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Alas, here we go again, shooting in a Münich shopping center

Why would people rather fight a war against over a billion Muslims than identify and fight thousands of terrorists?

Makes you wonder.
Why would people rather fight a war against over a billion Muslims than identify and fight thousands of terrorists?

Makes you wonder.

See "Other Instruments of Power", supra.
If you are a good and decent person, do you ever join with ISIS?

And if you are good and decent and therefore wont join ISIS, why do you need to be separated from ISIS?
Poor, poor little infantilized W&B. How little faith you have in the "Most qualified candidate to be President since Thomas Jefferson" to leverage U.S. instruments of power. Your wounded feelings---once again punctured by the facts of a problem that toggles between "nonexistent and/or racist to even consider" and "so clearly manifest as to be unsolvable"---need to step out from behind the parapet of the Butthurtmoor Estate you've constructed to protect your feeling and consider what our options are (hint: fortunately, we have the most competent diplomat in all of Equalia to guide us down the path; the maestro of Libyan Liberation and the Queen Bee of the Arab Spring).

How much do we spend on Middle Eastern oil every hour equipping the regimes that turn a blind eye to Wahhabism? As a Green, National Defense and America-First Republican, I think we could actually do a small fraction of the things the current President promised to domestic and sustainabalize((c)jhmd) our energy needs. Taking away the funding of Middle Eastern regimes that allow the extremism to foment (and even encourage it) would be a fine, first step (anytime, Mr. President). What did this Administration do? Give Iran $150B and license to run a nuclear energy program. Because of course they did. How else could a 12th century economy sitting on a sea of oil ever meet its energy needs? Obviously, for Iranian nomadic goat farmers, it's fission or GTFO.

If Dems and Pubs can't agree on the need to defund Middle Eastern governments, what's left? Let's agree to start there before we throw up our hands in tearful surrender, okay Pumpkin?

that was pretty good. I loled.

Soooo, here it is folks, the big bold solution for the frightened class.....defund the middle east!!! This should surely assuage the fog of horror The Perpetually Frightened© walk around in with their guns cocked and beady eyes searing into every Arabic looking and sounding person on the train, questioning if they "love us." This should calm the trembling hands tapping away on keyboards on message boards about liberals who deny the FACTS. How did I not see that? Hell, I'm on board with that!! Stop driving SUV's or something, I imagine. Tariffs on foreign oil, maybe? Not sure, need more explanation. I've never driven anything but small cars so I think Im helping. And that $150 billion check we scratched to the Iranians? Damn why did we do that?!?!?!? We didn't see the problem!!
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After I stopped crying over your post and pulled myself together, I recalled that I thought I had read that the US in fact had cut oil imports from OPEC nations. Or maybe I had heard it on one of my liberal threat-denying radio programs. So I looked it up on the Google machine and found this. What do you make of it? Its got one of those American Enterprise Institute guys in it so I thought you'd like it.


US Oil Imports From OPEC Down 60 Percent From 2008 Highs

Crude oil from OPEC countries to the U.S. are at their lowest levels since 1987, falling nearly 60 percent from their peak in 2008 when prices were much higher and hydraulic fracturing spurred a domestic energy boom.

So we frack ourselves out!!!!
Give Iran $150B and license to run a nuclear energy program.

read until here, rolled my eyes at your utter lack of appreciation of fact, and then stopped reading your post to give you any sort of respectful response. the 150 bil number is pure fantasy. go educate yourself, you clown.
Yep, German police still reporting no link to Isis or religion. Just a kid on a columbine style rampage. But keep wishing for a connection to your favorite whipping boy.

Really it's disgusting, guys. There are plenty of legitimate things to say about Islam and terror and refugees etc, but the way you jumped on this incident to score points before the bodies cooled was disappointing.

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
read until here, rolled my eyes at your utter lack of appreciation of fact, and then stopped reading your post to give you any sort of respectful response. the 150 bil number is pure fantasy. go educate yourself, you clown.

So you're saying John Kerry didn't wash his feet, then rise up from evening prayers with the Obamas and write a check to the ayatollah while slapping him on the back and denying terrorism together?
It's 5 years from Breivik's attack, you turds.

Trooth. What kind of idiot would ignore an important anniversary in trying to explain the cause of an attack during an election year? Can you even imagine?
Yep, German police still reporting no link to Isis or religion. Just a kid on a columbine style rampage. But keep wishing for a connection to your favorite whipping boy.

Really it's disgusting, guys. There are plenty of legitimate things to say about Islam and terror and refugees etc, but the way you jumped on this incident to score points before the bodies cooled was disappointing.

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

When are you going to say them? That's why people are making fun of the apologists (if the shoe fits...) who rush in to deny the obvious problem.

What's your point, anyway? That it doesn't count if the man of Middle Eastern descent is homegrown (that he had to seek out his Iranian citizenship, rather than being born into it?) It's "workplace violence" unless the shooter had to cross a border?
"The 18-year-old gunman who killed nine people in Munich was obsessed with mass shootings but had no known links to the Islamic State group, German police say.

Written material on such attacks was found in his room. Munich's police chief spoke of links to the massacre by Norway's Anders Behring Breivik."

When are you going to say them? That's why people are making fun of the apologists (if the shoe fits...) who rush in to deny the obvious problem.

What's your point, anyway? That it doesn't count if the man of Middle Eastern descent is homegrown (that he had to seek out his Iranian citizenship, rather than being born into it?) It's "workplace violence" unless the shooter had to cross a border?

Facts aren't Play-Doh, you don't get to mold them to fit your preconceived notions.

And are you trying to link a teenager of Iranian decent to ISIS?
"The 18-year-old gunman who killed nine people in Munich was obsessed with mass shootings but had no known links to the Islamic State group, German police say.

Written material on such attacks was found in his room. Munich's police chief spoke of links to the massacre by Norway's Anders Behring Breivik."


Right. When I learned of another mass shooting in Europe I---like you---immediately assumed it was an elderly Amish female gunman. Or maybe an octogenarian shuffle-boarding Nebraskan. Turns out, it was a MAM of Middle Eastern descent. I'm as stunned as you are.
Police are saying there are no links to Islamic terrorism and jhmd doubles and triples down on the Islamophobia.

DV7, we've had our problems, BUT I thought you'd remember a mantra of mine when trying to deal jhmd, sailor, the bobs:

"Don't bother them with FACTS."

Sometimes the oldies are the goodies and accurate. :)
Apparently we are supposed to:

1) say "Islamic terrorism is a huge problem and Islam is a religion of evil" into the mirror every morning, and to people we see and interact with daily
2) use less oil

This shit is fascinating. It's so easy anyone could do it!
Right. When I learned of another mass shooting in Europe I---like you---immediately assumed it was an elderly Amish female gunman. Or maybe an octogenarian shuffle-boarding Nebraskan. Turns out, it was a MAM of Middle Eastern descent. I'm as stunned as you are.

I didn't immediately assume anything. I just posted a quote from an article about the details of the assholes' apparent motivation.