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Specific problems with specific welfare programs and how to fix them

jhmd's platform is basically the opening lines of "Get Money."
Solutions not excuses: the JHMD story

From the makers of Five Minute Abs, "Sustainable Progress without Personal Responsibility: Let's solve the problems in my life by talking about how easy I think yours is."
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Yeah man preach. You're awesome you have the answers to everyone's problems and you never benefitted from being white ever!!!! You're so right. You should run for congress with these ideas. You actually stand a chance to get elected in NC. Hell Foxx is still going strong and you're right up her alley.

Not only has he not benefited from being white, super racist policies like affirmative action have actually held white folks like JH back for decades.
JHMD. I'm a white straight dude from an upper class family with two parents who have graduate degrees. I know how easy life can be and mine has been pretty damn easy. I can at least acknowledge that I have privilege.
"Sure, you might be a teenage mother with no education and no job skills, but the solution to your problems isn't finishing your degree or getting job training. I'd like to talk some more about how easy someone else has it. That needs to be the focus of our discussion on how to improve your life. Really, it needs to permeate every discussion and policy we have. Besides, you're not actually capable of finishing high school or getting marketable skills. I mean, who do you think you are, me? Don't be silly. You're dumb, poor, incapable and lesser than me." - You guys
JHMD. I'm a white straight dude from an upper class family with two parents who have graduate degrees. I know how easy life can be and mine has been pretty damn easy. I can at least acknowledge that I have privilege.

Which still isn't a solution, is it? See prior posts responding to the same tired point. How does your privilege make the life of our teenage expecting mother better? What post do you think you are responding to, where I denied that you have it easier than most? What post number is that, exactly?

How is your insistence on clinging to a debate that no one is having a "Specific problem(s) with specific welfare program(s) and how to fix them"? We know you've had it easy. Most people posting on a Wake message board have.

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Not only has he not benefited from being white, super racist policies like affirmative action have actually held white folks like JH back for decades.

Definitely. He's tried so hard to escape the racism of everyone who isn't white. He can't do it. He's consistently bearing their burden.
Of course addressing widespread issues doesn't make sense though. We need to focus on sample size one: the white 13 year old pregnant girl. This is who policy should benefit.
Of course addressing widespread issues doesn't make sense though. We need to focus on sample size one: the white 13 year old pregnant girl. This is who policy should benefit.

Seems a heck of a lot more relevant than your sexual orientation, but have it your way. Let's get back to talking about your guilt about your privilege. That needs to be the focus of solving widespread issues.
I'm not guilty in the least. I'm just pointing out other people have it harder and that needs to be considered when making policy. Rich white dudes write legislation and it benefit rich white dudes. I'm shocked.

I'm not shocked that JHMD has yet to come close to understanding the point about privilege in this conversation.
Seems a heck of a lot more relevant than your sexual orientation, but have it your way. Let's get back to talking about your guilt about your privilege. That needs to be the focus of solving widespread issues.

To be fair, jhmd works hard and I believe owns a businesses and busts his ass. So did his parents, IIRC.

I think I know how he feels: I have busted my ass my whole life working long hours and weekends making chicken salad out of chicken shit. I get it. I get hard work and I own a small biz now and I work 12 and 14 hour days 7 days a week.

My issue with his position on this is that he has let his resentment of the poor go to his head wrt to the allocation of tax dollars to fund entitlements. It has clouded his judgment and he is buying into snake oil schemes to make the problem go away.
I'm not guilty in the least. I'm just pointing out other people have it harder and that needs to be considered when making policy. Rich white dudes write legislation and it benefit rich white dudes. I'm shocked.

I'm not shocked that JHMD has yet to come close to understanding the point about privilege in this conversation.

HA, good one. No, of course not, definetly not. Obviously not. Why would anyone think that?

The second part I completely agree with. What specific problem with specific welfare policy is your privilege (and your palpable peace with it) a "fix" to?
Make policies that aren't solely determined upon outcome to level the playing field to a point where outcomes actually reflect appropriately what the issue is.

Black people are hired at a lower rate than white people across the board when everything is controlled. Why is this?
I'm drunk on a Sat afternoon, but Ill repeat myself. Level the playing field surrounding entitlements - and entitlements shrink. When jhmd and my parents were in their working years, America invested in America. Today, notsomuch
To be fair, jhmd works hard and I believe owns a businesses and busts his ass. So did his parents, IIRC.

I think I know how he feels: I have busted my ass my whole life working long hours and weekends making chicken salad out of chicken shit. I get it. I get hard work and I own a small biz now and I work 12 and 14 hour days 7 days a week.

My issue with his position on this is that he has let his resentment of the poor go to his head wrt to the allocation of tax dollars to fund entitlements. It has clouded his judgment and he is buying into snake oil schemes to make the problem go away.

I agree with this and I agree that it's natural to ignore benefits you've received when evaluating your own situation where you worked hard. If you work hard and make it you are more likely to say those who aren't making it aren't working hard I.e. They're lazy. That's certainly true for a portion of the issue but society also is structured in a way that makes it harder for certain segments of society to turn hard work into substantial gain.
I agree with this and I agree that it's natural to ignore benefits you've received when evaluating your own situation where you worked hard. If you work hard and make it you are more likely to say those who aren't making it aren't working hard I.e. They're lazy. That's certainly true for a portion of the issue but society also is structured in a way that makes it harder for certain segments of society to turn hard work into substantial gain.

absolutely agree.

recognition of this and leveling this is key, but it is anathema to free market conservatism and liberty and all that flibbertigibbet. at least on the surface
Yep like I said on another thread about this topic, for capitalism to succeed for society, hard work and ingenuity provides an advantage, the playing field has to be level at the outset.