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"Terrible" Things You've Done

I was a suburban jd (juvenile delinquent). The guys I ran with and I did a lot of stupid, rotten stuff, but nothing that involved fighting or any weapons. We tore up gardens late at night, pooped in drop-off mailboxes, moved ladies underwear from clotheslines to high in trees (front yard only), broke a few windows and other anti-social stuff.

Our specialty was demolition - started with rockets and mortars (no warheads) and graduated to pipe bombs. We lived close to a wooded area of probably 75-100 acres, so we generally didn't think we were putting anyone other than ourselves in danger. A few explosive stories come to mind:

- A bald-faced hornet nest that was attached to a dead tree got aggressive and stung several of us (there were six in the main group), so we decided to blow those fuckers up. We placed a light load under it, lit the cannon fuse and took off. We failed to take into account that the tree was dead and the resulting explosion smoldered and eventually set the tree on fire. Thankfully some unknown neighbor called the authorities and the fire was extinguished before it burned a few acres of woodland down.

- There was park nearby which had steps down a slope made from old railroad ties, Yellow jackets nested in one of the ties and terrorized little kids in the summer. In a brief moment of sympathy (yeah, right), we decide to blow those fuckers up. Regrettably, the charge was a bit too powerful and it took a couple of weeks for the town maintenance guys to re-build the steps.

- We had played softball in a rather narrow field when we were younger. It's hard to describe, but there was a premium on hitting the ball up the middle. Pull the ball and it might end up in a road. Shank it and it got wet. We called it the bowling alley. It was what we had to play on, so it was ours. For some reason the town decided to give the field a name and erected a damn nice wooden sign, mounted on a 6x6 post right on where the pitcher's mound was. Although we hadn't played ball there for a few years, we still considered it our turf, so we absolutely had to blow that fucker up. It took considerable planning to figure out how to take it down without endangering anyone. I wasn't involved in the placement or detonation of that charge and am not certain it was my guys who did the deed as there were a couple of other groups of guys interested in taking the sign out, but I got shared credit for it in the eyes of the other area jd's That one got some real attention and we subsequently cut that shit out.

It was a different time. You could easily purchase the ingredients to make black powder and even contact gunpowder. Anyone who did that crap today would be tagged as a domestic terrorist. As it turned out, nobody was ever injured and we were just considered little shits. Hell, most of the neighborhood adults had to suspect who was responsible for most of it. Five us were very successful in life. The sixth boy died in a motorcycle accident in our junior year of high school, a couple of months after the sign bit the dust. I have to think that helped turn the rest of our lives around.
Mostly stupid teenage shit for me - In high school used to drive around with some friends and shoot hard candies (why hard candy, I don't know) at old peoples cars with a wrist sling shot. Would often leave a dent and would scare the shit out of the driver.

One day after being caught trespassing by the police at Sugar Lake rock quarry, me and a few of my friends went to a lake bridge nearby and were jumping off and some asshole boaters called the cops on us. The same 2 cops show up and give us a bunch of shit again, so we drive off to another bridge a few miles away and hide our cars. While we are there the cops show up again and we hide from them under the bridge. Turns out that one of my friends friend whom I don't know is a drop out dealer with warrants and an unregistered gun in his trunk. So not a good idea to keep running into the cops with that dipshit.

Me and 2 of my friends used to hide in the bushes around the Carolina bell tower at night and blow an airhorn at people walking by on the sidewalk. We once made a girl who was walking alone drop a carryout food container and cry. Being stupid assholes of course we thought that was hilarious
Definitely did the chromies as well growing up. Still have quite the collection somewhere, including one I took from the Beverly Hills Ferrari dealership.

When I was about 5 or 6, we'd take pine cones and line them up in the street thinking it would pop car tires.

In elementary school we'd ride our bikes to school and in a line, the first person would try to open a mailbox and the others would try to grab the mail. Didn't realize the severity of that at the time.

Called 9-1-1 on my sister when she was babysitting me (she was prob 12, I was maybe 10). She chased me around the house with a butter knife. After calling the cops, I ran to a friends house and saw the whole thing play out from the window next door.

At tennis tournaments (prob middle school as well) in hotels we'd always throw water balloons off the balconies. Know we put a bad dent in a car once. Don't remember if anything else was serious but definitely not good.

And most recent one was prob when I was 22/23. Met a girl at a bar and went to her place on Christmas Eve. Didn't use a condom and obviously regretted it the next morning. She insisted on driving me home but I gave her a fake address and phone number so in case she got pregnant, she wouldn't know where I lived or anything about me besides my first name. This one I still feel pretty bad about it.
It's always funny until someone gets hurt. Then it's hilarious. - diggler motto 1991
I was walking back from a tree stand after an unsuccessful deer hunt and saw two raccoons dancing and bouncing in the grass under some pines on a crisp early morning. They weren't fighting....seemed to be playing or maybe it was a mating thing. Just bouncing in Disney-esque fashion.

