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Comey to Tesitfy About Trump Confrontations

So what's your theory, that Comey fabricated events in a memo months before being fired just to have dirt on Trump?
Nah just know human nature. It's convenient that all of a sudden you have memos that look bad for your former employer only after he shit cans you. If something bad happened, he should've said it then. Not like he ever had a problem leaking things in live time before, right? I mean isn't that what Hillary blames on her loss?

"Contemporaneous (“existing, occurring, or originating during the same time”)"
I don't have a "theory" I just don't find Comey trustworthy, and think he was a hopelessly incompetent FBI director, as did every single democrat in existence until he was fired and they decided it could help them against trump. Before he was fired that was the only things most democrats and republicans agreed on, the man sucked at his job. Now the only thing we can mostly agree on is that Kathy Griffin is a cunt
I don't have a "theory" I just don't find Comey trustworthy, and think he was a hopelessly incompetent FBI director, as did every single democrat in existence until he was fired and they decided it could help them against trump. Before he was fired that was the only things most democrats and republicans agreed on, the man sucked at his job. Now the only thing we can mostly agree on is that Kathy Griffin is a cunt

I don't remember if you railed against him for the Clinton e-mail announcement or not. Surely there's something in your post history to prove that you felt he's incompetent.
Nah just know human nature. It's convenient that all of a sudden you have memos that look bad for your former employer only after he shit cans you. If something bad happened, he should've said it then. Not like he ever had a problem leaking things in live time before, right? I mean isn't that what Hillary blames on her loss?

When you say he should have told somebody, do you mean, like, he should have written it down and shared it as an official document of some sort with other people in the FBI?
Nah just know human nature. It's convenient that all of a sudden you have memos that look bad for your former employer only after he shit cans you. If something bad happened, he should've said it then. Not like he ever had a problem leaking things in live time before, right? I mean isn't that what Hillary blames on her loss?

This is why doofus said what he said Catamount. We agree but some apparently don't.
When you say he should have told somebody, do you mean, like, he should have written it down and shared it as an official document of some sort with other people in the FBI?

No who would do that? That's sketchy. He should have tweeted about it birdman
So what's your theory, that Comey fabricated events in a memo months before being fired just to have dirt on Trump?

That he also shared with other people at the time he made the memos.

It's a deep state coup Avalon. Please keep up.
I don't remember if you railed against him for the Clinton e-mail announcement or not. Surely there's something in your post history to prove that you felt he's incompetent.

Uh pubs felt he was incompetent for not arresting her. Especially after bill went on a suspicious plane trip
It's amazing, Dems really think people on the opposite side are so stupid that no one will remember anything they railed against just a few months ago
It's amazing, Dems really think people on the opposite side are so stupid that no one will remember anything they railed against just a few months ago

It's amazing, you really don't understand timing and context. Also you don't understand that Comey may have made poor decisions but it doesn't make him a liar.

And you have to be really stupid not to understand that Trump fired Comey because Comey wouldn't drop the investigation.
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It's amazing, you really don't understand timing and context. Also you don't understand that Comey may have made poor decisions but it doesn't make him a liar.

And you have to be really stupid not to understand that Trump fired Comey because Comey wouldn't drop the investigation.

And you have to be incredibly stupid to think "memos" are gonna do a damn thing
tintin's right. the only time anyone ever says memo is "DIDN'T YOU GET THE MEMO!?" because they didn't because no one reads them
Went back to the thread when Comey leaked the Clinton emails. Like i said, both sides thought the dude sucked. pubs already believed he had a lack of integrity even before the leaks happened, as Knowell says near the beginning of the thread, and then dems thought the dude lacked integrity and was picking the side of Trump to be president. But now, it's absurd, partisan, and stupid to think the guy has a lack of integrity. I'm not missing any context, dems thought comey was a worthless piece of shit up until he was fired.

he just happens to drop the info about reopening the case right before the election??????? and the media is already reporting it inaccurately?

sounds like the media dn FBI are in the tank for Trump. classic


FBI trying to regain some bit of the integrity it lost earlier. May be too late for that.

Government only has integrity when it moves against one's political opponents

Dems are allowed to question integrity of FBI director, but not pubs now!

If this is true, he should have to resign as he clearly picked a candidate.

oof bad look gets worse for comey

Weird how all this is turning out.

I still don't think Comey is in the bag for either side, he's just not very good at his job.

He'll resign soon. And should. What a joke.

No, but he shouldn't publicize it with no definitive information this close to an election. That's why they have laws against such a thing.
SHouldn't publish allegations without definitive information, hmm...

I see the Clinton smear campaign of Comey is working well. It wasn't that long ago Dems couldn't get off that dudes dick.

Even REPUBLICANS are saying what he did last week was wrong, broke protocols and unprecedented. To say Clinton is alone or even out of the mainstream on this one is purely partisan.

another blatant questioning of integrity here

Looks like Comey buried the lede. Wonder why?


Leaking limited information about investigations is unfair. hmm

Given that the FBI already found classified information on the server and did not prosecute because of lack of intent, the chances they find something on Huma/Weiner laptop that leads to Hillary getting charged are pretty slim. They'd have to probably find some intent of deception or active hiding of emails of which Hillary had knowledge. Which is pretty unlikely. Given that it seems pretty unfair to Hillary to drop such a vague statement to the public before even looking at any documents. So much potential to be misunderstood and politicized so close to the election.

I like Hillary so maybe I'm shilling but I'm pretty sure I'd feel the same way if this happened to Mitt Romney or whatever. It's obviously hard to strip biases though so who knows.
You still don't get it. This isn't about Comey sucking.