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CTYB4.0: approaching Mako’s dinner time

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the Venn diagram between the guys who get up and move to the front of the aisle as soon as the plane gets to the gate and guys who film videos from their truck’s front seat complaining about pronouns is a perfect circle
it literally would've taken an intern combing through tweets, finding the mother died on 9/11 contradiction, then being like, hmm that doesn't add up, wonder what else he's lied about.
it literally would've taken an intern combing through tweets, finding the mother died on 9/11 contradiction, then being like, hmm that doesn't add up, wonder what else he's lied about.
Kinda sad the media did almost no basic research on a house candidate, but what do you expect in a state like…. New York that has very few media outlets.
They are great birds in Europe. Strong dislike for them here in North America. They are known for their amazing mumurations, when the flock up and move in congruent, fluid motion as if they are a giant amoeba in the sky. Like this:

They’re everywhere near me. They’re kinda cool looking up close, I dig their coloration or markings or whatever.
This George Santos guy is incredible. He literally lied about his entire life story. You have to respect the ambition.
in one tweet he said his mom died on 9/11; in another he mourned her passing on a completely different date. what an asshole.
They’re everywhere near me. They’re kinda cool looking up close, I dig their coloration or markings or whatever.
they will take over your neighborhood for a few weeks and then disappear. We were thronged with them in Dec 2020, but haven't seen nearly as many since.
man, not happy with the "assessment" done on my car. the adjustor did a virtual assessment, only looking at the front bumper damage. never mind that we couldn't get the hood open, there were wires hanging out and a chemical smell, and a dent on the back bumper from, you know, an adult black bear passing underneath the car at 70 mph. no telling what damage he did underneath.
$9 for a small popcorn. I don’t care what you say about inflation, that’s price gouging. The other option is $25 unlimited for a year with a $4.50 refill fee, to ensure that the American obesity problem does not subside.

People would probably be rebelling if they weren’t so out of breath.
maybe his rule is "bear hit = totaled"?
but it wasn't totaled. the initial assessment was just for front bumper damage. I'd love for the car to be repairable, but no way to tell based on that and I'm not sure what all the body shop can determine other than cosmetic damage. I also don't want to drive it away and some engine part fails that I'm then on the hook for a $5k repair.
what carrier is this?

i'm blown away by the handcuffs some companies [try to] place on people, if that's what's happening.

just go get a real estimate, assuming you can get one scheduled. the carrier will review the actual numbers and/should pay a supplement, assuming you're not approaching 75%ish of the total loss value
Apparently that John Ruiz guy who is pumping a zillion dollars of don’t-call-it-NIL money into Miami sports is also involved in this Santos thing? I can’t even keep up.
what carrier is this?

i'm blown away by the handcuffs some companies [try to] place on people, if that's what's happening.

just go get a real estimate, assuming you can get one scheduled. the carrier will review the actual numbers and/should pay a supplement, assuming you're not approaching 75%ish of the total loss value
State Farm. They had 3 preferred shops in Lynchburg, but all had massive backlogs (4-6 weeks before the car could even be looked at). Another good shop in town my FIL has used before was available so I went there. SF said they were sending out an adjustor but I guess they just went virtual.

I know they will supplement any additional costs, but if it is totaled I'd rather know now than 3-4 weeks from now when the car can actually be worked on.
State Farm. They had 3 preferred shops in Lynchburg, but all had massive backlogs (4-6 weeks before the car could even be looked at). Another good shop in town my FIL has used before was available so I went there. SF said they were sending out an adjustor but I guess they just went virtual.

I know they will supplement any additional costs, but if it is totaled I'd rather know now than 3-4 weeks from now when the car can actually be worked on.

i mean, some people really want to get a check ASAP so that's why companies do this virtual stuff, especially given the backlogs.

as i said, the total loss line is around 75% of the Retail ACV - so the rough value of your vehicle on a dealer lot.

i would ignore the adjuster and see what the shop says

Vin Diesel as the voice of Groot is the greatest money grab of all time.

other than Trump NFTs
$13 mill per movie!!
I mean it's pretty obvious why he makes so much money! When Vin Diesel was first approached to play Groot in Guardians of the Galaxy, he was skeptical. How could he possibly bring life to a character who could only say three words? But after reading the script and learning more about Groot's role in the story, Diesel knew he had to take on the challenge.

To prepare for the role, Diesel spent hours in the recording booth, experimenting with different inflections and tones to bring depth and emotion to the character. He also worked closely with the filmmakers to create a unique physical performance, using subtle movements and facial expressions to convey Groot's thoughts and feelings.

The result was a tour de force performance that garnered widespread acclaim from critics and audiences alike. Diesel's Groot was funny, endearing, and emotionally resonant, and he quickly became a fan favorite.

As the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise took off, Diesel became synonymous with the character of Groot, and he continued to bring new layers and depth to the role in each successive film. It was a true testament to Diesel's talent and dedication as an actor.
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