I shot them both. They literally exploded from the .30 caliber bullet. I'm still not sure why I did that, and always felt pretty bad about it even though they died instantly and raccoons are common. I took them to a fellow that eats them and he got some meat off what remained. He looked at me strangely and said nothing but a quiet "thanks" when he saw the carcasses. I didn't like myself for a while after that.
- When I was in elementary school I lived on a cul-de-sac, and there were 4 or 5 other kids on the street. One day we were bored and took branches off the neighbors Pampas Grass bush/plant and would shake the feathery stuff off onto the road. Realized it would cover up the blacktop, so we continued to do so until the entire cul-de-sac was covered in a white feathery dusting. For some reason, someone called the police, and when they came around the corner, we all ducked and covered. Mom came outside while I was hiding behind her car and asked what I was doing, told her I was just tying my shoe. We were then made to apologize to the neighbor with the Pampas Grass, and they were weirdly very upset. Oh well.

- Moving up a notch...I was around 13, and the family took a trip to Niagara Falls. I wasn't feeling too hot one of the days, so I stayed behind at the hotel while my parents and brother went sight-seeing. Was goofing around in the room with my parents video camera and went onto the balcony over-looking the street. The camera had a nice zoom feature and I proceeded to zoom in as the pretty girls walked underneath the balcony. One guy saw me looking at his girl and stopped and pointed and drew attention to me. Got pretty upset and I hid in the room...went back out 15 or so minutes later and he was still out there. Put the camera away and about 5 minutes later he was walking around the hotel hallway. Up to that point had never been so scared in my life.

- The worst thing I've ever done, I think...Was a student at Wake...for some reason missed a huge midterm in my statistics class. Had absolutely no reason or excuse. Went to the professor and told him that I had made an emergency visit home as my brother had attempted suicide. He was pretty bad into drugs, and had threatened that before in his life, but this was a straight up lie when I told the professor. He supposedly actually did try a year or two later...or so he says...he never went to the hospital or had any proof, but said he took a lot of pills...and he's a pathological liar and pretty terrible person (we don't get along...he stole from my parents and sold shit for drugs, leeched off family for drug money...told friends and gf's parents that he was abused and forced to eat dog food and live outside...crazy fucked up shit that wasn't true). But still, I'm definitely going to hell for that.
Back in high school, my popular friend called me up and talked me into taking a sick day with him (I was really sick). He also convinced me to "borrow" my father's car to help us get his smokeshow girlfriend out of class... We used some excuse about how her grandmother died (he made me call the principal pretending to be her dad), so we needed a nice car to help sell the story when we picked her up.

Long story short, while we were off doing a bunch of stuff around the city, some parking garage attendants ran up a bunch of mileage on the car. We had the brilliant idea to put it up on a jack and run it backwards to get the miles off. Well, that didn't work (no shit) and then I got a little pissed thinking about how my father had been controlling my life, so I start just kicking the car in frustration. Eventually, it just came off the blocks and flew out of the window at the back of the garage and into a ravine below. Completely totaled.

Funny thing is... I didn't care. I really didn't. I think I was just tired of being afraid.
Where exactly was I supposed to believe this wooded ravine in Chicago was?
Fine. Don't believe me.

But that means I'm not gonna tell you this other story about how me and a buddy of mine (different friend than in that last story) went to our boss's beach house in the Hamptons for a weekend. We get there and it turns out the poor guy is dead! A bunch of people showed up for a party, so instead of calling the cops we just decided to go with it. We even manipulated the corpse to make it look like he was still alive.

Just terrible.
Back in high school, my popular friend called me up and talked me into taking a sick day with him (I was really sick). He also convinced me to "borrow" my father's car to help us get his smokeshow girlfriend out of class... We used some excuse about how her grandmother died (he made me call the principal pretending to be her dad), so we needed a nice car to help sell the story when we picked her up.

Long story short, while we were off doing a bunch of stuff around the city, some parking garage attendants ran up a bunch of mileage on the car. We had the brilliant idea to put it up on a jack and run it backwards to get the miles off. Well, that didn't work (no shit) and then I got a little pissed thinking about how my father had been controlling my life, so I start just kicking the car in frustration. Eventually, it just came off the blocks and flew out of the window at the back of the garage and into a ravine below. Completely totaled.

Funny thing is... I didn't care. I really didn't. I think I was just tired of being afraid.

Sounds an awful like getting Sloane out of class in Ferris Bueller.
i think the low-key craziest story of yours is the Saturday you spent on detention
i think the low-key craziest story of yours is the Saturday you spent on detention

Yeah, I still regret taping Larry Lester's buns together.

At least I'm not as fucked up as that other guy whose dad just put out cigarettes on his arm. Jesus.