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Idiot occupies Oval Office, sources: Democrats' fault

The way this story is being reported just doesn't make a lot of sense. Would it surprise anyone if Trump ran his mouth and said something classified? Hell no. But why would so many "officials" past and present know all of the details of this highly classified and top secret information, and if they were worried about the information getting out as an ABC article says, "but officials worry these alleged disclosures to the Russians could jeopardize this intelligence-sharing operation." Then why the hell are they sharing all of it with the media so that now the entire world knows? The officials are directly contradicting themselves
The wapo has the info but they won't print it. How noble of them. Since when? That's what bothers me. Put the shit out there. If Russia knows, ISIS knows? Come on Wapo print it. PRINT IT. THEY HAVE IT. WHAT IS IT? LETS HAVE IT!!

Well Russia is fighting ISIS too. So ISIS probably doesn't have the information yet... or until the WAPO published this story.
It's almost like he's trying to get impeached.

He's gonna have to try a lot fucking harder. That rube support is as baked in as it gets.

The strangest thing about this story is that people seem surprised that this happened.

Seriously. Trump is being exactly who he campaigned to bed. A tiny dicked narcissistic asshole with the fragilest of masculinities who has no interest in learning anything to keep him from being in over his head.

Well, I voted for Trump.....and under the same circumstances, I would do it again. Democrats no longer represent normal, decent Americans. They consider those people to be the "deplorables"....to use their own words. If you do not believe that men should be allowed to go into girls' bathrooms, you are a deplorable. If you believe that there is nothing wrong with a 72% illegitimacy rate, you are a deplorable. If you don't believe that the police are the cause of crime in this country, you are a deplorable. You are just an uneducated rube that is to be looked down upon as unenlightened and inferior. That is where the Democrats placed me....and that is where I remain. And I would remind them that I do not represent the evangelicals. While I obviously have my own religious views about certain issues, I haven't attended a Sunday worship service at the Methodist church (which is right across the street from where I live and of which I have been a member for 60 years...I guess I am still a member) since June, 1968.....almost 49 years ago. (I have also never owned a gun in my life, so I don't come from that group, either.)


the only way for him to lose anyone else is if he kneeled for the national anthem.

He'd have to be black first.
Spoiler alert: if you voted for Trump and still support him, you're a fucking moron
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The Media is not used to dealing with a President who does not fear them and has no intention of groveling at their feet in order to get in their good graces. In other words, The Media is completely out of its element when trying to deal with Trump and is, obviously, becoming very perplexed about the situation. Desperate may be a better word to describe their situation.
How does anyone know what happens in a closed-door meeting in the Oval? How many people are in the room? Who there recognized Trump's classified reveal and ran to tell his bosses? What are the actual rules about recording such meetings?
The Media is not used to dealing with a President who does not fear them and has no intention of groveling at their feet in order to get in their good graces. In other words, The Media is completely out of its element when trying to deal with Trump and is, obviously, becoming very perplexed about the situation. Desperate may be a better word to describe their situation.
Fuck off
The Media is not used to dealing with a President who does not fear them and has no intention of groveling at their feet in order to get in their good graces. In other words, The Media is completely out of its element when trying to deal with Trump and is, obviously, becoming very perplexed about the situation. Desperate may be a better word to describe their situation.

Huh? "groveling at their feet in order to get in their good graces"? That describes Trump to a point.
The way this story is being reported just doesn't make a lot of sense. Would it surprise anyone if Trump ran his mouth and said something classified? Hell no. But why would so many "officials" past and present know all of the details of this highly classified and top secret information, and if they were worried about the information getting out as an ABC article says, "but officials worry these alleged disclosures to the Russians could jeopardize this intelligence-sharing operation." Then why the hell are they sharing all of it with the media so that now the entire world knows? The officials are directly contradicting themselves

this seems like an earnest, good faith question.

my understanding is there is a transcript of the entire exchange so a lot of people in and around the govt. found out this top secret info as soon as trump spilled the beans to the russians. they went into emergency clean up mode right after, limiting who saw the transcript but the number of people who now knew this information had just multiplied. hence it getting to WaPo.

the WaPo itself knows this top secret information now, all originating from trump leaking to the russians, WaPo didn't report what the actual leaked info was because the WH officials reaffirmed to them how classified it was to them. code level, so not only did a lot of our allies not know it, few in the US govt knew it before trump said something. damage is already done as far as the Russians knowing now so reporting on the story itself doesn't give anything else away not knowing what the piece of intel was.

but of course if there's a transcript it'll get out. that's why we shouldn't have a mental midget as president with this info. i mean your first line about running his mouth says it all. like all the classified stuff in the hillary email investigation were of the lowest level, some even retroactively classified. this was as top secret as it gets, and he told it in person to the russians.


What we have here...for the most part...is a bunch of coddled, two-bit nobodies who have never done shit in their entire lives except post on a fucking college chatboard but who have the audacity to actually believe that they are geniuses and a billionaire businessman who just won the United States Presidency against off-the-board odds in the biggest electoral upset in the nation's history is nothing but an idiot and a fool.

That is really remarkable, when you think about it.
Reuters reporting their own version now with their own sources.

Probably just the continued mediagarchy.
What we have here...for the most part...is a bunch of coddled, two-bit nobodies who have never done shit in their entire lives except post on a fucking college chatboard but who have the audacity to actually believe that they are geniuses and a billionaire businessman who just won the United States Presidency against off-the-board odds in the biggest electoral upset in the nation's history is nothing but an idiot and a fool.

That is really remarkable, when you think about it.

This guy fucks.
What's worse is the number of allies who will likely pull back on Intel sharing even more than they already have. If I'm Israel, and I now know that my intel could easily leak to Iran, you think I'm telling Trump and the US anything? Hell no.
What we have here...for the most part...is a bunch of coddled, two-bit nobodies who have never done shit in their entire lives except post on a fucking college chatboard but who have the audacity to actually believe that they are geniuses and a billionaire businessman who just won the United States Presidency against off-the-board odds in the biggest electoral upset in the nation's history is nothing but an idiot and a fool.

That is really remarkable, when you think about it.

says the man who has never left his two-bit, nobody town save 4 years at a nearby college and a few years wherever he was stationed in the army
What we have here...for the most part...is a bunch of coddled, two-bit nobodies who have never done shit in their entire lives except post on a fucking college chatboard but who have the audacity to actually believe that they are geniuses and a billionaire businessman who just won the United States Presidency against off-the-board odds in the biggest electoral upset in the nation's history is nothing but an idiot and a fool.

That is really remarkable, when you think about it.

The ones who have never made a mortgage payment in their lives are the worst.
What we have here...for the most part...is a bunch of coddled, two-bit nobodies who have never done shit in their entire lives except post on a fucking college chatboard but who have the audacity to actually believe that they are geniuses and a billionaire businessman who just won the United States Presidency against off-the-board odds in the biggest electoral upset in the nation's history is nothing but an idiot and a fool.

That is really remarkable, when you think about it.

it's pretty amazing that the only person in America that could do this without getting arrested is the President, and this is the current line of GOP defense. like Tillerson is done, would have to pardoned if he had done this.