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The Pit's Film Discussion Thread

I've had 'The Hunter' in my Netflix queue for a while and finally got around to watching it last night. Even though I'd heard good things about it I ended up liking it much more than I anticipated. A cool story, great performance by Willem Dafoe and some seriously gorgeous cinematography(filmed in Tasmania). Highly recommend.

I just saw "Zero Dark Thirty". My 3 word review - holy fucking shit!

If you're wondering "do I see Django, Les Mes or ZDT tonight?" the easy answer is ZDT. That's all for now, except to say it was a bit jarring to see Pete from "The League" as some sort of intelligence expert.
I just saw "Zero Dark Thirty". My 3 word review - holy fucking shit!

If you're wondering "do I see Django, Les Mes or ZDT tonight?" the easy answer is ZDT. That's all for now, except to say it was a bit jarring to see Pete from "The League" as some sort of intelligence expert.
Problem is it doesn't go wide until next Friday, so I'm guessing most people don't have access to it yet. I can't fucking wait for it, and it's the last movie I need to see before finalizing my 2012 top ten list. And Django is a perfect alternative, a hell of a good, dare I say masterpiece level, film. For the love of god no one go see Les Mis. Unless you want a lesson in what it looks like to be an incompetent director.
I just saw "Zero Dark Thirty". My 3 word review - holy fucking shit!

If you're wondering "do I see Django, Les Mes or ZDT tonight?" the easy answer is ZDT. That's all for now, except to say it was a bit jarring to see Pete from "The League" as some sort of intelligence expert.

I wish it was out already in DC - I'd definitely catch it asap. Count me in the group that has absolutely no interest in the other two though.
Anyone watch The Fountain with Hugh Jackman. I just watched it the other day. It's the type of film that is usually right up my alley, but I am unsure on this one. It just seems like a big mess in a lot of ways. Still interesting though.
Just finished Cosmopolis. I thought Robert Pattinson did a fine job. I haven't read the book, so I wasn't expecting the dialogue to be as inscrutable as it was, but after 10 minutes I got used to it and found it fascinating. It's basically a one man show, no other character is given more than 5 minutes on screen until Paul Giamatti appears at the end. I enjoyed the experience of the story and I liked the ideas it explored, but I ultimately found it directionless and lacking emotion.
Over the holidays I saw Django, Magic Mike, Haywire, Brave, and Jeff Who Lives At Home. Django was good, though I didn't like it as much as Inglourious Basterds. Haywire and Magic Mike exceeded my expectations and were surprisingly fun. Brave is my least favorite Pixar movie I've ever seen. Jeff Who Lives At Home was meh.
Anyone watch The Fountain with Hugh Jackman. I just watched it the other day. It's the type of film that is usually right up my alley, but I am unsure on this one. It just seems like a big mess in a lot of ways. Still interesting though.

:) It is a mess, and it's my favorite movie of all time.
:) It is a mess, and it's my favorite movie of all time.

I want to watch it a few more times to be sure how I feel about it. I love the "feel" of it and it's core message of accepting our deaths is interesting to me.
I want to watch it a few more times to be sure how I feel about it. I love the "feel" of it and it's core message of accepting our deaths is interesting to me.

It's certainly the most effort that Hugh Jackman has ever given on screen. His crying scene is one of the most intense and realistic things i've ever seen in a movie. I also love how multi-interpretal(?) the movie is, is it one story? is it 3?, which story is real? I don't know what format you watched it on, but the Bluray is 10 times better than the DVD, the conquistador scenes are almost unwatchable on the dvd because they are so dark.
Over the holidays I saw Django, Magic Mike, Haywire, Brave, and Jeff Who Lives At Home. Django was good, though I didn't like it as much as Inglourious Basterds. Haywire and Magic Mike exceeded my expectations and were surprisingly fun. Brave is my least favorite Pixar movie I've ever seen. Jeff Who Lives At Home was meh.

Soderbergh is a filmmaker who I used to not like much, but has recently won me over. I think Magic Mike is somewhat of a subversive masterpiece. Not only is it a hell of a lot of fun, but it has some serious bite to it as well. Haywire is really good too.
I thought haywire was shit, I liked Magic Mike but it wasn't anything great. I started Jeff Who Lives At Home but stopped watching it 20 minutes in because it was completely uninteresting.
It's certainly the most effort that Hugh Jackman has ever given on screen. His crying scene is one of the most intense and realistic things i've ever seen in a movie. I also love how multi-interpretal(?) the movie is, is it one story? is it 3?, which story is real? I don't know what format you watched it on, but the Bluray is 10 times better than the DVD, the conquistador scenes are almost unwatchable on the dvd because they are so dark.

Watched it through the Xbox on Amazon Prime. It was dark in those scenes but not that bad. Jackman was great in it.
Soderbergh is a filmmaker who I used to not like much, but has recently won me over. I think Magic Mike is somewhat of a subversive masterpiece. Not only is it a hell of a lot of fun, but it has some serious bite to it as well. Haywire is really good too.

Soderbergh would probably be disgusted, but I really like his sensibility channeled into more straightforward movies -- Out of Sight (one of my favorite movies ever), Traffic, Erin Brockovich, Ocean's trilogy, The Limey, Magic Mike, Haywire -- and have never much cared for his more experimental stuff. Kind of reminds me of Animal Collective -- I am fully aware that you can be weird, but if you can harness that weirdness into something that is unique, but not antagonistic, that to me is awesome.
Count me in as digging Soderbegh's recent stuff... enjoyed Contagion, Haywire and Magic Mike. Supposedly he is semi-retiring or retiring or something after his film Side Effects, which is due to come out soon.
I saw the perks of being a wallflower. It's totally emo but I dug it. Totally sad and happy at the same time.
I saw "The Impossible" tonight. Really amazing movie. Called Best Film of the Year by critic Roger Moore. It's the true story of a family that survived the harrowing Dec.26, 2004 tsunami in Thailand. Naomi Watts, Ewan McGregor star. Outstanding true drama.