the devil I know than the devil I don't

especially at a school that continues to repeatedly use a patina of Christian values to cover up all sorts of fucked up shit

you can criticise both, but you're just here simping for one instead
We’ve played you guys in other sports for years (baseball comes to mind) and guess what, the sky hasn’t fallen.

All these self righteous comments coming from fans of the school that actually SOLD SLAVES. Your school sold another individual to help fund building your school. Posters calling Liberty out for teaching the THEORY of evolution along side of creationism when your school sold people.


I would send my diploma back if I were you.
Bro take the L and leave. You’re looking desperate right now
a school named Liberty where you're not permitted to do anything cool. Like Ron DeSantis's "Free State of Florida."
i want the deacs to win a little bit more now than before i read cinciflame's posts
props to the dude for coming out tho
The "current creation-evolution controversy". And the poster from Liberty said WE should send our diplomas back.

What a jackass.
That's the most sophisticated way of saying "I ain't descended from no monkey" that I've read.
I usually visit the message boards of opposing teams and congrats, you’ve made the top 5 most intolerant fan base. The same kinda things you accuse Liberty of is littered all over this board.
Liberty University upholds "values" that should not be tolerated- racism, homophobia, misogyny.
Liberty is responsible for getting Trump elected – Falwell embraced him and his endorsement got evangelicals on board. Liberty is an awful institution that holds its hometown hostage and many reasonable people who live there (like my in-laws) despise that institution and everything it stands for. They use their students to help shape city politics by voting in droves. It gives their town a black eye because it's become synonymous with the school when in reality the school is south of the city near the airport surrounded by big box stores and shitty chain restaurants and has nothing in common with the rest of the city. Fuck Liberty.

Hold on now, there’s a very nice Chik Fil A over there and the Sheetz is pretty good too.
I mean, if anything you would think Cinciflame would take the hint that this is pretty tolerant space considering we're putting up with their ice cold takes and whataboutisms. The tradeoff in this arrangement is that we can call you a dumbass, but we understand if this is triggering.