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Bob Knight was Investigated by the FBI

This is the sports board; politics were wrongly posted. "The only way evil succeeds is for good men to do nothing." Ergo, my post.

Yes, there's an element of that. The Knight hit piece by WaPo was clearly political due to his strong Trump support. Hell, the FBI "probe" exonerated him. (Ask how WaPo got info on an FBI investigation to begin with. Those are classified if I understand correctly.) Cosby, I don't see politics but perhaps his "supporters" do. I tend to believe what happens in court, but fear an OJ verdict. Happened in trial one.

Clinton, it's my understanding the women who claimed rape and sexual assault were otherwise Democrats, or at least among his constituency. Like Clinton's son via a black prostitute, whom he disavows (because he's black?).
Is there any actual proof of Clinton's black son other than some Sean Hannity-type bullshit?
Looks like him. Clinton refuses paternity test.

Are you a fan of Bob Stack by any chance?

But for real, most sexual harassment allegations have nothing to do with politics. It's someone fed up with someone else's bullshit.
Most sexual harassment isn't committed by politicians. But when it is alleged against them, depending on the timing and circumstances, it must be considered. This is not really subject to dispute. And again, the OP is clearly a political smear effort.
Most sexual harassment isn't committed by politicians. But when it is alleged against them, depending on the timing and circumstances, it must be considered. This is not really subject to dispute. And again, the OP is clearly a political smear effort.

But Bob Knight isn't a politician.

Why do you see sexual harassment allegation as a weapon instead of someone claiming that someone else has mistreated them?
Bob Knight is an outspoken proponent of President Trump, and was instrumental in his successful primary victory in Indiana which drove a stake through the heart of Ted Cruz's candidacy. Knight appeared at several of Trump's rallies and has spoken on his behalf at many other events. Knight was practically on Trump's campaign team. The Wapo, the NYT, and the broadcast media are all sworn to taking shots at Trump and anyone who supports him. To claim the Knight FBI piece wasn't about politics b/c Knight isn't a politician is disingenuous.

Because the allegations are notoriously used as such. See Duke Lacrosse, UVa Fraternity, other numerous cases where women have lied about it for various purposes. Nevertheless, if a serious case is made, with proper and timely charges and evidence, they need to be taken seriously. But Ph, this isn't a thread to "raise consciousness" on the issue. It's a crass political hate piece unworthy of your efforts.
Like most here, the last thing I think about when discussing Bob Knight is his alliance with Trump. The concept that the NYT, WaPo or others use his connection as an issue with Trump is also ludicrous. Knight has been a national figure for almost half a century. The history of his boorish behavior tracks for decades.

It's silly, lazy and typical to blame this on being aligned with Trump. Knight has put a target on his back for decades. It's on him.
We were all giving bkf hell for his sad idolization of Knight years before Trump ever entertained running for president.
@RJ: It's not the last thing the WaPo, NYT, or the MS media think about when discussing Bob Knight. Don't be a naif, or feign to be one. Pretending ignorance is one of the more common varieties of sophistry.
@RJ: It's not the last thing the WaPo, NYT, or the MS media think about when discussing Bob Knight. Don't be a naif, or feign to be one. Pretending ignorance is one of the more common varieties of sophistry.

There is broad, deep, long-term and very serious problems media with Bob Knight. They started long before Trump, and if Knight lives past 2020, will continue after Trump is gone. It's the tin-foil hats that think this is about Trump.

Cosby is lifelong Dem. He's been very outspoken for half a century. Were the attacks on him about being an Obama supporter?
Bob Knight is an outspoken proponent of President Trump, and was instrumental in his successful primary victory in Indiana which drove a stake through the heart of Ted Cruz's candidacy. Knight appeared at several of Trump's rallies and has spoken on his behalf at many other events. Knight was practically on Trump's campaign team. The Wapo, the NYT, and the broadcast media are all sworn to taking shots at Trump and anyone who supports him. To claim the Knight FBI piece wasn't about politics b/c Knight isn't a politician is disingenuous.

Because the allegations are notoriously used as such. See Duke Lacrosse, UVa Fraternity, other numerous cases where women have lied about it for various purposes. Nevertheless, if a serious case is made, with proper and timely charges and evidence, they need to be taken seriously. But Ph, this isn't a thread to "raise consciousness" on the issue. It's a crass political hate piece unworthy of your efforts.

What would you consider a serious case? Is a Republican even capable of sexual harassment in your world? You made it clear you'd be highly skeptical.
There is broad, deep, long-term and very serious problems media with Bob Knight. They started long before Trump, and if Knight lives past 2020, will continue after Trump is gone. It's the tin-foil hats that think this is about Trump.

Cosby is lifelong Dem. He's been very outspoken for half a century. Were the attacks on him about being an Obama supporter?

You tell me, RJ. I have no idea. It's your talking point.
I like the heel turn of "why don't you guys trust the FBI" to agreeing with the FBI = victim shaming