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The Walking Dead SEASON FIVE THREAD! Good news: Show's back Bad news: So is Hardwick

WTF was up with the two burnt bodies? One was apparently Cutty's woman, but why were they burnt and not just killed? I'm guessing to stave off whatever flu is going around?

My first thought when Darryl was digging graves was, "Why aren't they burning the bodies?"

I also think they need to go out and find some sort of oil and just coat that area by the fence. Next time there is a buildup just torch those cats.
This show is so dumb, but I keep watching it.

WTF was up with the two burnt bodies? One was apparently Cutty's woman, but why were they burnt and not just killed? I'm guessing to stave off whatever flu is going around?

Also, why did they have to off her? There's only so much good looking ass in that jail and I'm tired of having to look at the old gray haired lesbian haircut chick. Whenever they cut to Herschel's daughter, she's always doing some loveydovey stupid shit with her BF. Hersch's youngest daughter is starting to fill out nicely though. Might be some spank bankable material from her in the near future, as long as Carl isn't around to be a bonerkill.

I love that ELC watches a zombie show seemingly for the sole purpose of cranking it.
I love that ELC watches a zombie show seemingly for the sole purpose of cranking it.

He obviously knows how to use a computer at least in some capacity...you'd think he know there's a lot of porn on the interwebs. Maybe that's just not doing it for him anymore? What's the deal, ELC?
I'm just saying that the show is basically boring as shit. Let's see, this week we will kill zombies. Next week, we will kill zombies. The week after that, you get the picture. Rinse and repeat. Keeping the eye candy around might not be a bad idea because even I tire of the nonstop zombie kill fest.
I'm just saying that the show is basically boring as shit. Let's see, this week we will kill zombies. Next week, we will kill zombies. The week after that, you get the picture. Rinse and repeat. Keeping the eye candy around might not be a bad idea because even I tire of the nonstop zombie kill fest.

I felt like this episode actually had some nice visual metaphors and character development. I figured that was your thing.
I felt like this episode actually had some nice visual metaphors and character development. I figured that was your thing.

I didn't sense much of that, but maybe it was because a lot of that was between gray hair lesbian haircut lady and Carl, two of my least favorite characters.
The biggest breakthrough obviously surrounded Michonne. She's been such an enigma and she finally has an emotional breakthrough in this episode. Hate all you want, but that scene had some fine acting in it.
What are the chances that the rat-feeder and body-burner is Dr. Whatshisname? There's a scientific element to that which makes me wonder. Then again, there easily could be a Governor plant who's fucking things up from within but that's kind of Kamakazish.

And Michionne seems to have gone all Lancelot- never staying in Camelot, always outside the walls, running rogue. Why hasn't she gone back to getting a pair of armless, jawless walkers? It seemed to work well for her before.
I've been pretty happy with the first two episodes so far, they've been a lot more intense and captivating compared to what I remember from last season. This summer I played the Walking Dead videogame and was reminded of how good the writing for TWD used to be, and thought that if the writing on the show was only half as good then it would be a huge improvement. These first two episodes have brought back some of the drama and sense of urgency that had been missing for a while.
I've been pretty happy with the first two episodes so far, they've been a lot more intense and captivating compared to what I remember from last season. This summer I played the Walking Dead videogame and was reminded of how good the writing for TWD used to be, and thought that if the writing on the show was only half as good then it would be a huge improvement. These first two episodes have brought back some of the drama and sense of urgency that had been missing for a while.

haha, when was the writing for The Walking Dead good?
M.E.Shonne Stuart? :)

Cutty/Tyrese is the new Dale. Bigger, blacker, lamer.

I think Tyrese is due to snap. There is a scene in the comics that took place where he found the burned bodies on the show (the yard in the middle of the prison) that matches anything badass that has happened on the show thus far.
This flu is looking like some real Captain Trips shit. All the survivors that have visions of crows are gonna go join the Governor.

If the flu had appeared in season 3 all they would've had to do was change Rick's name to Stu Redman and they'd be 95% of the way to remaking The Stand (with zombies).
I think Tyrese is due to snap. There is a scene in the comics that took place where he found the burned bodies on the show (the yard in the middle of the prison) that matches anything badass that has happened on the show thus far.

Unfortunately, much like Andrea, the show version of Tyrese is a pretty far cry from the comics version.
Unfortunately, much like Andrea, the show version of Tyrese is a pretty far cry from the comics version.

True, but he's still got the hammer and looks the part. I think he could/will snap at any moment. The problem (if you want to call it that) is the Darryl has been a proxy for Tyrese this entire time.